I'd Rather Be Rich (Universal Pictures) (1964)

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ANDRA DEE, =) ROBERT GOULET ee ANDY WILLIAMS az HERMIONE GINGOLD git CHARLIE RUGGLES Hear Poi ANDY swing 3 hit tunes 3: and the 3 title song HH: with BOB! az GENE RAYMOND SANDRA DEE a ROBERT GOULET a ANDY WILLIAMS geese: seven: peeeer See ee eee Geo ren ee nn Silat re Oe AS ed ee ee ene HEE HEHE A ROSS HUNTER Production tgs (a et, Se eee (7 eee a In Eastman iit HERMIONE GINGOLD CHARLIE RUGGLES GENE RAYMOND 3: HEE se eeee*COLORe++eeeeeesseee foes HE “MAURICE CHEVALIER: | aw MAURICE CHEVALIER: 9 TH Witten by OSCAR BRODNEY, NORMAN KRASNA and LEO TOWNSEND $333 HHH written by OSCAR BRODNEY, NORMAN KRASNA and LEO TOWNSEND ie sense ae Directed by JACK SMIGHT Produced by ROSS HUNTER a uNIveRSAL PICTURE oa HE Directed by JACK SMIGHTProduced by ROSS HUNTER -A Universal Picture He THEATRE THEATRE HH a a, AD MAT NO, 208 AD MAT NO. 206 Ad Mat. No. 208—2 Col. x 8"—220 Lines Ad Mat No. 206—2 Col. x 734 —210 Lines COLOR SANDRA DEE ...With a new look that’s got the Men looking! Hear ANDY swing 3 hit tunes and the title song with BOB! ge ae | ROBERT GOULET Potent COLOR WHEN IT COMES TO MEN... Ee le elon m MAURICE CHEVALIER : ; OR MONEY...Shesthe = ANDY WILLIAMS as PHILIP DULAINE Richest Girl ...80ng duets with Bob in Town / love duets with Sandra! HERMIONE GINGOLD ... She's a trained nurse who needs a doctor! CHARLIE RUGGLES -.. he thinks the hot water bag can cure anything! GENE RAYMOND -».@ personal secretary who gets too personal! / MAURICE CHEVALIER 1 -.. aS Philip Dulaine... reunited OR with his ‘sweetheart’ from Gigi! UTILITY MAT NO. | Page 10