Shenandoah (Universal Pictures) (1965)

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Two Mighty Armies Trampled Its Valley... A Fighting Family gs... Challenged Them Both! Never has the epic struggle been shown with greater faith and fury... than through the eyes and hearts of the proud Andersons! UNIVERSAL PRESENTS JAMES STEWART CO-STARRING DOUG McCLUREpage ge! WAYNE HARINE ROSS anoR lll Sat ate TECHN ICOLOR Written by JAMES LEE BARRETT Directed by ANDREW V. McLAGLEN Produced by ROBERT ARTHUR A UNIVERSAL PICTURE THEATRE MAT No. 405 Ad Mat. No. 405—4 Col. x 1 1!/.""—640 Lines Ad No. 405 is also available in 2 colors and in 2 sizes. It has been prepared as a 4 col. x 160 line, and as a 5 col. x 200 line. Please order the 2 color mats direct from Advertising Dept., Universal Pictures Co., Inc., 445 Park Ave., New York City. The 4 col. is Ad Mat No. 406 and the 5 col. is No. 502. All other mats should be ordered from your National Screen Branch. Page 5