3 on a Match (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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: . Was awarded two scholarships that year. First opportunity came when Conroy introduced her to George Cukor . She was promptly engaged to work in Cukor’s stock company in Rochester, N. Y. Then played stock at the Cape Cod Playhouse ... For one week ... But James Light, stage . . . But for the girl to commence her career auspiciously was something else again. . . She looked for film work at the Metro-GoldwynMayer Studio and was accepted as a chorus dancer, although she knew nothing about dancing Became dance instruectress at this studio in a few months ... Then Joan Crawford and others became interested in to Howard a test, then the leading role in That was the begin her. . . Introduced her Hughes, who gave her signed her for ‘*Scarface.’? AWN DVORAK oa UUUAUUUULLUULLAUUULUALLUUULUEUULLUULULULHUL ULL LLU a Ll — = Rye ; : op ie . Ann Dvorak was born Ann McKim in New York City on August = = Bette Davis was born Ruth Elizabeth Davis on April 5, 1908, in 19: 1919, ‘The name Dvorak—pronounced tex chan) uw @ Saniily Z = lowell, Mass... . Movies not responsible for changing her name . wamelor her wiher aeede: z = rs ° . > ee Ba => = Changed it while in high school... Educated in Newton High School Was educated at St. Catherine’s Convent, New York City, and = = and then ‘‘finished”’ at Cushing Academy. at the Page School for Girls, Los Angeles .. . Wrote and ph oe = m = : ae ee plays in school . . . Occasionally acted in them ... Won two schoo = Bette’s earliest ambition was to be a nurse... Sight of blood eee Ream gate: | = cured her... During school days decided she wanted to go on the Ta vliest cai on vac eoerite nbete and song lyries . . . Still = stage... At high school she played the lead in ‘‘Seventeen’’ and her ambition to write song lyrics (she has composed some rather good ~< = ‘The Charm School’’... Then studied nature dancing. ones ) and she would like to write a good play, a good novel, and do = ee : baa sheg dramatic criticisms ... She would like, at the same time. to continue 2 3 avon ine — ie eee a ss her screen work and be a very great = Frank Conroy who convinced her actactress . . . There are many things = gases nor: real telat joer A she would like to do if she had the Ps = her mother ieee to ie fe ceo rae : = mediately . She enrolled in John = Murray Anderson’s dramatic school Her mother and father are of the UTTAR LLU ULL UU EE ULL LL ULL PLL LULU LULL LUELLA L MALLU AHUILUUUUIUSULVUU SEIU LLUVUITAUCLUVUTAULTUTU UU LULU Le j i 3 } the director, was impressed ... Gave : her a good role in ‘‘The Earth Be | tween,’’ which came to New York. . BETTE DAVIS ‘ wi Saw her first good notices in the New A caricature of Bette Davis by Winifield € York papers. Meggs. = Broadway ... Her next role was Cut No.8 Cut15e Mat 5e = with Blanche Yurka in Ibsen reper a = toire ... Made her first appearance mostly mashed potatoes . Beeause . = in ‘‘The Wild Duck.’’ Following of this was nicknamed ‘‘Spuds’’ [ = the Ibsen season she appeared in when in boarding school... Fond of | f = ‘Broken Dishes,’’ then with Richard lettuce salad and has a favorite way St = Bennett in ‘‘Solid South.’’ of fixing it ... Here’s how: Lettuce, | = Then came the call of the jumping with oil, vinegar, garlic, pearl onions, | + = gelatines Bette Davis went to Worcestershire sauce, cider and spices ) = Hollywood. oS in well-measured proportions ... Likes quit Beach . lay backgammon... venais, George Kaufman... music of George Gershwin and the Tikes tocwaten and heen semohonic music of Franz Shubert. fodtball “Favorite screen rule was wilh Joa “Warren William and Ann WOrak in ‘‘Three On A Match,’’ the First National picture coming to the games, | be aan is. t 5 keep c&@p acting... toast Melba with it. = a = er favorite actors of the screen Bette has no beauty secrets. = : = are Paul Muni, George Ari ‘iss, Kay Favorite outdoor sports are horse= } 2 Francis and Barbara Stanwy CK back riding and golf . Is an ex= = Of the stage she likes Leslie “Howard cellent swimmer Said to be the = 3 = and Katherine Cornell... Favorite only woman who ever qualified as a = = playwrights are Phillip Barry and life guard at the fashionable Ogun= = Likes the ~ Jaz . Indoors she likes to = Hill Matches. 7 Says she has no time for hobbies . Declares collecting press clippings is her only fad ... Drives an Auburn ris see ee A AMUBPRERG” MOM 22 v5 aes, se phaeton ... She likes to read about Favorite stage role is Hedwig in ‘‘ The polities. Wild Duck.’’ Not particularly interested in any of the Seven Lively Arts—outside of the drama ... Likes good books. . Favorites are ‘‘Silas Marner’’ by George Eliot, and the novels of Jane Austin and Charlotte Bronte ... Of modern authors she particularly likes Krnest Hemingway, Susan Ertz, Beyerly Nichols, Noel Coward and Dr. Is five feet 3% inches tall, weighs Munthe’s ‘‘Story of San Michele.’’ 106 pounds, has blue eyes and blonde Has never traveled a great deal— hair. outside of the United States— She is but thinks she would like Hawaii. . . Likes Hollywood as a place to buy clothes, declaring the shops have real advanced styles. Does absolutely nothing to keep fit . Her favorite diet—if any—is a vegetable one .. . Likes potatoes— Dislikes posing for portraits and *“still’’ pictures—especially fashions . Doesn’t like to have to take care that her hair might be disarranged on the studio set during a day’s work ... Does not like highbrows ... Not particularly economical but describes herself as ‘‘pound wise and penny foolish.’’ * 22 A under contract to Warner Brothers-First National Pictures, Inc., and her recent pictures in addition to “‘Three On A Match,’’ are ‘‘The Man Who Played God,’’ ‘‘So Big,’’ “‘The Rich Are Always With Us,’’ ““The’ Cabin In The Cotton’’ and “«The Dark Horse.’’ SLUM ULL Hy HINTS TAU AEUTT JHNTIUNUIUVUUIVEVLULVUVLULUUUUULUUIVITUUVUIUUIVVOVVGUUOLULUTGUIUUUALULVIUUIUULUVUUUUUULOLIEOEULLULH A HULUTUUUTUUUUTAUUU UA Star Owns Filmdom’s Most Famous Name CURRENT SHORTS Lyle Talbot is the rightful owner of the most famous name in motion meat, a great deal of tomato juice and ning. Prefers screen to the stage . . . Declares she knows little about the stage except for a brief time in her career when she was a dancer. Is interested in all the arts except sculpture. .. Has dabbled in sketching since childhood. . . Most of all she likes music. . . Plays the piano very well. . . She likes the music of George Gershwin. Of grand opera and symphonic composers she favors Verdi and Chopin. She swims at every opportunity, plays tennis, and takes sun baths. . . Her favorite sports are tennis, swimming and riding. . . She plays the piano indoors . . . Doesn’t like bridge . Plays chess fairly well ... Likes s wateh tennis matches. fresh sliced tomatoes, vegetables of all kinds, and NO desserts. Her favorite dish is a special salad called ‘‘Dvorak’s Own.’’ . . . Here it is: Peel and slice tomatoes, add some hearts of artichokes, asparagus tips... Then figs, swimming in French dressing. . She says, ‘‘It’s a big salad and a good one.’’ Her beauty secrets are simple. . . Has a bath spray attached to the tub faucet ... gives her face a sharp cold spray seeaadl times daily Using a camel’s hair tooth brush and good soap, she scrubs her entire face hard twice a week, scrubbing pores of nose and chin, then rinsing with hot, then cold water. . . Then she puts on good tissue cream for fifteen minutes, removes and uses cold spray as already mentioned. Her hobbies chiefly consist of her piano and the beach . Reads a lot . . . Likes the novels of Ernest Ann Dvorak—Artist Art galleries, as well as the screen, will soon be exhibiting the Ann Dvorak as sketched by Winfield Meggs,, caricaturist. Cut No.1 Outi15e Mat de Hemingway, Theodore Dreiser, Louis Bromfield, and the plays of Noel Coward and Frederic Lonsdale . . She owns a Boston Bull—her name is.“ Buddy.” Pet aversions include heavy food and boiled dinners ... Not fond of watching athletic games, except fast tennis matches . ... Dislikes untrue stories which were once circulated. telling of her early poverty ... Was upset at the report that she had blondined her hair—she was wearing a blonde wig for a picture. When she was asked her views on domesticity she declared: ‘‘TIt’s all cae with my work or nao as The day after she made this statement—March 17th, 1932—she flew to Yuma, Arizona, with Leslie Fenton and they were married ... Both had just finished work in the picture, ‘“The Strange Love of Molly Louvain.’’ . She had played the role of the heroine and Fenton had been the villain... They are now touring Europe. Ann Dvorak is 5 feet 41%4 inches tall, weighs 110 pounds, has green eyes and brown hair. She is under contract to Warner Bros.-First National Pictures and her recent pictures include: ‘‘The Crowd Roars,’’ ‘‘The Strange Love of Molly Louvain,’’ ‘‘Love Is a Racket,’’ and ‘‘Three On A Match,’’ the First National picture in which she, Joan Blondell, Warren William, and Bette Davis are coming to the Theatre next Sl ANA 4 Famous Screen Stars in “Three On A Match” right if you, don let it Comuiate oie TUTTLE LR ALLL LULL LLL LLL LL Sal IMINO One of the most important group pictures, but he never uses it. His family name is Hollywood but he discarded it for Talbot when he became an actor, because he felt sure nobody would believe that Hollywood was anything but the name of a place. Born in Pittsburgh of a theatrical family, Lyle has been on the stage ever since he was sixteen years old. His father owned his own stock companies: throughout the Middle West and Lyle took to the stage like a duck to water. Then a screen test at Warner Bros. brought him an opportunity and he made his debut in front of the camera with Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., in ‘*Love Is A Racket.’’ A contract followed without delay. Inereasingly important roles have come Lyle’s way in ‘‘The Purchase Price’? with Barbara Stanwyck, starring Chick Sale, and ‘‘Big City Blues’’ with. Joan Blondell. Talbot has tried most of the sports, but his personal preferences are ten nis, and is one of Hollywood’s ardent ly golf and handball. He reads wide first edition fans. Ann Dvorak Uses Maid As Her German Tutor Ann Dvorak, one of the principal players in ‘Three On A Match,’’ now FET eh) 0X anaes ees ey ee Theatre, has a new maid. She was selected, after weeks of interviewing prospective servants, not for her talents at keeping house, but for her ability to speak German. Ann’s learning the language, and after a week’s study, astounds the studio by carrying on simple conversations with what linguists say is a perfect accent. Once she masters this language, she says, French and Spanish will be next, and after that, Italian. She plans to spend the rest of her life working at some language, and believes she’ll have a chance to use them in a couple of years when she and her husband, Leslie Fenton, go abroad, as they are planning to do. Joan Blondell and Bette Davis are the other two girls in the picture which is an original screen drama by Kubee Glasmon and John Bright. work of Ann Dvorak, one of the three leading ladies opposite Warren William in the First National ‘““Three On A Match,’’ TOW ats LIL Oiese eee ae Theatre. picture, The young actress has gone in seriey: ously for painting, and can be found at her easel at home when not at work at the studio. The other two leading ladies in ““Three On A Match’? are Blondell and Bette Davis, and the Joan balance of the cast includes Lyle Talbot, Allen Jenkins, Sheila Terry, Humphrey Bogart, and many others. The story was writ ten by Kubee Glasmon and John Bright LeRoy. and directed by Mervyn ings of players in any motion picture this year is to be found in First National’s ‘‘Three On A Match’? at UD Ge se tier ls ee aa Theatre. Three of the most important young girl stars—Joan Blondell, Ann Dvorak and Bette Davis—are grouped opposite Warren William, hero of ‘‘The Mouthpiece’? and ‘‘The Dark Horse. ’’ Miss Blondell’s most reeent suecesses are: ‘Big City Blues,’’ ‘‘ Miss Pinkerton’’ and “<The Crowd Roars’’; Miss Dvorak clicked in that one, ‘‘Scarface,’’ ‘‘ The Strange Love of Molly Louvain,’’ and ‘‘Stranger In Town,’’ and Miss Davis scored in “<The Dark Horse,’’ ‘‘The Man Who Played God,’’ ‘‘The Rich Are Always With Us’’ and ‘‘So Big.’’ Mervyn LeRoy directed ‘‘ Three On A Match,’’ with a cast that includes, besides the above mentioned principals, Lyle Talbot, Gloria Shea, Grant Mitchell, Sheila Terry, Hale Hamilton and Buster Phelps. “<Three On A Match’’ was taken from an original story by Kubee Glasmon and John Bright. Lucien Hubbard did the screen play. Page Twenty-three