3 Sons Oguns (Warner Bros.) (1941)

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-—RAMBEAU RICH SPECIAL QUANTITY PRICES SIX-SHEETS 25 10°49 0 eS 80c each e1 6) eo, 's Se elle) Ce. 6 100 and over ...... .. .60c each THREE-SHEETS BO £6.99 3 eke 32c each 100 and over ........ 28c each ONE-SHEETS BO to 98 6.2 ae 11c each fade knee 9c each 6° ee WLS Me where e 47 8tje air 8.8 ete elke: WAYNE MORR! ena THREE-SHEET Rental: 24c ff ‘SLIDE |." ... . -.4Price: 15¢ INSERT CARD MAINE MORRIS Rental: 12c R %OR: WEL. e ath GET UP oo’ eG “Gait GET UP Pa 8 COLORED 11 x 14’s ... Rental: 35c for Set PRABERE «WICH: BROW « Ree SIGNED STAR FOTOS FOR GIVEAWAYS 11” x 14” color glos priced: 25 and over—20c each; 10 to 24—-30c each; 1 to 9— 35c each. Also available in 8” x 10” size at 15c. 8” x 10” autographed fan foto priced: 1,000 to 2,000 —$4.40 per M; 3,000 to 4,000—$4.20 per M. Lower prices on larger quantities. a ee aon WARER BROS. 2 COLORED 22 x 28’s Rental: 20c each PRINTED IN U.S.A.