42nd Street (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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3 Day Popular Dramalog Contest Again a nation wide demand for the fascinating ‘““‘Dramalog Contests’ deluges the Warner Bros. Exploitation Department. These extremely popular newspaper features have helped so materially to successfully exploit recent Warner product that we are glad to comply with these urgent requests. On “42nd STREET” particularly this cooperative newspaper stunt will appeal to movie fans everywhere. Its value to the paper as a circulation builder and to the theatre as a compelling attention arrester is a recognized fact. Furthermore this will help to emphasize the dramatic qualities of the production. MOVIE DRAMALOG ' No. l Here we have Bebe Daniels of Warner Bros. great musical production ‘‘42nd Street,’’ which comes to the................00....0005 THestre Nest in a scene with Warner Baxter, who, cast as a famous stage director, watches the rehearsal with the star who has broken her ankle and has been forced to give up her part to an ambitious chorus girl. What is the injured star telling her director? Cut Out the Coupon and Fill in Your Original Dramalog Dramalog Editor, New York Courier: I suggest as my Dramalog for Test No. 1, that Bebe Daniels might be saying: Answers must be received by Winners will be announced in N. Y. Courier. 23 PRIZES EVERY DAY $15 in Cash — 20 Pairs Warner Bros. Tickets Rules for Dramalogs are simple. They must not exceed ten words. They may be written in the coupon above or upon any piece of plain paper. Originality is expected. You don’t have to quote the exact conversation of the stars in the movie! You don’t have to see the show. Any reader of the New York Courier, with the exception of employees of the Courier and Warner Bros. Theatres, may compete. No one contestant may win more than $10. in prizes nor more than three pairs of tickets. FIRST PRIZE SECOND PRIZE THIRD PRIZE FIVE PRIZES of And 20 Prizes of TWO GUEST TICKETS to witness ‘‘42nd Street’’ at the Strand Theatre next week. ANOTHER DRAMALOG TOMORROW. NEW YORK COURIER. MOVIE DRAMALOG No. 2 Here we have Ginger Rogers, as the vamping chorine in Warner Bros.’ big musical production ‘‘42nd Street,’’ which GOMES LOcthe soc Theatre, next............ epic eae ; putting her mark on Guy Kibbee, angel of the show. What is the unsuspecting old rounder saying to her? Pick up all copy in No. 1 starting with, “cut out the coupon”’ to “fill in your own dramalog,” and add to the foregoing. MOVIE DRAMALOG No. 3 Here we have a dramatic scene from Warner Bros.’ great musical production ‘‘42nd Street,’’ which comes to the Theatre, next , n which Bebe Daniels as the star finds Ruby Keeler as a chorus girl novice, playing up to her boy friend (George Brent). What does Bebe say? Pick up all copy in No. 1 starting with, “cut out the coupon” to “fill in your own dramalog,” and add to the foregoing. Illustrations available im one piece. Order Cut No. 22 Cut 40ce Mat 20c Page Twenty-seven