42nd Street (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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aay Newspaper Contest Challenges Fans’ Knowledge of Players The following unusual contest will interest every fan in town because it is a challenge to their professed familiarity with the lives and aetivities of the film players. Ten questionnaires, of ten questions each, referring to ten of the stars in “42nd Street,” are printed in the cooperating newspaper, twoa-day, covering the five days of the campaign. Guest tickets are awarded daily, to the ten persons sending in the most nearly correct answers. Their names and addresses are also given in the paper. At the end of the contest grand prizes are presented to the five persons who have mailed in the largest number of right answers to the one hundred questions that have been propounded during the period. The ten questionnaires (with answers for your use) are given below, following suggestions for publicity stories. (First Publicity Story) How Well Do You Know Your Film Favorites? Fine Prizes and Tickets to “42nd Street’’ for Fans Most Familiar With Pedigrees of 10 Big in Strand’s Brilliant Musical Hit In connection with “42nd Street,” the sensational Warner Bros. screen show-within-a-show, which opens at the Strand Theatre next See rose Manager Eeace. and the Editor of this paper, are presenting a contest open to every fan in town. It is a challenge to the knowledge of the movie-goers, regarding the lives and activities of the stars. The “42nd Street” contest, which begins today, will continue for five days. Each day two questionnaires of ten questions each—referring to stars in “42nd Street”—will be published. Contestants will tear out the coupon, fill in the answers, and at once mail the results to the “42nd Street” Editor at the Strand Theatre. Answers must be mailed by ten o’clock on the morning following the appearance of the questionnaire. Daily awards of pairs of guest tickets, will be made to the ten persons who send in the best answers. At the end of the contest grand prizes" (list them here) will be given gy oe — day. Get at them right away. Names of those who win the compliméatary tickets will be published daily: FIRST DAY WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT BEBE DANIELS? (Do not publish these answers) 1. WHERE WAS SHE BORN? Ans.—Dallas, Texas. 2. WERE HER PARENTS THEATRICAL PEOPLE? Ans.— Yes. 3. WHAT SCREEN STAR IS HER HUSBAND? Ans.— Ben Lyon. 4, HAVE THE COUPLE ANY CHILDREN ? Ans.—One daughter. 5. WHAT IS MISS DANIELS’ HEIGHT? Ans.—5 feet 3 inches. Sign over 6. WHAT IS HER WEIGHT? Ans.—112 pounds. 7. WHAT COLOR IS HER HAIR? Ans.—Black. 8. WHAT COLOR EYES HAS SHE? Ans.—Brown. 9. IN WHAT ED. G. ROBINSON FILM DID SHE LATELY APPEAR? Ans.—‘‘ Silver Dollar.’’ 10. NAME TWO OF HER BIG SCREEN HITS. Ans.—‘‘Diaxiana,’’ ‘‘ Rio Rita,’ ae ‘* Maltese Falcon,’’ ‘<The Honor of the Family © WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT GEORGE BRENT? 1. WHERE WAS HE BORN? Ans.—Ireland. 2. HOW OLD IS HE? Ans.—29. 3. HOW TALL IS HE? Ans.—6 feet. 4. WHAT IS HIS WEIGHT Ans.—165 pounds. 6. WHAT COLOR: 18 1 ‘HIS Harr | OS ule TOUR THE U. St Ans.—‘‘ Abie’s Irish Rose.’’ 9. NAME THREE OF HIS PICTURES. Ans.— ‘The Crash,’’ ‘‘ They Call It Sin,’’ ‘‘The Purchase Price,’’ “Week End Marriage,’’ ‘‘ Miss Pinkerton.’’ 10. NAME THREE FAMOUS SCREEN STARS FOR WHOM HE HAS BEEN LEADING MAN. Ans.—Joan Blondell, Ruth Chatterton, Loretta Young, Barbara Stanwyck. Get your answers off by ten A. M. tomorrow, and be all set for the next list, in tomorrow’s (name of paper). This will be a hot contest. Don’t let that pal of yours beat you to it. You know your Hollywood —and here’s your chance to prove it. Get on the ‘‘42nd Street’’ Special! Entrance A pictorial array of beautiful girls taken from the production stills and executed by your lobby artist beneath which the following caption is given will tend to further sell “42nd Street”’ in a big way. “THROUGH THESE PORTALS YOU PASS TO. THE 200 MOST BEAUTIFUL SHOW GIRLS IN ALL THE WORLD.” Page Thirty-two (Second Publicity Story) — Local Movie Fans Quick to Enter ‘42nd Street’ Contest Hundreds of Answers Swamp Strand Theatre, Wide Awake Movie Fans Win Contest Tickets To Coming “42nd Street” Sensation HE ‘‘42nd Street’’ star contest promises to be the biggest thing of the kind ever inaugurated by the Strand and the (name of paper.) Letters by the hundreds are pouring in, and postman (name of local postman) threatens to apply for help unless the deluge lets down. If you’re not already in the race, begin today. eligible for guest tickets. You are If you get yesterday’s (name of paper) you may still compete for one of the grand prizes (list them here) which will be awarded at the end of the campaign, to the five persons, sending in the biggest proportion of okay answers to the one hundred questions. -Those who received braces of guest tickets to “42nd Street” are (names and addresses here). Here are today’s questionnaires. Get go ing. Is your pencil sharp? How is your movie memory? Swell? Good! Go to it! | SECOND DAY | WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT UNA MERKEL? 1. WHERE WAS SHE BORN? Ans—Covington, Ky. 2. WHERE DID SHE ATTEND FINISHING SCHOOL? Philadelphia, Pa. 3. NAME ONE OF HER STAGE SUCCESSES Ans.—‘‘ Pigs’’ and ‘‘Coquette.’’ 4, WHAT PART DID SHE PLAY IN THE LINCOLN FILM? Ans.—Ann Rutledge. 5. WHAT IS HER HEIGHT? Ans.—Five feet five inches. 6. WHAT DOES SHE WEIGH? Ans.—108 pounds. 7. WHAT COLOR IS HER HAIR?| Ans.—Blonde. _ 8. WHAT COLOR ARE HER BYERS — iS Ss CESSES. Ans.— ‘They Call It Sin,’’ __‘*Fame,’’ ‘‘Daddy Long Legs,’’ ‘* Private Lives.’’ 10. WHAT IS HER NEWEST FILM? Ans.—‘ ‘42nd Street.’’ WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT WARNER BAXTER? 1. WHERE WAS HE BORN? Ans.—Columbus, Ohio. 2. WHAT IS HIS HEIGHT? Ans.—5 feet 1034 inches. 3. WHAT DOES HE WEIGH? Ans.—150 pounds. 4, WHAT COLOR ARE HIS EYES? Ans.— Brown. 5. HIS HAIR? Ans.— Brown. 6. WHAT _ARE HIS FAVORITE SPORTS? Ans.—Swimming, tennis, hunting. 7. DID HE HAVE STAGE EXPERIENCE? Ans.—Yes. 8. NAME THREE OF HIS RE CENT FILMS. Ans.—‘ ‘Six Hours. to Live,’’ ““Doctors’ Wives,’’ ‘‘In Old Arizona,’’ ‘‘Their Mad Mo ment,’’ ‘‘Daddy Long Legs,’’ ‘“Cisco Kid,’’ ‘‘The Squaw Man.’’ 9. WHAT CHANGE IN THE MOVIES BROUGHT HIM FAME? Ans.—Talking. 10. WHAT O. HENRY CHARACTER DID HE PORTRAY? Ans.—The Cisco Kid. THIRD DAY WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT RUBY KEELER? 1. WHERE WAS SHE BORN? Ans.—Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2. HOW OLD IS SHE? Ans.—24, 3. WHAT FAMOUS STAGE AND SCREEN STAR IS HER HUSBAND? Ans.—Al Jolson. Po. coerce TWO “SCREEN SUC-| 4, OA 10. 10. ds re On . WHAT i? . WHERE . WHAT IN WHAT NOTED NEW YORK NIGHT CLUB WAS SHE EMPLOYED? Ans.—Tex Guinan’s El Fey. . WHAT WAS HER FIRST BIG STAGE HIT AS A DANCER? Ans.—Ziegfeld’s ‘‘Whoopee.’’ . HOW TALL IS SHE? Ans.—5 feet 4 inches. COLOR ARE HER EYES? Ans.—Blue. . HER HAIR? Ans.—Brown. . WHAT DOES SHE WEIGH? Ans.—105 pounds. WHAT IS HER NEWEST PICTURE? Ans.—‘ ‘42nd Street.’’ WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ALLEN JENKINS? WHERE WAS HE BORN? Ans.—New York City. . WHAT WAS HIS FIRST STAGE HIT? Ans.—‘ ‘ Secrets.’’ . NAME THREE BROADWAY PLAYS IN WHICH HE WAS CAST. | Ans. eae" “Rain,” “What Price pe re is oe be Glory, a” “‘The Front Page,’’ “The Last ‘Mile,’’ ‘*Five Star Final’’ and ‘‘ Blessed Event.’’ . WHAT THREE PICTURES HAS HE RECENTLY BEEN SEEN IN? Ans.— ‘Three on a _ Match,’’ ‘Blessed Event,’’ ‘I Ama Fugitive,’’ ‘‘ Employees’ Entrance,’’ ‘*Lawyer Man,’’ ‘‘Hard to Handle,’’ ‘‘ Blondie Johnson.’’ . WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTER DOES HE PLAY? Ans.—Hard Guy. . HOW OLD IS HE? Ans.—33. . IN WHICH ROLE HAVE YOU LIKED HIM BEST? Ans.—Any of above pictures. . WHAT IS HIS LATEST PIC TURE? Ans.—‘ ‘42nd Street.’’ . WERE HIS PARENTS THEA_TRICAL PEOPLE? Ans.—Y es. WILL HE GROW IN IN YOUR OPINION? Ans.—EHither yes or no. FAVOR FOURTH DAY WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT DICK POWELL? WHERE WAS HE BORN? ‘Ans.—Little Rock, Ark. IN WHAT MILITARY ORGANIZATION DID HE SERVE? Ans.—National Guard. DID HE SING AND DIRECT HIS OWN ORCHESTRA? Ans.—Pittsbur gh. . WHAT IS HIS HEIGHT? Ans.—5 feet 10 inches. . WHAT DOES HE WEIGH? Ans.—160 Pounds. COLOR ARE _ HIS EYES? Ans.—Blue. . HIS HAIR? Ans.—Brown. WHAT ARE TWO OF HIS} 10. SPECIALTIES? Ans.—Dancing and singing. 9. IN WHAT FILMS HAS HE RECENTLY APPEARED? Ans.— ‘Blessed Event,’’ ‘‘Too Busy to Work,’’ ‘‘The King’s Vacation.’’ 10. WHAT IS HIS LATEST PICTURE? Ans.—' ‘42nd Street.’’ WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT GINGER ROGERS? 1. WHERE WAS SHE BORN? Ans.—Independence, Missouri. 2. HER STAGE CAREER BEGAN WHEN SHE WON WHAT SORT OF A CONTEST IN TEXAS? TEXAS? Ans.—‘‘ Charleston’’ dancing. 3. WHAT WAS HER FIRST STAGE PLAY? Ans.—‘ ‘Top Speed.’’ 4. WHAT IS HER HEIGHT? Ans.—5 feet 5 inches. . WHAT DOES SHE WEIGH? Ans.—115 pounds. 6. WHAT COLOR ARE HER EYES? Ans.—Brown. 7. HER HAIR? Ans.—Brown. 8. WHAT WAS HER FIRST PICTURE? Ans.— ‘Young Man of Manhattan.’’ 9. NAME TWO OF HER MORE RECENT PICTURES. Ans.— ‘You Said a Mouthful,’’ ‘*The Tenderfoot,’’ ‘‘The Sap from Syracuse,’’ ‘‘Honor Among Lovers.’’ 10. WHAT IS HER LATEST SCREEN SUCCESS? Ans.—‘‘42nd Street.’’ | FIFTH DAY | WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT GEORGE E. STONE? 1. WHERE WAS HE BORN? Ans.—Lodz, Poland. 2. HOW TALL IS HE? Ans.—5 feet 3% inches. 3. WHAT DOES HE WEIGH? Ans.—110 pounds. 4,WHAT COLOR ARE HIS — . BYES? a Dae Or Ane Beeson. 6. IN WHAT SHUBERT PRODUC. _ TION DID HE APPEAR FOR TWO-AND-ONE-HALF YEARS? Ans.—‘‘ Artists and Models.’’ 7. WHAT ARE TWO OF HIS PICTURES? Ans.—‘ ‘Weary River,’’ ‘‘ Taxi,’” ‘*Tittle Caesar,’’ ‘‘Five Star Final.’’ 2 8. WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTER | DOES HE PORTRAY? Ans.—H eavies. 9. WHAT ARE HIS FAVORITE SPORTS? Ans.— Golf, Squash, Tennis. 10. IN WHAT PICTURE IS HIS LATEST AND BEST WORK? Ans.—‘ ‘42nd Street.’’ WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT GUY KIBBEE? 1. WHERE WAS HE BORN? Ans.—El Paso, Texas. 2, WHERE DID HE GET HIS — TRAINING? Ans.—In stock. 3. DID STAGE RECOGNITION COME EARLY? Ans.—No. 4, WHAT WAS HIS FIRST BIG STAGE TRIUMPH? Ans.— ‘The Torch Song.’’. 5. WHAT WAS HIS FIRST PICTURE? Ans.—‘‘Man of the World.’’ 6. WHAT ARE THREE OTHER FILMS HE HAS APPEARED IN? Ans.—Central Park,’’ ‘‘Crooner,’’ ‘The Dark _ Horse,’’ “CRamt,?? =< -“o80-Bigs? "Fhe Strange Love of Mollie Louvain,’’ 7, WHAT COLOR ARE HIS EYES? Ans.—Blue. 8. WHAT COLOR WAS HIS HAIR? Ans.—Sandy. 9. WHAT IS HIS HEIGHT? Ans.—5 feet 7 inches. WHAT IS HIS LATEST PIC TURE? Ans.—‘‘42nd Street.’’