42nd Street (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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BIZARRE COSTUME CONTEST There are two effective versions of this stunt, one of which is doubly so in situations where it is possible to use the presentation idea. The straight newspaper “Bizarre Costume Contest” is outlined first. Announce through your cooperating newspaper that prizes will be awarded the best and most original de signs of “Bizarre Costumes” such as would lend-themselves appropriately to a musical production of the magnitude of “42nd Street.” The initial publicity story furnished here explains the conduct of the contest in detail. Here is your first day announcement. BIZARRE COSTUME PRESENTATION STUNT The following variation of the ‘costume design idea is one where the contestants actually make a costume which they are to wear on the stage at a stipulated time when prizes will be awarded. The prizes should be sufficiently valuable to attract a screen, throw-aways, mailing lists, etc. To make the contest click even more effectively, arrange to have some prominent artist, gown designer and the art director of your newspaper to act as judges and award the prizes on the stage. Prizes For Bizarre Costumes ToRival‘42ndStreet ’Creations Strand-News Designing Contest Open To All Who Have Original Ideas T is easy to appreciate the fact that costume designers on movie lots have to scratch their heads pretty hard in order to originate novel and ‘‘bizarre’’ costumes to meet the demands of a public who have been taught to expect the last word in unique wardrobes. This fact especially applied to the designers of the unusual costumes seen in Warner Bros.’ tremendous musical production, ‘‘42nd Street,’’ which comes to the Strand Theatre at (insert date). The costumes in this particular production spell the last word in ‘‘bizarre’’ effects. In cooperating with the Strand Theatre, we are going to give our readers the chance to test their ability in the field of costume designing. We invite our readers to submit their idea of a truly “bizarre” costume, appropriate for a production such as prizes will be awarded at the end of contest period after all desigus are in the hands of the judges. maximum number of entrants. Under this plan, you should have no difficulty in tieing in with leading merchants for some of the prizes, such as gowns, millinery, shoes, luggage, toilet preparations, ete. The theatre should offer the cash prizes. Of course, announce this contest thru your newspaper, together with art tieing in the “bizarre” costume idea. The contest should also be announced on the If it is not feasible to put on a stage presentation, you can put over a great ballyhoo by holding the contest in the lobby of your theatre. Have the girls appear at a certain time attired in their costumes and parade around the lobby for the edification of th public before the judges make the awards. Arrange to have a news photographer on hand. CURRENT NEWSPAPER CONTEST FOR SUSTAINED FAN INTEREST The publicity story furnished here is self explanatory and outlines — the basis for a highly diverting “Name The Star” newspaper contest, that will tend to keep interest alive during run of “42nd Street.” To make a decision and vote intelligently, contestants must of necessity see the show. The prizes offered are of course sufficient incentive for them to do so. With the announcement story a layout of the principal members of cast should be run. To get the stunt across in a big way it would even prove a good investment to make up a series of thumb nail cuts of at least five or six of the stars and break up the story with insertions of same. For second day and succeeding day’s stories, you have merely to repeat the offer and add some comment relative to the tremendous interest contest is arousing. Do not state that any certain star is leading in popularity but say that at least five are running close for first honors. This tends to awaken renewed interest in those who have to date failed to participate. Here is your initial newspaper contest story. Fans Hard-Pressed To Pick Picture’s Star No. 1 “42nd Street.” One of the costumes used in this production is illustrated here, but we do not want contestants to copy this or even design along similar lines, unless, perhaps, they have some improvement to offer that reflects genuine originality. The following prizes are offered daily, starting tomorrow for the most original and “bizarre” costume design submitted. (List prizes here). In addition to the grand prizes offered above, daily prizes of two tickets each to witness “42nd Street” at the Strand Theatre will be awarded the ten best designs ‘submitted each day. The grand FOR YOUR Now that Warner Bros.’ epic of back stage life is actually on the screen atthe oii. ae Theatre, the question arises as to who is really the star of “42nd Street.” It is billed as an all star picture with eleven names in the list of stars, headed by those of Warner Baxter and Bebe Daniels. But there are other names that shine as brightly and perhaps, if you have a particular favorite, brighter. Jt is reported that the studio exA ecutives had a hard time deciding | which names would head the list, | and the order in which they should be billed. This is said to have caused not a little controversy. But studio billings and public opinion do not always agree. There is such Keeler, Guy Kibbee, Ned Sparks, Dick Powell, Ginger Rogers, Allen Jenkins and George E. Stone. Truly a formidable list from which to make a choice. Everyone is invited to CAST THEIR VOTE for the ‘‘42nd Street’? player to whom they think should go the stellar billing. In a statement of not over 50 words state your reason for voting the way you do. At end of contest period which ends . . all votes will be count| ed and the winning star ammounced. J—_ The following cash prizes will be © awarded the voters' who give the best reason for making their choice. First prize $5.00; second prize $3.00; third and fourth prizes $1.00 each. In addition a pair of guest No. 2 Submit your sketches in ink, colored with crayon or water color. If you do not color your sketch, be sure to designate the color scheme and materials to be used. We feel certain that Akron can furnish its quota of men, women and children capable of designing the type of “bizarre” costume wnich would find acceptance from the movie producer. So get busy every one of you and get your design to the “42nd Street Costume Contest Editor’ before midnight (insert date). SECOND AND SUCCEEDING DAY STORIES Repeat the contest offer, use illustration No. 2 above and list the prizes, together with suitable art from the production. After the second day one or two of the best designs submitted should be published with story, together with names of those submitting same. Arrange to place in a prominent location in your lobby a large display board upon which the best of these deSigns, as they arrive, can be posted. UWlustrations in this stunt available on one mat ; Cut No. 29 Cut 80ec Mat 10c INTRIGUING TEASERS Two styles of copy are furnished here particularly adaptable for an intensive billing campaign in which snipe posters, window and tack cards can be brought into play. The same messages can be used on throwaways and also for ‘scatter’ ads in BUCK UP newspapers. Don’t make mention of theatre as you thereby destroy the teaser angle. If this campaign is instituted far enough in advance it will create plenty of comment and speculation. WE’RE GOING TO NEED _ picture that have a definite tieup a thing as contracts calling for] tickets will be awarded the ten next preference that executives must] best answers to witness the Strand’s obey. next attraction. It’s up to the public ultimately to Here is your voting coupon. When choose its own favorite. Following] you have witnessed the Strand preis a list of the stars given. Which | sentation of “42nd Street” and made do YOU think is the most important | your decision, fill out and mail or in the cast? bring to “42nd Street Star Contest Warner Baxter, Bebe Daniels,| Editor’ the News, on or before midGeorge Brent, Una Merkel, Ruby! night mr ieaceis as AV osha nin emasepinn oral nase’ cra hs mica etWra.s eaceea ts Fusata VOTING COUPON “42nd Street” Star Picking Contest The undersigned selects from the cast of “42nd Street,” the one who in his (her) estimation should be designated as STAR. Bebe Daniels, Warner Baxter, George Brent, Ruby Keeler, Ginger Rogers, Guy Kibbee, Una Merkel, Dick Powell, Allen Jenkins and Geo. HE. Stone. SO GEO ie oe Pa ee eee i eee MY REASON . 165. 5c5 te So ce, Sa WHITE ROCK—Stills No. F.S.-76 and 77 show this product with label plaisly evident. HOSIERY — Stills No. F.S.-96; 209; 286; 291; and 293 show hosiery modeled on the limbs of shapely value for cooperative window dischorines. plays with merchants and shops of LIP ROUGE—Still No. F.S.213 various types. In all instances suitfrom a comedy angle shows the adable copy tieing in picture and theavantage of the so termed ‘kisstre engagement should be incorporproof’ type of rouge. ated in display. STATIONERS—AStill No. F.S.-274 The following stills are listed unoffers a corking comedy angle for der the classification of merchant or dealers in stationery and _ writing product with which they tie in. material desk-pads, ete. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES — FURRIERS—Still Nos. F.8.298 and Still ino. FS-48. 299 also Nos. F.S. Pub. A.-210; 211; Tie-Up Stills for Window Displays There are numerous stills on the ee — 3 es ns MORE TRAFFIC COPS So on eee FOR AKRON IS GOING TO HAVE ITS OWN GET THAT ‘“*42nd STREET’’ SPIRIT ‘‘42nd STREET’’ Page Thirty-four DRUG STORES—Still No. F.S.-72 and 81 show the need for first aid supplies. SMOKE SHOPS — Stills No. F.S.-47 and 51 show Chesterfield Cigarette package to advantage. 212; 213 and 215 compose the most attractive array of fur modeling photographs combined with novel posing that ever greeted the eye of the ‘window shoppers.’ This should prove a great window tieup feature.