42nd Street (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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Opportunity Nite In situations where the inaugura= tion of the “42nd Street Star Doubles Contest” is not feasible, a more modified presentation idea fits A g VY our Exchange in perfectly with the over night rise to fame of the chorus girl novice (played by Ruby Keeler) played up in the picture. In special newspaper announcements, on the screen and in your house-organ, invite local talent to demonstrate their ability before Te Ge AOR A ges COURS, OE eas your audience under conditions ex| ne FRE ti : ey NEW DEAL i ENTERTAINMENT! . isting at professional performances. haugura cing In 8, = Se Keep the stigma of “Amateur fa _ WARNER BROS. set the pace with the ENT Night” away from this event. State TAINMENT MIRACLE of 1933 — “4! ds ree ; that the story of “42nd Street” Superdrama ~ super-spectacle! Two. mighty mangos ground “the. “Opp shows in onel...Gripping story of playgirls and given a Chorus gi) ayy) tees payboys... Packed with love-thrills and wonpeeehe vee ee ee derful music. oe Rete rtoltts pagea duction. State that this situation pulsating with passionate rhythn : with surprises! . . The Greatest Show « has had many counterparts in real life. New talent is being discovered almost daily by alert producers in the theatrical and motion picture field. Offer ambitious local singers, dancers and entertainers in general, a chance to present their wares before the public under the same ad_ vantageous conditions governing a professional performance. Print application coupons in your newspaper and distribute them in the theatre. The night before this opportunity night performance, call all applicants to an audition after your regular show and with your musical director and a competent master of ceremonies on hand, try out each act. Pick only the best bill froma standpoint of talent and balance that will run the time you specifical— ly allot for the performance, ‘Under this plan you will be assurred a ~ smoothly running entertainment thr will reflect, credit to the theatre. gg a ‘Bill this event as “42nd Street Opportunity Night.” “ “The Big Show That Proves That Worthy Talent Is Around Every — Corner.” Dance Contest 14 STA RS Tieup prominent dancing schools 2 WARNER BAXTER to enter their students in a tap BEBE DANIELS — dancing contest in your theatre. GEORGE BRENT > The publicity derived will be advantageous to the schools, and play up winners attracting attention to the schools. Prizes to be theatre tickets and merchandise secured by local tieup with costumer or dance supply stores to give tap shoes or EDDIE NUGENT a dance outfits to winners. Put prizes 2 ALLEN JENKINS _ on display in lobby and get dance ‘ROBERT McWADE ay instructors and newspaper represent AL B. WALTHALL: ativies to act as judges. Have local WARNER BROS: Sensational Musical Hit! 200 GIRLS. clubs enter their best dancers for ilalties i.e:. “Lindy,” ‘“Charlesaaa to your some soon... Don't miss it—it's going to be th t talked-about picture of the year gee ~ Se 3 a Seek Sepa 39 De Wie Wieat eke are ees 2 Directed by LLOYD BACON ton,” “Rhumba.” Prizes to be thea tre tickets and merchandise by local lingerie shops and men’s shops. Fictionization A complete fictionization of “42nd This ad ran in the March issues of nine leading fan magazines reachStreet” appears in the coming April = issue of “Screen Romances.” Get. ing more than 11,812,760 people. your local magazine dealers to cooperate with you on a 7 x 11 inch eard or one sheet which will plug A special enlargement, 44 by 64 in two colors, red and dark blue, the sales of Screen Romances as well as your showing. has been made available for your use. Use it as an advance frame Ses your ised Salter cea i . ning the fictionization illustrated with a date line and currently with your run. At your exchange for with stills from the picture during your showing of the picture. The only 50 cents each! Take advantage! fictionization is free, the only re quirement being that you credit Sereen Romances. Page Thirty-sia