42nd Street (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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— “49nd STREET” we ADVERTISING MERCHANDISING PLAN Something NEW in Ad Campaigns N THIS advertising material for “42nd Street,” Warner Bros. have attempted to provide you with more practical material than you ve ever had to work with on any picture. _ Instead of dumping in your lap a hodge-podge collection of ads, our aim has been to give you a carefully planned, unified CAMPAIGN. This campaign does not merely take you up to the opening and then drop you. Instead it is designed to carry you from 2 weeks to 10 days before opening right thru your hold-over engagement. Therefore you will find the ads on the following pages presented in CAMPAIGN ORDER, starting with teasers, underliners, etc. on page 2, and continuing day by day on successive pages. THE SCHEDULE LAID OUT FOR YOU IS APPROXIMATE! You may juggle it in any way you see fit. We give you several ads to ~ choose from for each insertion. And, of course, it is not necessary to follow the order we suggest. Almost any ad in this section may very well be used on any day of your campaign, either advance or current, with, of course, a change of dateline. A CHOICE OF CAMPAIGNS “42nd STREET” MERCHANDISING DS numbers: 62, 64, 59 and 67 have been planned as a unified advance campaign, referred to in the following pages as CAMPAIGN A. * % *f Each ad in this series is devoted mainly to one of the four chief selling angles of the picture — the Girls — the Stars — the Celebrities’ Endorsements — the magnitude of the Production. *f *k % In case your budget does not permit us ing these ads in the sizes shown, you can get the same campaign effect in smaller space by using ads numbers 45, 53, 47, 77. For exhibitors who prefer to sell the WHOLE SHOW in every one of their advance ads, a series of general ads have been provided in numbers 78, 56, 63, 50; as well as a smaller series of the same type comprising ads numbers 57, 54, 76, 51. * *k *% Any one of these advance series leads effectively to the big opening day ad which brings together all the great features of this picture in a flash layout. 8 ** *k Then for advertising following your opening you will find special current “suecess’”’ ads, review ads and a hold-over ad, plus miscellaneous current material in a variety of sizes. This ad section is printed on coated paper so that you can reproduce ads or any part of them in smaller or larger size. Page 1—Advertising