Alexander Hamilton (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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Cont! 3 WORTHY OF AS MUCH EFFORT ANOTHER S-E.E-P ONWARD marking a greater triumph in the amazingly successful career of Mr. Arliss! It blends his outsanding genius into the most sensational screen success of all time! JUNE RALF GEORGE = a — -, with DORIS KENYON DUDLEY DIGGES COLLYER HAROLDE ALAN MOWBRAY MONTAGU LOVE Directed by JOHN ADOLFI A WARNER BROS. VITAPHONE HIT SEED & eet Cut No. 12 Cut 40c, Mat 10c George Arliss Is Writing His Own Play To Star In (Advance Reader) George Arliss, who will be seen ea ere next at the Theatre in “Alexander Hamilton,” a Warner Bros. production, is passing the summer in England and spending part of his time writing a story for the screen in which it is quite possible that he himself will star. At any rate Warner Bros. are encouraging him to bring the script back with him when he returns to the United States next autumn. Mr. Arliss has had considerable experience as an author; besides his memoirs, ‘Up the Years from Bloomsbury,” he was co-author with Mrs. Mary P. Hamlin of “Alexander Hamilton,” the stage-play on which his newest picture is based. He also wrote in past years a number of short plays which still hold the boards in England. “A Successful Calamity,” by Clare Kummer, seems to have been definitely selected by Mr. Arliss as his next’ screen vehicle. After that may come the picture which he is now imagining. Page Four Arliss Stage Career Began With Weird Melodrama (Advance Reader) George Arliss, who will se seen at tIVeNee ce “wsheatre> 2s. wenhextIn Warner Bros. “Alexandér Hamilton” began his stage career more than forty years ago, at which’time as a silent supernumerary he toured the English provinces in a lurid melodrama, called “Saved from the Sea.” “Alexander Hamilton” which Mr. Arliss wrote in collaboration with Mary Hamlin, and which was a great success on the stage fourteen years presents rather the man Hamilton, than the financial genius who established the credit of the new country, wrote its Constitution and became the first Secretary of the Treasury. The incident about which the thrilling drama is built is Hamilton’s strange infatuation for the alluring adventurous, Mary Reynolds. John Adolfi directed. ARLISSSAYS HE SPEAKS NEITHER _ BRITISH ENGLISH, NOR AMERICAN | Considered By Many ENGLISH, BUT GOOD ENGLISH] Most AbleAmerican Man Who Last Year Received Gold Medal From American Academy Of Arts And Letters For Perfect Diction, Gives His Own Usage Of The Mother Tongue (Interesting Feature for No. 1 Paper) George Arliss, who will be seen at the next in “Alexander Hamilton,’ the Warner Bros. production, claims very firmly that he speaks neither British English nor American English. His enunciation of the mother tongue 1s, he maintains, English English, using the modifying word in the very broadest sense. That is why he embarked without the slightest fear and trembling in the widely diverse American roles in “The Millionaire” and in “Alexander Hamilton.” Mr. Arliss has, of course, been for so long a favorite of the American stage and screen that he had no need to lack his ability to speak the lines, in a manner sufficiently American to strike the point of authenticity. Mr. Arliss declares that he speaks in his two American pictures precisely as he spoke in “Disraeli” and “Old English,” with just the slightest modification of vowel sounds and an alteration in tempo with which his long association with the United States has made him thoroughly familiar. It is one of his most cherished theories, in fact, that really excellent English is the same on both sides of the Atlantic. Last year the American Academy of Arts and Letters awarded him its gold medal for perfect diction on stage and screen, and on the occasion of its presentation he expressed his views on this matter of the way in which we and our overseas cousins talk. “The chief fault in America,” he “iss sloppiness, and the out‘defect in English is snippie English of England has forted by people who really know better. Oxford Uni-for instance, rather prides SAid an Oxford man.” It is interesting in this connection to note that no actor with the so-called “Oxford accent” has ever appeared in an Arliss talking pic Theme Of Hamilton | Drama Is His Love For Mary Reynolds Alexander Hamilton” A Warner Bros. Production, Starring George Arliss Comes To Strand ........ Pe ee Next (Advance—Plant 4th Day Before) “Alexander Hamilton” the Warner Bros. drama starring George Arliss which comes to the........ Theatre next, does not dwell on the brilliant statesmanship of the financial genius of the first Secretary of the Treasury—but on the common humanity which made him the dupe, temporarily, of one of the cleverest adventuresses of all time— Mary Reynolds. Indirectly this fascinating woman influenced the brilliant leader who at the time was largely responsible for the future of the republic. Among great problems of the time was the choice of a site for the national capital, the establishment of national credit and the question of governmental assumption of revolutionary war debts. To clear his name from false charges of dishonesty, Hamilton frankly laid bare his part in the Reynolds affair, leaving judgment to men whom he knew were of like passions with himself. This is one of the most dramatic scenes of the absorbing play—which gives Mr. Arliss his most superb role. Those featured in support are Doris Kenyon, Dudley Digges, Alan Mawbray, Rolfe Harolde, June Collyer, Charles Middleton, Montague Love, Lionel Belmore, Morgan Wallace, Gwendolin Logan, John T. Murray, Charles Evans, John Larkin, Evelyn Hall, Russell Simpson and James Durkin. John Adolfi directed. az — the fact that you can _al-_ | ways te ture, even when the scene was supposedly laid in England. Furthermore, Mr. Arliss told the Academy that American English is in some respects purer than the English spoken in the. tight little isle. “America has frequently maintained the purity of the language which in the course of years has become vitiated in England. Many old English words and phrases are now regarded in England as Americanisms. The American is never guilty of straining after superiority. But, in my opinion, he errs on the nther side. He is so afraid of being meticulous in his speech that he allows himself to become careless. I see no excuse for a lazy careless delivery of words.” And he added: “I look for the day when there will be talkies that shall set the standard of good English, good diction, perfect delivery of speech. I don’t mean pedantic English, or English with the socalled English accent, but the best English, which belongs equally to England and America.” So it seems that the chief change in George Arliss when he plays an American industrial magnate “The Millionaire,” or an American financier in “Alexander Hamilton” is that he abandons his monocle. — |} Appearing in support of Mr. Artiss in “Alexander Hamilton” are Doris’ Kenyon Dudley Digges, Allan Mawbray, Rolfe Harolde, June Collyer, Charles Middleton, Montague Love, Lionel Belmore, Morgan in|. Alexander Hamilton (Advance—Plant 3rd Day Before) The first Secretary of the Treasury, an intensely dramatic period of whose life is the basis for “Alexander Hamilton” the Warner Bros. production starring George Arl*-and =COMmine tG..the 5 ee Th regs next, is considered by i historians to have been the mosr markable constructive genius, that this country has produced. There is much to support their contention. Hamilton proved himself an able soldier and war strategist while still in his early twenties. He wrote the major part of the Constitution of the United States, if not all of it, and was the author of the greater number of the Federalist articles by which the American public was persuaded to adopt the Constitution. & As the first Secretary of the Treasury under President Washington, Hamilton laid the foundations for our present financial system, established the national credit with foreign nations and set the young republic on the road to financial stability. All of this he accomplished before his early forties. “Alexander Hamilton” is based on Hamilton the man, rather than Hamilton the statesman. It depicts the strange wiles by which a n ious adventuress temporarily c: and held the imagination of the. champion of human rights—and the dramatic way in which he freed himself from false accusations of dishonesty. Those featured in support of George Arliss are Doris Kenyon, Dudley Digges, Alan. Mawbray, Rolfe Harolde, June Collyer, Charles Middleton, Montague Love, Lionel Belmore, Morgan Wallace, Gwendolin Logan, John T. Murray, Charles Evans, John Laskin, Evelyn Hall, Russell Simpson Waunes John Adolff we: Se (Current Reader) Naturally enough all “Americans” in revolutionary times talked with what we now call an English accent. J Se Wallace, Gwendolin Logan, John T. Murray, Charles Evans, John Larkin, Evelyn Hall, Russell Simpson and James Durkin. John Adolfi directed. This explains why many of the cast of “Alexander Hamilton,” the new Warner Bros. picture at the....... Theatre, has many English plavin the cast, starring George A A RARE TREAT FOR EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD | GOERGE ARLISS master of human emotions, brings to vivid life the master of a young republic— hero—statesman—lover! ALEXANDER HAMILTON with DORIS KENYON JUNE COLLYER DUDLEY DIGGES ALAN MOWBRAY -MONTAGU_ LOVE Directed by JOHN ADOLFI A Warner Bros. & Vitaphone Picture Cut 40c, Mat 10c Cut No. 4