Alexander Hamilton (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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FATE OF A NATION IN THE HANDS OF A WOMAN because a great man was human enough to err. GEORGE ARLISS in his greatest of all dramatic achievements as ALEXANDER HAMILTON DORIS KENYON JUNE COLLYER DUDLEY DIGGEc _ RALF HAROLDE MONTAGU LOVE ~ 2:Diggcted by John Adolfi—— —_—A WARNER BROS. & VITAPHONE HIT! Cut No. 14 Cut 60c, Mat 15c Arliss Signs New Three Year Warner Contract Doris Kenyon Sails After Arliss Amazingly Finishing “Arliss Film Depicts Hamilton (Advance Reader) (Advance Reader) HAMILTON”LAUDED AS PORTRAYAL, DRAWS 8Y DISTINGUISHED CROWD Warner Bes. Blows, Last night’s large and distinguished audie , Theatre gave enthusiastic approval to the latest characterization of Mr. Arliss, which,-had his other portrayals not been so flawless—might be called the finest of his career. It is not Hamilton, the financial genius, that the play deals with, but rather the man Hamilton—just past his thirties—and involved in what is politely known as the “Reynolds Incident.” Mr. Arliss depicts the fiery cham pion of human rights as the victim of the machinations of an alluring Dean Of Actors adventuress, the wife gion GEORGE ARLISS PHOTO tent, whose purpose is the ruin o Hamilton. The woman is sent by RETURNED TO HIM her husband to Hamilton with a BY LADY FAN plea for money to enable her to get away from her supposedly cruel husband. Hamilton is duly deceived and fascinated and later Reynolds reports to Jefferson, Monroe and other notables of the day, that he is making improper use of government funds. When accused Hamilton is able to clear himself of the charge of dishonesty, but confesses his implication with the questionable lady. This is but one of many exciting scenes in a play that is laid in picturesque settings in and about Philadelphia. “Alexander Hamilton” is based on the play in which Mr. Arliss starred some years ago, and which he wrote in collaboration with Mary Hamlin. His support is excellent, including Doris Kenyon as Betty Hamilton, wife of the hero; Alan Mawbray as General Washington and Gwendolin Logan as the first First Lady of the Land; Dudley Digges as Senator Roberts; Montague Love as Thom-| , as Jefferson; Lionel Belmore as General Schuyler; Morgan Wallace as James Monroe; John T.* Murray as--Gount Talleyrand; Rolfe Harolde as the rascally Reynolds, June Collyer as the alluring Mrs. Reynolds, a part played by Jeanne Eagels in the stage production. Others in the cast are Charles Evans, John Larkin, Evelyn Hall, Russell Simpson and James Durkin. Over four hundred extra people act as soldiers and citizenry. One of the many fine historic scenes in the play is Washington’s farewell to his The envelopes carrying photographs of George Arliss—now at the............... Theatre in “Alexander Hamilton,” the Warner Bros. production—bear the inscription “Return to George Arliss.” All went well until a conscientious lady having received and viewed thi enclosed photograph to her heart’s content, returned it as he had requested thanking him for the opportunity of having had it even for so short a time. The gracious star was unable to decid: whether it would be more embarrassing to his admirer to send it back to her or to keep it. Mr. Arliss gives the most perfect characterization of his career as Alexander Hamilton—the fiery and handsome hero, who said that his judgment was always over-ruled by his heart. In Bouyant Youth dvance—Plant 5th Day Before) In” Alexander Hamilton” the Warner Bros. production which comes to; thes 8.55, ; Lheatres 3 next George Arliss portrays the fiery champion of human rights when he was at the age of forty. Mr. Arliss being slight and thin of face, was able to play the part without elaborate makeup when he did it so successfully on the stage fourteen years ago, and so well preserved is the man of past sixty, that comparatively little makeup was needed for the screen version. A brown wig skillfully moulded to his head, a temporary process for removing what few wrinkles he has, some grease paint properly applied, and the transformation was amazing. Ruddy, vigorous, he had suddenly become the ardent young Hamilton, whose susceptible heart is moved by the pretended woes of the notorious Mrs. Reynolds. Another reason that makes the Arliss metamorphosis so startling is the fact that he has been seen in n-roles “in-~ ‘Disraeli, “Old ” and “The Millionaire.” ared in support of Mr. Arliss are-wJoris Kenyon, Dudley Digges, Alan Mawbray, Rolfe Harolde, June Collyer, Charles Middleton, Montague Love, Lionel Belmore, Morgan Wallace, Gwendolin Logan, John T. Murray, Charles Evans, John Larkin, Evelyn Hall, Russell Simpson and James Durkin. John Adolfi directed. Arliss Stars In Play Of Which He Is The Author (Current Reader) “Alexander Hamilton,” the new Warner Bros. picture _ starring George Arliss, now at the........ Theatre is made from a play written by Arliss himself. He wrote “Hamilton” in collaboration with Mrs. G. W. Hamlin and played in it on the stage for two years. George Arliss, who will be seen ate thew tee fENeatte acc, next in Warner Bros. “Alexander Hamilton,” upon completion of the filming, signed a new contract whereby the actor is to remain under the Warner Bros. banner for three years, There is an optional clause whereby the producers may retain his services for two additional years. Mr. Arliss collaborated with Mary Hamlin in the writing of “Alexander Hamilton” which had a successful run on the stage in New York and London. Doris Kenyon, who plays the part of Betty Hamilton in support of George Arliss in “Alexander Hamilton” the Warner Bros. picture which comes to the. ........ Theatre are aes next, sailed for Europe on the Majestic with her small son Kenyon Sills, immediately after the filming. Miss Kenyon, while abroad will sing at Munich, Vienna and Paris. She has been preparing for the concert stage for many years. Miss Kenyon has lately been seen in Warner Bros. First National pictures, “The Ruling Voice,” “The Bargain” and “Five Star Final.” Greatest Motion Picture Of This Or Any Other Year! GE RGE 'ARLISS ALEXANDER HAMILTO Statesman, genius, master of men, but mastered by a women! DORIS Dudley Digges, Montagu Love, METROP Cut No. 19 KENYON June Collyer Alan Mowbray OLITAN Cut 40c, Mat 10c troops. John Adolfi, who directed Mr. Arliss in “The Millionaire” directed “Alexander Hamilton” with fine understanding of its many moods. Add to your mental gallery of Arliss masterpieces—which now contains “Disraeli,” “Green Goddess,” “Old English” and “The Millionaire’—the latest and most superb of his portrayals, “Alexander Hamilton.” George Arliss Is Star AndCo-Authorof Play ‘Alexander Hamilton’ (Advance, Plant 2nd Day Before) “Alexander Hamilton” the War ner Bros. production _ starring George Arliss which comes to the ip eee, is based on the play “Hamilton” which was written by Mr. Arliss in collaboration with Mary Hamlin, and was phenominally successful on the stage some years ago. The play deals with a dramatic episode in the life of the great statesman, when the wiles of a pretty adventuress temporarily held him in her power, and caused a scandal which only his outspoken confession of his infatuation for the woman—which had in no way implicated him in dishonest dealings with the affairs of the country—cleared up. June Collyer plays the part of the alluring adventuress—the role done by Jeanne Eagels in the stage production. Others prominently cast are Doris Kenyon, Dudley Digges, Alan Mawbray, Rolfe Harolde, ‘Charles Middleton, Montague Love, Lionel Belmore, Morgan Wallace, Gwendolin Logan, John T. Murray, Charles Evans, John Larkin, Evelyn Hall, Russell Simpson and James Durkin. John Adolf directed. ONCE MORE The dramatic genius of stage and screen. ol GEORGE & ARLISS returns to the hearts of a million American families as ALEXANDER ‘HAMILTON with DORIS KENYON JUNE COLLYER DUDLEY DIGGES ALAN MOWBRAY RALF HAROLDE MONTAGU LOVE A WARNER BROS. & VITAPHONE HIT! Cut No. 8 Cut 20c, Mat, Sc Page Five