Always a Bride (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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ACPLOITATION ON THE STREET. If street ballies get em coming your way, you can count on these to draw attention: Just married auto — signs all over it, tin cans, honking horns, etc. — travels around town with sign “We're off to see “Always A Bride’ at the Strand”. Girl in bridal costume tours town on the arms of two guys dressed as grooms. She wears a sign: “I’m going to marry the dpe) 2 one who will make me feel that I am ‘Always A Bride’”’. Fellow walks streets with arms piled full of flowers promoted from florist. He carries a sign which reads: “I’m trying to make my wife feel that she is ‘Always A Bride’ ”. Fellow with clothes full of confetti and streamers tours town tossing rice from large bag he carries. Sign on his back reads: “Join the celebration; see ‘Always A Bride’ at the Strand.” SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING NEW CONTEST. Each bride wears something old and something new, something borrowed, something blue. Get the married women to submit lists of the things they wore at their wedding in keeping with this custom. Prizes go to the most extraordinary lists. LOBBY DISPLAY AND HERALD. Make it up on a parchment scroll, frame it and post it on your lobby wall. HOW TO MAKE YOUR WIFE FEEL THAT SHE IS “ALWAYS A BRIDE” 1. Remember her anniversaries and birthdays; bring her some gift for them, no matter how small. 2. Bring her candy, flowers, or trinkets for no reason except that you feel like giving them to her. 3. Use your pet name for her occasionally, even if you have gotten out of the habit of using it lately. Notice her clothes, especially her new ones. When she is dressed up, comment on how nice she looks. When she is tired, sympathize with how hard she has worked. Call her up during the day, just to speak to her. Take her to lunch during your business week. yea aA A Carry a snapshot of her in your wallet; let her know that you have it there. 10. Compliment her cooking; make her feel that you know she made that particular dish just because you like it. And Take Her to the Movies to See ROSEMARY LANE and GEORGE REEVES in “ALWAYS A BRIDE” COOKING CONTEST. Open only to brides of six months or less. Culinary art can be displayed in lobby, while judges pick the best cake, the best jelly, the best pie, etc. Woman’s page editor covers stunt. Get attractive prizes to lure competitors. HONEYMOON PICTURES. Award tickets for the best and for the funniest pictures taken on a honeymoon. LOBBY BENCH FOR YOUNG COUPLES. A bench is put in your lobby or in front of theatre with a sign on it: “Reserved for newly married couples waiting to see ‘Always A Bride’ ”. RADIO QUIZ. Use this question for a radio quiz: “Should a woman allow anything else but love to influence her choice of a husband?” MERCHANTS DISPLAY BRIDAL ACCESSORIES. Set it for your theatre lobby. Jeweler would supply wedding and engagement rings, bakery might donate cake, dress store would supply wedding dress and veil, women’s shops might plug going away outfits, etc. PET NAME CONTEST. Patrons write the pet name which they have for their husband or wife on a slip of paper, and drop it in the lobby box. Prizes go to the most unusual pet name for a man and for a woman. Post entries in lobby board. SUUVQMNUINIOUNSOODUSEOOUINUQ00U 000000 000 USE ASE MHI TIE-UPS Get Your Message inWindows and Counters = TH Four ready-made tie-up stills from the picture for your planting in local shop window and counter displays. Tie-up ad lines are = given below each still. All stills are available at your local Vitagraph exchange. NENT UUTLTUALILILALALALSeALOLULOLHLULOLULUUOLULALALOLeLOLULeLOLOLO | ill still AB 3 Still AB 47 VWI ALLELE, ULI Radio store: "At business, at home, or in the movies, radios are indispensable. See our new models for the ultimate in radio performance." INVVHEINUTITATALT Still AB 34 Still AB 30 Florist shop: ‘Keep her feeling that she is 'Always A Bride’ with flowers from (florist's name).” Jewelry store: "Jewelry from (store name) will make her feel that she is ‘Always A Bride’; for a complete choice of beautiful gems, come in and see our stock." Your Tie-up Campaign Continues ........ Just right for your local department store or women's shop: set of eight selected Rosemary Lane bridal gown and trousseau fashion poses. Ad copy and continuity lines for displays appear below. Order "Always A Bride Tie-up Stills" complete set of eight for 65c, individually 10c — from Campaign Plan Editor. Still RL 545: Rosemary's bridal gown was classic and simple, of white mousselinede-soie. Still RL 737: This nightgown-negligee set was the most extravagant single item. The gown is flesh colored, with Alencon lace insets; the negligee is of soft, powder blue silk. Still RL 721: Rosemary chose for her going-away dress this brown and rust wool plaid. The rounded pockets soften its severe lines. Still RL 483: Rosemary found this two-tone knitted wool dress perfect for sports occasions and for country wear. She says it deserves a place in any bride's trousseau. Still RL 635: A suit is always useful and necessary. Rosemary's is of blue wool, and features the scalloped jacket. Still RL 697: For a dressy afternoon outfit, Rosemary decided upon this one that features the new side drape. Still RL 692: A bride always looks her best in a halo. That's why Rosemary calls this halo hat of brown felt with a copper suede trim her extra special bonnet. Still RL 712: Rosemary made a great hit when she went dancing in this evening dress of black crepe with gold sequins. The long dramatic drape can be tossed over either shoulder. SUNN WINUIQULQUUQ0D UID US ULUELUUSUN LOLA UTLTLILOLULOLELULULULILILAL GLEE TNINMNANIIT| | | HNUILAUUIIIUULEUEIULLUELTAEHL AENEAN UT WUVTTALHLUVOPSLULUUULULILILAL GLUED LL 2) NOVEL GIVEAW AY. Rice in a cloth bag with a tag attached; copy: “It’s a merry marital mix-up — Rosemary Lane and George Reeves in ‘Always A Bride’, now playing at the Strand Theatre”. HONOR THOSE HAVING ANNIVERSARY. Announce in the theatre lobby or in your program that every woman who can prove that her wedding anniversary falls during the playdate will be awarded a pair of free tickets to the picture. LOCAL GIRLS COMPARE PROPOSALS. They vie to see which one has received most unusual proposal. A short letter telling about same is all that is necessary. BRIDE PHOTOS ON DISPLAY. Local photographer can supply these. Society editor of local paper helps on committee to select most beautiful bride, or customers ballot to determine their choice. Country of origin U.S.A. Copyright 1940 Vitagraph, Inc. License to reproduce with copyright notice granted newspapers, magazines and other periodicals.