An Angel from Texas (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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A Cast-Full of Stars... A Story-Full of Surprises... A Screen-Full of Howls! Mat 204—I11 inches x 2 columns (210 lines )—30c Those balmy “Brother Rats” hit Broadway... right on the funnybone! with the ‘Brother Rat’ cast EDDIE ALBERT ROSEMARY LANE WAYNE MORRIS JANE WYMAN RONALD REAGAN RUTH TERRY Directed by RAY ENRIGHT A WARNER BROS.-First National Picture Screen Play by Fred Niblo, Jr. and Bertram Millhauser * Based on a Play by George S. Kaufman Mat 210—2'% inches x 2 columns (62 lines )—30c — Look OUTS: FOLKS.. When that amazing, riot-raising ‘Brother Rat’ gang blows in... brother, all your blues blow out! with EDDIE ALBERT He answered the call of the wild...women! ROSEMARY LANE She sings, she dances, she she thinks! WAYNE MORRIS He collects autographs ...especially on checks! JANE WYMAN As beautiful as a diamond...and just as hard! RONALD REAGAN He’s a a dopey sort of way! RUTH TERRY She’s been keeping company for ten years... & with a guy in Alcatraz! Directed by RAY ENRIGHT A WARNER BROS..First National Picture Screen Play by Fred Niblo, Jr. and Bertram Millhauser Based on a Play by George S. Kaufman Mat 107 9% inches (132 lines )—Il5c '/ Your Favorite Funsters... Still Leading Your Laugh Parade! Directed by RAY ENRIGHT A WARNER BROS..First National Picture Screen Play by Fred Niblo, Jr. and Bertram Millhauset Based on a Play by George S. Kaufman Mat 110 3% inches (46 lines )—15c <=