Back Pay (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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Are You Taking Advantage Of First National’s Sliding Scale Of Accessory Prices? = 4 ) RS BAG EEE | INSERT CARD | PDS RATION ACTUE ieats SPECIAL VITAPHONE STREAMER Can be used as a permanent display to sell sound to your public. Can be adjusted to SIX read either “Our Screen Speaks” or “Our SIX Screen Sings’ by simply detaching either “Speaks” or “‘sings” from the string. COLORS Big enough to be read from the other side of the street. Printed in six brilliant colors, each card in a different color, giving the streamer a startling effect. 10 ply card makes it durable and protects it against tearing. Strung with heavy rope-twine all ready to hang. Can be stretched from six feet to eighteen feet. Packed in heavy corrugated cartons which insures their delivery in perfect condition. = eecccccecereeenceeesercvenseercecces:-cneees ----ONLY $2.50 each complete Seow we nae iW Price THERE IS A WONDERFUL ALL-TALKING TRAILER ON THIS PRODUCTION ASK FOR IT! SLIDE “A” SLIDE “B” Color Description of Twenty-four Sheet The entire background is in bright red. Lettering “Corinne Griffith’ in sright yellow with blue _ outline. ‘Back Pay” in orange with a lighter fone of orange outlining it. Cast is 'ettered in a striking shade of pink. Lower panel, with trade-mark and lettering “A First National,” etc., is | white with lettering in brilliant red. VIUTApHoN: BLOCK PAPER WINDOW CARD Sliding Scale Prices of Advertising Accessories 1-SHEETS 15c each 13c each llc each WITHERS 40c each 36c each 75c each 70c each 65c each 11 to 20 Over 20 24-SHEETS up to 25 Over 25 $2.00 each 1.75 each ONE SHEET | TO 9 ~—12¢ EACH 10 TO 49 — 10¢ EACH 5O OR MORE 8¢ EACH WINDOW CARDS 7c each 6c each 5'%c each 3-SHEET 2 COLORS 25¢ EACH New Low Accessory Prices warrant Larger 2 COLOR SNIPE t4’x? 1 TO 49 ——~3¢ EA’ SO OR MORE 2¢£& SNIPE STYLE PHOTOS 11 x 14 photos (8 in set-colored) 22 x 28 photos (2 in set-colored) 2 COLOR SNIPE 1 TO 49--34 EACH 5O OR MORE 2¢ EACH; ie SNIPE STYLB A ides Stills Accessory 2 COLOR SNIPE SNIF Fress Sheets Gratis 1TO 49 ~~ 3¢EACH, STYI Music Cues Gratis 50 OR MORE 2¢ EACH * B Orders