Beauty and the Boss (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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THE STORY Baron Von Ullrich, head of a great Vienna bank, is a business man by day and a philanderer at night. Returning from an American business trip and anxious to tackle accumulated work he finds his beautiful but inefficient secretary has too much sex appeal and fires her—as a secretary. Susie,..practically destitute, steals into his office and sells him the idea of employing her. As his -secretary she tries to win him through her faultless work, not realizing he sees her only as a machine. The drab girl, however, manages to keep him detached from his girl friends —until one day the Baron recognizes the perfume scent of a frustrated visitor. Learning the girl is stopping at his hotel in Paris, he dispatches poor Susie \ for flowers. Instead Susie brings her a box of carrots. scornful. The girl is furious, then After upbraiding her, she rubs it in by telling Susie of the methods she uses to attract men. Later Susie dons evening clothes for the first time and is—a revelation. The Count and Paul both fall hard for her and invite her with them for a gay night. She accepts, but lets the Baron catch a glimpse of her first. After a gay party, Susie leads Paul a merry chase through the park and finally escapes him. When the Baron hears she has disappeared he frantically phones all over the city. She finally turns up in his rooms. The Baron realizes he is at last in love and, according to his custom, discharges her. Only this time his last dictation is a proposal of marriage. Marian Marsh and Warren William in a gay love scene from ““Beauty And The Boss,” the Warner Bros. picture coming to the é\ elie: sh Neate: MEXbiie ss. Reunited for the first time since “Under Eighteen,” Miss Marsh and Willliam again co-star in their latest. Cut No. 2 Cut 30c Mat 10c PRODUCTION STAFF VAUEELLOW SS ieey. tc oe PERM SPAS aah ih heave Paul Frank and Ladislaus Fodor From Broadway Stage Play “The Church Mouse’”’ Pace tien By 8 ie a ea te eae Oe ae Joseph Jackson AE 2 le OS EEA a URE AEE NOE NOC AR) ZAC ROG nM Roy Del Ruth RIMES IEPECCOR cists yk dake Owe Mi Uae ets Chuck Hansen Art) Director...) PRS UHL ENS. eo Alam eC E Hea oe Anton Grot EN RON A RAPE IPR AIDE URE: ERNMENT as Barney McGill UO EE LT 22S SARE ESSE SEP So er else! ARCELOR et Ralph Dawson Page Two WARREN WILLIAM—Long Vtg ABOUT SUSIE SACHS, who had “It” but hid it \ BARON VON ULLRICH, strong for finance bue Ludwig, his weak-minded Man Friday... Paul, the Baron's brother.....00 4... The Count Polly cusses Car Girllat the Bare a Endwig's) oil oes eee Chappel iit uo fence UNE 8 gee Girl in the: path tub... soos aA Girl with dogs cer aera cae whose releases include “Svengali,” ‘Hive; Star > Pinal The Road >to Singapore,” “The Mad Genius,” “Under Highteen” and “Alias the Doctor.” She was born in the island of Trinidad. known on Broadway. He has appeared on the screen in “Expensive Women,” “Honor of the Family,’ “Under Kighteen” and “Woman from Monte Carlo.” Born .in Aitkin, Minn. CHARLES BUTTERWORTH — Hu morist and stage comedian seen on the screen in “Life of the Party,” “Hlicit,” “The Bargain,’ “The Mad _ Genius,” “Side Show” and “Manhattan Parade.” Comes from South Bend, Ind. DAVID MANNERS—Sterling romantic lead. Lately seen in “Lady With a Past,” “The Miracle Woman,” “Kismet,” “Journey’s End,” “The Last Flight” and “The Millionaire.’ A Nova Scotian by birth. FREDERICK KERR—Celebrated actor | iH BIOGRAPHICAL MARIAN MARSH—Lovely young: star, avid Manners Frederick Kerr “Mary Doran _......Lilian Bond ¥ ¥ “| Polly Walters ‘arbara Leonard RIEFS of stage and’een. His most recent films haveveen “Frankenstein,” “Waterloo By” and “Honor of the Family.” Ha 4 rom England. LILIAN BON§Noted stage beauty, former “Vafs” feature. Seen on screen in “Bnan, Save My Child,” “Union Depe “Dancing Partners,” “Just a Gigo “Stepping Out” and “High Pressu. Born in England. MARY DORA. his is her first important part: he made her screen bow in a sm‘ Je in “Union Depot.” Her next pt will be ‘Miss Pin kerton.” ROY DEL RW (Director)—Veteran of screen, no/for interesting innovations and ¢'rtures. Specialist in comedy and i Successes di rected by 1 Ruth include “Hold Everything,” he Maltese Falcon,” the two Cag | hits, “Blonde Crazy” and “Taxi,” a “Beauty And The Boss.” G FACT HIS PICTUR Beautiful Marian Marsh, first star of 1932, is in “Beauty And The Boss,” the Warner Bros. picture now at the .... Theatre. Miss Marsh portrays a secretarial Cinderella who becomes a beautiful siren, and wins her man. Mat 10c Cut No. 4 Cut 30c | OFFICIAL BILLING | Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc. and Phe: Vitaphone (Corporatinne. cen ke kt 5% present ; SBE AW EY iA) LED, BO es ee ee 100% with Marian Marsh, David Manners, Warren William................ 30% Chavies Butterworth 0002s i ees ore! ne na i 5% yaar Pete ye le NN Le areal ol aM 5% Directed, BY IOV er Peon a ade A Warner Bros. and Vitaphone Production......0..000000.0.... For A BALANCED PROGRAM play these VITAPHONE SHORTS BROADWAY BREVITY Complete miniature musicals with Broadway’s best (2 reels) and/or A LOONEY TUNE With Bosko, the sereen’s. funniest musical cartoon character and/or NEWMAN TRAVEL TALK Interesting explorations around the world with the ‘amera (1 reel) and/or SPORTSLANT Ted Husing’s snappy illustrated explanations of all kinds of sports (1 reel) Length and Running Time 6,034 Feet_ 66 Minutes iy TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PNT eit ee ce e 2 Punieiner Vinge coe alerts 2 Biographical, Briefs'.-... oe 2 Oieta) Pilane ie 2 Advance Stories oso i0 ee 3 Newspaper Ade................... 4, 5, G6, 7 Current Campaign: |... 8 “Eeeproibatidi ici hd §,’ 10; 71 Aecessories «280.050 a ee 12