Blonde Crazy (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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STUNTS ON THIS SNAPPY FILM! } NEWSPAPER CONTEST Ever since Anita Loos wrote her famous book, the argument as to whether gentlemen prefer blondes has been going on unabated. The title, ‘‘Blonde Crazy,’’ gives you the opportunity of cashing in on the interest in this question. Visit the feature editor of your local paper and point out the reader interest possibilities in an essay contest on the ‘‘blonde’’ subject. Any sort of contest that will arouse a controversy 1S bound to react favorably from the standpoint of circulation. The stunt should be conducted as follows: 1. Newspaper announces that in conjunction with the showing of ‘‘Blonde Crazy,”’ readers will be given the opportunity of recording im print their opinions on “Do Gentlemen Really Prefer Blondes?’’ Essays will be limited to one hundred words. Prizes can be donated by local merchants in return for publicity secured, also about twenty pairs of passes. : . Theatre should have lobby! bo frame and trailer calling attention to the newspaper contest. . Judges should include a representative of the theatre, one from the newspaper and. =: ame local celebrity. -an_ alternative question gees PS a “EMOTION | THERMOMETER This novelty proved a sensation as a stunt for ‘‘Night Nurse’’ and can be repeated here with equally good results because of the subject matter, as well as the title of the picture. It is a special glass thermometer 4 inches in length, glued to a small cardboard with readings such as ‘‘passionate,”’ ““Warm-heated,’’ ‘‘Cold-hearted,’’ ete. The instrument is so delicately constructed that the | | Pound Box of Sweetheart o Gentlemen. Really, and then MERCHANT’S TIE-UP Window display tie-up cards in all stores catering to feminine trade, as well as co-operative newspaper advertising, are naturals for the ‘‘Blonde Crazy’’ campaign. For instance, a clothing store might display a sign reading as follows: JAMES CAGNEY is ‘““‘BLONDE CRAZY’’ in his new picture at the Capitol Theatre. We’re ‘‘Blonde Crazy’’ Too! .. . At least we are very proud of the fact that many dresses in our large and varied stock have been especially designed to set off the blonde type of beauty. Flower shops will find this eypy adaptable to their needs: “ire You ‘‘Blonde Crazy’’? 00 You Want To Make A Hit With The Girl Friend? Jf so, send her one of our spedial ‘‘blonde bouquets’’.. . ; and take her to see “BLONDE CRAZY”’ with James Cagney, Joan Blondell At the Capitol he p 1s. i + This smart card will find a pes in any candy store: / Blondes Prefer Gentlemen Who Send Them Our Special { Confections. Take care of that little detail lecrt Bil shout = 4 = Similar cards can be made up for beauty parlors, lingerie shops, department stores, drug stores, book stores, gift shops and shoe stores. Eaeh ecard should of course carry a still from the picture, or if big enough, a selection of stills. The same copy can be used for co-operative ads. The same dealers who are willing to take part: .in: this stunt, .can— be solicited to provide the prizes for any contests you may run. 24SHEET CUT-OUTS slightest touch of the hand will |] send the liquid jumping up the tube. It’s no end of fun and it’s a novelty that will be taken into the home and passed from person to person. The novelty may be a bit too expensive to use as a teaser or throwaway, but is excellent if featured as a gift to the first fifty women attending each matinee of ‘‘Blonde Crazy.”’ You ean eall it an ‘‘ Emotion Thermometer for Blondes.’’ Feature the gift in your newspaper ads and lobbies as a European Novelty imported especially for your theatre. Prices including your theatre imprint on the back of the card is five cents. Order from Ex ploitation Printing Co., 1 West ard St., N. Y. City. ASK TO SEE A COPY OF THE HERALD The twenty-four sheet on ‘Blonde Crazy’’ is a natural for a cut-out. In fact, it was designed with this idea in mind. There are two ways of handling this cut-out. One is to use only the head of James Cagney ; the other is to make a cut-out of the entire illustration which includes Cagney and Joan Blondell. If you use only the head of Our Boy Jimmy, put a flasher behind his winking eye. This idea proves exceptionally effective in a dark corner of your lobby or against a black backdrop. Another effective way to use this winking eye cut-out is to utilize the window of an empty store. The window, of course, should be properly bannered, leaving a small peep hole through which the curious might look. The cut-out should be set way back in the store— at least twelve feet. Use the following copy: Hello, Cutie! It’s Jimmy Cagney and I’m ‘““‘BLONDE CRAZY’’ Meet Me At The STRAND any day this week. Another way of making use of this twenty-four sheet is fully described in this exploitation section under LOBBY DISPLAY (Column 1, Page 2). POPULARITY CONTEST FOR BLONDES The title ‘‘Blonde Crazy’’ offers you a fine opportunity of conducting a contest to find the most blonde 1 aE te ae begin on the first day of the showing and prizes should be awarded from the stage of your theatre on the last day. Every ticket purchased during the showing of ‘‘Blonde Crazy’’ entitles the holder to ten votes. The name of his selection should be written at the back of the stub and deposited in your ticket box. This rule can be varied according to conditions. If you tie-up with your local merchants on this contest it will be necessary to give them voting cards which they distribute with each purchase and similar voting cards should be given at your ticket window with every ticket sold. Merchant tie-up on this voting contest is highly desirable because it not only gives your contest wider distribution and BEST (a word we hate to use ) EVERYBODY KNOWS WHAT IT MEANS, NO EXPLANATION IS NECES. SARY AND IT CONVEYS THE IDEA QUICKLY. YET WE HESITATE TO USE IT BE-. CAUSE IT HAS BEEN USED SO OFTEN THAT IT IS USUALLY DISCOUNTED. HOWEVER, AFTER SEEING THE WARNER BROS. TALKING TRAILERS CON. STANTLY OUTSHINE ALL THE OTHERS IN PUNCH, RESULTS AND MERCHANDISING VALUE IN GEN. ERAL, WE ARE FIRMLY CONVINCED THAT THE WARNER TALKING TRAILERS ARE REALLY THE BEST. EVERY WARNER TRAILER IS GIVEN THE SAME CONSIDERATION AS THE FEATURE PICTURE IT ADVERTISES. GET IT ON “BLONDE CRAZY” AT COST FROM YOUR LOCAL EX CHANGE! greater publicity, but the stores ‘|}will also stand their share of the prizes. In this way, the prizes will be worth competing for which should reflect greatly at the box-office. Every merchant tied up with this contest will undoubtedly allow you the use of his window space for publicizing the contest and your show. Newspaper co hiy desirable. — -NNANTS ~— A brilliantly colored banner is available on this picture. Copy on the banner includes the title, cast and a snappy catchline. It is printed’ on strong, durable canvas and ouaranteed weather-proof. Size is 20 x 80 inches. Price is 50¢ each. James Cagney pennants have also been made up in a variety of colors on felt. Those pennants are fine for alternating with the banner around the marquee. Price of the pennants is $1.50 per dozen. Order both pennants and banners. directly from _ the manufacturer : MORRIS “LIBERMAN 690 Eighth Avenue New York City. BEAUTY PARLOR CO-OPERATION We have repeatedly sug-— gested in our press sheets that exhibitors make use of their loeal beauty parlors as advertismed ° rer has fie BLONDE CRAZY to have one of our special Treatments. But if you are, there’s no better place than (name of store). And there’s no better place than the STRAND this week where ‘“‘BLONDE CRAZY’’ is playing with James Cagney and Joan Blondell Use the above copy for a window display. To insure plenty of word-of-mouth advertising by the beauty parlor operators, invite them to the first showing of ‘‘Blonde Crazy’’ and you can bet your boots they’ll talk about it for weeks. PLAY UP SMILIN’ JIM CAGNEY IN YOUR LOBBIES LONDE’ CRAZY : NVI Nd joan BLONDELL NOEL FRANCIS RAY MILLAND Mount still (Blonde Crazy 12) and color with flesh tint. Color circle in back of head rich blue. Title and copy are in purple on a ground of varying shades of green. Enlarge still (Blonde Crazy 256) and run in natural tone. Color ground of heads green and suit in purple. Title and copy, red on a white ground. Mount stills (Blonde Crazy 12 and 260) with flesh tint over both faces. Color ground of heads dark brown. Title is crimson on a brilliant yellow ground. Copy is green on yellow. Enlarge stills (Blonde Crazy 1 and 253) running in natural tones. Color background light blue. Coat is deep purple with title in orange. Cast yellow and copy is purple on blue. AT YOUR LOCAL WARNER EXCHANGE Page Three