Blondes at Work (Warner Bros.) (1938)

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TICKETS FOR "STORY" TIPS: There are undoubtedly plenty "stories" in town which are suitable for feature material but which for some reason or other have not been covered. A contest could be worked up whereby anyone handing in a usable tip for a story gets a "Torchy Blane Prize" of a couple of guest tickets. Something beneficial to the paper like this should bring ready aid. CONTACTING WRITER GROUPS: Anyone working on a newspaper might be interested ina film describing his existence. Police reporters in particular would want to see the picture, especially if there happens to be a "Torchy Blane" Sort of reporter around the office. Con tact above groups, might result in newspaper breaks. —-—_—_—————— eee PHOTOG SNAPS BLONDES: Title of picture lends itself to stunt with Roving Photographer who goes about Snapping pics of Blondes at Work in your town. Shots may be used for lobby display, with announcements of same in advertising. The Same pictures may possibly interest local editor do ing a feature, much like daily spread conducted by New York Evening Post. ree LIPSTICK GAG; Have some napkins imprinted with a lipStick impression, supposedly Glenda Farrell"s, and then spot them in drug stores and soda fountains around town. Copy explains that gals using the napkins make their own impression and then bring nap kin to theatre, the mark most closely re-. sembling Farrell's winning passes. BLONDE INQUIRING REPORTER: Inquiring reporter in the form of a pretty blonde can get around town interviewing a representative group of men. Question can be the favorite, "Do Gentlemen Prefer Blondes?" Photographer tags along for pictures, later to be displayed in lobby, or planted in paper. ——_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_——————— MAN-IN-THE-STREET WITH BLONDES: Hook up your P.A. system and run a man-in-the-street broadcast. Question can be the always popular "Do Gentlemen Prefer, etc.", orelse, "Are Blondes better office workers, etc." Be sure to have a bevy of beau teous blondes around to liven up the affair. —_—_———eeeaeeeeeee——nn nee ee aaa GALS' UNUSUAL JOBS: Time is apropos of an article in newspaper on unusual or man-sized jobs in town being held down by girls. Perhaps editor might oblige by assigning a reporter to Story when your showing occurs. You: might get the story for him yourself. WORKING DEBS: Society editor of newspaper might want to do column on "local hardworking debs," preferably blondes, what they're doing, charity work, etc. Might be timely if a local charity drive is being held. nee nnnnnrnnrereenereernuenneneneeee BRUNETTES PICKET THEATRE: Get a couple of brunettes equipped with real picket Signs to parade up and down in front of theatre at busiest hours. Copy on signs read: "Unfair to brunettes. Ever since 'Blondes at Work' came to town, we brunettes have been without dates. Unfair!" More EMerifatrn Susp ges teoms On Tollunip Sage... Page Nine