Bordertown (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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NON-RENTAL ITEMS “x 12” LITHO HERALD Riek Cee Sees 3 eee Mega er Ie S290 oe 2 ee 3 per M for less than 5M This snappy showman’s herald has the clever catchlines and seat selling art exhibitors need for a really complete campaign on this picture. Entire reverse side has been left blank leaving enough room for both your imprint and tie-up ads. Give this herald wide distribution in stores, packages, through the mail, and as a program. 11" x 14" COLOR GLOS 8" x 10° SEPIA FAN FOTOS AUTOGRAPHED STAR PORTRAITS —/ $5.50 per M * $3.00 for 500 + $1.50 for 250 PRICES: 1 to 9—35c ea.; 10 to 24—-30c ea.; 25 and over 20c ea. | (Ask the VITAGRAPH AD SALESMAN for our special quantity prices) THEATRE IMPRINT Te ea. MIDGET WINDOW CARD 6c. ea. WaRbapey Da tsNNse TAR Sy seshtg fe pig foaeNe PRL terre WY BRC! Kise. o LOBBY DISPLAYS Take advantage of our wide range of display accessories. Drop us a postcard today. Let us tell you how your theatre can have these displays at a reasonable weekly rental fee. Margaret Lindsa | Eugene Fallette Write to: SASSY BROS PETERE COAL eae AMERICAN DISPLAY CO., Inc. 525 W. 43rd St., New York City