British Intelligence (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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THAT BOMB MIGHT | HAVE GONE OFF... BORIS KARLOFF MARGARET LINDSAY 2a ‘BRITISH ' ey BORIS KARLOFF INTELLIGENCE iY MARGARET LINDSAY Directed by TERRY MORSE «+ a WARNER BROS. -—First Nat'l Picture Screen Play by Lee Katz * Based on a Play by Anthony Paul Kelly Mat 201—2'/4 Inches x 2 Columns (66 lines) —30c INTELLIGENCE (England's famous spy hunters) A WARNER BROS.-First Nat’! Picture * Directed by TERRY MORSE Screen Play by Lee Katz * Based on a Play by Anthony Paul Kelly SEE WHY THAT BOMB EXPLODED TOO LATE! KARLOFF “am ite LINDSAY SF ‘BRITISH INTELLIGENCE’ am | Directed by TERRY MORSE » A WARNER BROS. First Nat’! Picture NY WV Screen Play by Lee Katz * Based on a Play by Anthony Paul Keily HISTORY-MAKING! WORLD-SHAKING! BORIS . “ me ~=MARGARET me fC) my ‘BRITISH © O TELLIGENCE A WARNER BROS.-First Nat'l Picture-pirected by TERRY MORSE Screen Play by Lee Katz * Based on a Play by Anthony Paul Kelly TWO ADS ON ONE MAT Mat 202—11/2 Inches x 2 Columns (40 lines) —30c Order Mat 102—15c¢ Official Billing Vitaphone Shorts BROADWAY BREVITIES crashes big-time with “Remember When,” WARNER BROS. pi l p a music-hall, minstrel musical’ eomedy. BOX OFFICE: “First rate ictures, Inc. Presents entertainment.”” MOTION PICTURE DAILY: “Finesse . .. the right flavor.” THE EXHIBITOR: “Excellent.” 5101—Broadway Brevities BORIS KARLOFF —20 minutes. ana VITAPHONE VARIETIES and the Jesse Crawfords are proud of “An Organ Novelty,” for with the famous organists appears their 13-yearMARGARET LINDSAY 60°, old daughter Jessie. 5703—Vitaphone Varieties—9 minutes. in \\ (Alf BRITISH INTELLIGENCE ~. Directed by Terry Morse 20%. THE COLOR PARADE travels to Alaska’s ‘“‘New Horizons,” where Mt. McKinley, the countryside, gold mining, salmon fishing and farming are shown in striking technicolor. 5404—The Color Parade— 10 minutes. LOONEY TUNES takes us to “Porky’s Last Stand.” Porky’s tried lots of things but he lays an egg as a business man and his hot dog stand goes bust. 5607—Looney Tunes—7 minutes. MELODY MASTERS cops a scoop with “Artie Shaw and his Orchestra.”” The King-of-Swing has top rating of the year’s popular swing nl tas a ar fi bands. 5504——-Melody Masters—10 minutes. Based on a Play by Anthony Paul Kelly pa Be MERRIE MELODIES turns its technicolor on a “Curious Puppy.’ He wanders into an amusement park and goes on a rampage. 5309— Merrie Melodies—7 minutes. A Warner Bros.-First National Picture 5%