Broadway Hostess (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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ADVERTISING “The Lady _in Red’ and America bursts‘ WINI SHAW % d “Gold Dig: Hes Caliente’ an ious, of beauties_P Thrill to the inside stor tain Broadwa gambler | THEATRE melodious Warner = ‘BROADW AY Hear her tantalizing torch} opp ing from THEATREGY Stop! Look! Listen ' There’s danger ahead! “The_Lad In Red’ is coming in her first starring & =< picture. ‘BROADWAY Hear the singing sensation of “In Caliente” and ® WINI SHAW of hot-cha... burning up “Gold Diggers of 1 935, fa as Broadway’s queen the town with 5 new song hits, in Warner Bros.’ night-club thriller with . _ _big dance numbers. With Phil Regan © Genevieve Tobin Lyle Talbot e All en J i : A First National Picture piel 219 Lines Mat No. 304—-30c flames into stardom MA into cheers for star of “In Y singing gers of 1 935,” ina glor her own: | Bros. victure all LHOSTESS See 100’s eee songs bubbles. champagne of why_that_cerrdered. was mu With Phil Regan Genevieve Tobin « Lyle Talbot + Allen Jenkins: A First National Picture A Page Six Mat No. 305—30c