Brother Rat (Warner Bros.) (1938)

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Ty Thés (2s C ONTE Because of the increasing popularity of the "quiz" contest on the radio and in leading magazines, your local newspaper should welcome this contest which combines the "quiz" idea with comedy scenes from "Brother Rat." Each day paper prints one scene from the picture, which contains a problem to be By § J On 2 CUers solved. Question pertaining to the problem appears under each picture together with a list of answers, only one of which correctly answers the question. Contestants check the correct answer to each question. Correct solutions to the complete set of five problems receive guest tickets to your show. (First Day) (Second Day ) WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE GROUP OF7 : STARS IN HEAVEN THAT RESEMBLES: s AKITCHEN UTENSIL? WHY DID YOU TAKE OFF _ YOUR GLASSES, HONEY? BROTHER RAT, YOURE * GOIN' TO PASS YOUR | ASTRONOMY EXAM IF | HAVE TO SHOVE THE ANSWERS DOWN YOUR THROAT! ICAUSE "BROTHER RATS NEVER MAKE PASSES AT | GIRLS WHO WEAR GLASSES. WHO SAID "MEN NEVER MAKE PASSES AT GIRLS WHO WEAR GLASSES"?.... . ‘ te oes acl WHAT IS THE CORRECT ANSWER TO "BROTHER RAT'S" GUESTION? < 263 Pe. 20)) BARS 5 aed ge a gccnees Check the correct answer in the following list: Check the correct answer in the following list: Spider Grater Ogden Nash Horace Walpole Strainer Colander Margaret Mitchell Dorothy Parker Skillet Dipper William Shakespeare Edna St. Vincent Millay (Third Day) ay ourth ae WHAT ARE YOu READING, BROTHER RAT? BROTHER RAT,I'M GOIN‘ TO PADDLE You TWICE FOR EACH § CLASS THAT HASBEEN 8 GRADUATED FROM ; V.M.l. A STORY ABOUT TWO KIDS. | WHO LOOK SO MUCH ALIKE | THAT THEY BOTH ALMOST GET CROWNED FOR IT. fF TOMORROW STATION KFI WILL BROADCAST } THE 991# GRADUATION CEREMONY OF VIRGINIA § MILITARY INSTITUTE ¢ WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE BOOK "BROTHER RAT" IS HOW MANY TIMES WILL "BROTHER RAT" GET PADDLED? BEADING? \... «' .e.04 BR ; a Ed tae Check the correct answer in the following list: Check the correct answer in the following list: Gone With the Wind The Prisoner of Zenda Penrod and Sam One hundred and ninety-six One hundred and eighty One hundred and two Two hundred and four Three hundred and ten One hundred and ninety-eight Rover Boys in Mexico Anthony Adverse The Prince and the Pauper (Fifth Day) | PROPOSE TO FIGHT IT OUT ON THIS LINE IF IT TAKES ALL SUMMER. Correct Answers ONT YOU EVER | GET TIRED OF First Day: ANDING ME THE ‘ree ay Dipper SAME LINE? Second Day: — Dorothy Parker One hundred and ninety-six This one’s a catch — Since the 99th class hasn’t graduated yet, the answer is twice 98. Third Day: Fourth Day: "The Prince and the Pauper" Fifth Day: Ulysses S. Grant Check the correct answer in the following list: Robert E. Lee Charles Wolfe Ulysses S. Grant Stonewall Jackson William T. Sherman Philip Sheridan Order set of contest mats BR 502B — 75c from Warner Bros. Campaign Plan Editor {5]