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Captured! (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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EXPLOITATION GREAT “COOL” POSTER FOR USE DURING SUMMER MONTHS Poster Gets Fine News Break Bob Lynch, Manager of the Bridgeport Cameo Theatre, got a grand news break in the Bridgeport Herald, through this poster. He mounted it, and set it up in front of the house where a reporter for the Herald saw it, and devoted a quarter column to its description. He said in part; city talking . ‘<The poster in front of the Cameo has the entire . If you think the picture isn’t a knockout, just take a = walk down there, and you’ll lose both your eyes when you get a glimpse G in _Rrid ioenart ve a nc fore Sm long time.’ “of it. It’s one of the best and ee startling displays this writer has seen This striking. eee iden ee aati the COOLNESS: of your theatre in no uncertain terms, was originally used in a trade ad. So numerous were the exhibitors’ request for enlargements of it, that we decided to meet the phenomenal demands of exhibitors by making up a special processed 40 by 60 blow-up for use throughout the summer. It’s a brand new idea which will attract gobs of attention. Mounted on a 40 by 60 easel and PRICED at only change! Get it at once. 50¢ each, _ placed in your outer lobby, it can be used on any picture. it is available at your local ex SPECTACULAR “SHAM CAPTURE” WILL GIVE SENSATIONAL PLUG What can unquestionably prove to| course be devised by the heads of be the most spectacular and public arresting stunt ever presented as a theatre exploitation feature is suggested here. The tie-up is a truly logical one to present to your local Scoutmaster or head of a Military Academy or any other institution where military training is a routine feature. A public park, athletic field or large vacant tract of land, centrally located, are ideal locations for the presentation of this stunt. The idea is to induce some one of the prospective cooperating organizations mentioned above to stage a “ShamCapture” for the benefit of the pub lic at large. Two companies or bri gades selected by their officers from among the membership of the outfit involved are to compete for the honor of “CAPTURING” an ostensibly stragetic military position to be designated in the park or grounds engaged for the purpose. The rules. regulations and technical details of such a “Sham-Capture” must of the participating school or elub. As a suggestion a pole can be planted in center of field from which is unfurled a flag bearing the legend “CAPTURED.” This can answer as the point to be stormed and ecaptured under the rules of military procedure. The theatre should offer a worthwhile trophy or other acceptable award to the winning faction. The event should be publicized through every medium at your command and after the “Capture” the participating members paraded or transported to your theatre in ballyhoo fashion as guests to witness the picture. The Boy Scouts or other outfit may be sold on the idea to make this an annual event with its tieup with the picture “Captured” the initial affair A facsimile blockhouse or miniature fort constructed very cheaply will offer splendid opportunities for bannering and decorating in the interests of the stunt. DON’T MISS THE CORKING RADIO DRAMATIZATION ON PAGE 24. Strong Outdoor Posting Campaign “Captured!” is so big it deserves big billing. If you go after this picture like you would the biggest attraction your theatre ever had, you will get commensurate returns. Set up a strong bill posting campaign, using the 24 sheets, 6 sheets, 3 sheets and 1 sheets. Get into every live and empty store window available with the window cards. An attractive one sheet snipe can be made up by having your printer cut a reversed block with the title “Captured” dominating the sheet in a flat arrangement. Have this printed in a bright red ink and plaster the The title is an arresting one and will create a town with this paper. lot of attention as an advance teaser campaign. Your city hall court yard or public squares may have a number of cannons on display. Arrange to place a card along side of these, using the title “ to read the balance of the copy an Japtured” to lure passers-by nouncing the playing of the picture at your theatre. Essay Contest to Sell Love Angle An interesting essay contest which may raise considerable question among your women movie-fans, is one revolving around the actions of Margaret Lindsay in ‘‘Captured!’’ She marries Leslie Howard after knowing him only six days, a true whirlwind war courtship. He is ealled back to the front, and in the long months that Margaret is left alone, she realizes that she loves someone else. In the picture, she does not remain true to Howard but accepts the new love. Naturally, her conduct in this in stance is open to dispute. Was-it-the right thing to do? Run an advance contest giving the details and asking the readers to write in 100 words their opinions on the question, ‘‘ Did Margaret Lindsay do _ the right thing?’’ To the five best answers submitted, award small cash prizes. and passes to the picture to the next 25. Essay on What Star Does Best Offer guest tickets to your next show, ten persons who send to the “Captured” Essay Editor, in care of your theatre, an essay of not more than one hundred words, on which of the or small eash prizes to the three great stars of “Captured”— Leslie Howard, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Paul Lukas—in your opinion, does the finest acting in the picture. Credit should be given for soundness of reasons in awarding the prizes. COLORTONE SLIDE Make your screen presentation ar tistic and colorful with the atmospherie effect, elaborately colored. beautifully created. Gives added depth to your film. 4x 5 Colored positive only....$2.00 —Set (pos. and neg.).... 3.00 344x4 Colored positive only.. 1.50 —Set (pos. and neg.).... 2.25 Order by Number N-600 NATIONAL STUDIOS, Ince. 226 West 56th Street, New York Be sure to specify and include remittance with order to avoid parcel post and C.0.D. charges. ‘BETRAYING LETTER’ THROWAWAY DANDY TICKET SELLING NOVELTY These fac-simile letter throwaways have a direct tieup with the highlight of the picture and supply a definite patronage lure. The face of “envelope” is reproduced here. A slip notch on reverse side completes the envelope effect, and bears a regulation return address. Unfolded, the inside page reproduces the love missive in a lady’s handwriting, which figures so prominently in the picture “Captured.” The inside flaps carries several lines of snappy sales copy on the picture, while the lower section is reserved for theatre imprint and play-dates. This attractive novelty has many and varied uses. It serves as the ideal medium to throw out of moving airplane, an effective stunt suggested elsewhere in this section. The letter is also most appropriate for distribution through any and all channels which you usually employ. The following angle can _ be brought into play and is one which is strongly advised owing to the fact that your message will be retained by all who receive it. On the back of ‘envelope’ will be printed without additional cost the following copy together with the serially numbering of same, 2634 HOLD THiS LETTER! GUEST TICKET TO Bring this letter to the above theatre. If this number corresponds with one of those listed in the lobby, you will be admitted FREE. i sae iieaainerocn seamen aad oe il Size of FA inches. 1000 .. $4.00 3000 3.75 5000 . 3.50 10,000 3.20 your order. IT MAY BE YOUR LUCKY SEE (theatre name and play dates) ATAL LETTER Throwaway folded is Prices quoted. inelude-all imprinting--~———— Folding $1.00 extra per 1000 If you desire to use the Free Ticket angle add the words ‘““SERIALLY “CAPTURED” AT THE NUMBERED” to Order Direct From ECONOMY NOVELTY COMPANY 239 West 39th Street New York City FOUR GOOD SUGGESTIONS FOR SELLING SHOW FROM THE AIR You can use the airplane sequence as a means of tying up a first class stunt which will attract a great deal of attention and interest, particularly among the younger members of your audience. Right now the country is air crazy as a result of the sensational exploits of General Balbo and his air fleet and the record breaking ’round the world feat of Wiley Post. Obtain the services of an airplane and at a specified time have the pilot, drop over the city handfuls of inexpensive throwaway paper planes or the special letter accessory described in this book. Advertise beforehand that these paper planes will be serially numbered and that fifty corresponding numbers will be posted on a display board in lobby of your theatre. Urge the public to retrieve these numbered planes or etters as they fall, and to take them to the theatre immediately to see if they have one of the lucky numbers which entitle holders to ‘ree admission to see “Captured!” You may be assured that if you advertise this stunt extensively enough that there will be a wild scramble to secure these ‘planes’ or letters as they float to the ground. This affords a splendid opportunity to get the title “Captured!” across in a big way, by simply tying it in with the stunt, as for instance “Capture a Plane and See ‘Cap tured!’ as the Guest of the Strand.” Any number of other exploitation angles involving the use of aircraft will prove most effective. A Gyroplane if available is an ideal medium for the aerial display of a huge banner. The bannering of struts on regulation planes, provided they fly low enough, or painting the under wings will carry your “Captured’? message to thousands most effectualiy. In situations where stunt flyers and parachute jumpers are available the following stunt will prove a sensation. Announce that an airplane bearing as passenger a daring parachute jumper will leave your airport at a certain hour. Offer a prize of $10.00 to the person who first places his or her hand on the jumper after he has leaped from the moving plane. Offer further prizes of smaller cash awards and guest tickets, for the nearest correct location where the jumper will be “Captured.” This stunt can be tied in with a newspaper by making a stipulation that to win the award for ‘capturing’ the ‘escaped war prisoner’ the person making the capture must have with him a copy of the newspaper offering the prize. In situations where planes equipped with amplifier are available this tremendously commanding ‘voice from the air’ feature should by all means be used. Announcements thus broadcast will sell the show as no other outdoor exploitation stunt can. In fact, the effect is little short of sensational. Page Twenty-nine