Central Airport (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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EXPLOITATION STUNT OF THE WEEK Here is your announcement story. Barthelmess Memory Test For Newspaper Contes ERE is a contest that will rouse the interest of movie fans. Barthelmess’ roles for the most part have been of a varied and distinctive character. The accompanying contest illustrations which are available for this stunt, will help you to sell the idea to your newspaper. Each illustration depicts Richard Barthelmess in some movie characterization. The stills are sufficiently typical of the individual role enacted in each production, as to be identifiable by fans. However in order not to make the contest too easy, one of the requirements should be a brief 50 word or less, discription of the type of character each illustration depicts, in addition to properly identifying the production itself. This contest will be found acceptable to newspapers its interest value, addition to serving as a circulation builder during contest period. There are eight different Barthelmess poses, and owing to genuine reader in each presenting in character attire the specific role enacted in as many First National produetions. This can run as an eight day contest using one cut each day or can be condensed into a four day feature, using two cuts daily. : This contest should be launched with a preliminary announcement using copy similar to that shown. The following day publish the first one or two ‘Memory Test Pictures’ according to length of contest period, and carry on daily until the eight cuts are published. Offer readers prizes of ae ae orrect identification “Mil when mailed to Contest Editor at end of contest period. As stated above, each identification should be accompanied by a brief summary of the character portrayed by Barthelmess and on this point all correct identifications of the entire series should be judged. Each illustration should be set up in box with lines indicated for name of production to which picture fits, lines indicating space for name and address of contestant and three to five lines for comment on the characterization. NOTE—For the benefit of exhibitors and Contest Editors the correct identification of the Barthelmess productions are as follows. This list however should not be divulged in advance of contest closing. No. 1— “Dawn Patrol’ No. 2—“‘The Patent Leather Kid’ No. 3—“The Lash” No. 4—“The Finger Points” No. 5— “Son of the Gods” No. 6—“The Last Fight)” No. 7—“Alfas ‘The Doetor,” wus a3arthelmess productions | No. 8—Cabin In The Cotton.” j Barthelmess Fans How Well Do YouRemember His Films? 28 Prizes If You Can Name Previous 8 Pictures of Star of “Central Airport” from Series of Photos Starting Tomorrow in The Daily News Zp) ARTHELMESS fans! Watch these columns tomorrow and the seven succeeding days. We’re going to put you through a memory test. Each day starting tomorrow we will publish a likeness of Richard Barthelmess in some distinctive characterization he porBros.-First National production. trayed in some previous Warner There will be eight pictures in the series, one to be printed each day. You are asked to specify the title of the production with which each Barthelmess picture is associated. In addition you are to write a_ brief description of the role he enacted in each and when you have compiled the entire series, mail them to the BARTHELMESS MEMORY TEST EDITOR ecare Daily News. Then all complete sets that have been identified correctly will be judged on the merit of the comments you make on the series of Barthelmess roles. There will be 28 prizes in all. The entire series of eight pictures must be submitted by each contestent, to receive consideration by the judges. First prize—$10.00 in cash. Second Prize-$5.00 in cash Third Prize-$2.50 in cash | NOTE TO EXHIBITOR:—If you decide to use two pic: tures daily, then change this’story to fit. Twenty-five prizes of two tickets each to see Richard Barthelmess in ‘‘Central Airport’’ at the Strand next week will be awarded the 25 next best complete entries. If you want to have the thrill of a lifetime and see Dick Barthelmess as the most romantic yet most daring lover ever portrayed on the screen, as the guest of the Daily News, then by all means watch out for tomorrows editions and the first Barthelmess Memory Test picture. Clip the picture and accompanying contest blank, fill in as instructed and so on each day until you have collected the entire series. This is going to be great fun, thus bringing back to mind the enthralling moments Richard Barthelmess has given you in the past. ; So get ready Barthelmess fans! Tomorrow we start the ball rolling. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 Illustrations in this stunt available in one unit. Order cut No. $ Cut $1 Mat 40ce. No. 8 Contest For Air Stamp Exhibits The hobby of stamp collecting has greatly increased by leaps with the coming of Airmail Postal Routes. Collectors have specialized in the accumulation of airmail stamps. The following contest idea will bring you surprising proof of the number of such philatelists in your locality. Offer guest tickets to all stamp collectors who will loan their colleetion of airmail stamps for exhibition in connection with the showing of ‘“Central Airport.’’ In your contest announcements state that Richard Barthelmess is an enthusiastic philatelist and airmail stamps are his particular hobby. Some sort of prize award should be made or the best showing of airmail issues. These can be either cash or suitable prizes of especial appeal to philatelists. Stamp albums and ¢atalogues, books that deal with the subject of philately or subscription to some philatelical magazine would serve admirably. Be sure that the commercial flying angle of the picture is tied in with this contest. Air Beacon Effect On Your Marquee A baby spot or small flood light placed on marquee masked in by a replica of an airline beacon can serve as an excellent ballyhoo. During the day the fae-simile beacon has a definite tiein pictorial value. At night the beam of light thrown aloft and focused upon a large model airplane or banner placed at some logical point such as roof of opposite building, wali of adjoining structure or at a spot high up on theatre front, will attra every passerby. Ss e = Direction Arrow The adaptability of direction arrows with this specific picture is clearly cbhvious. This truly effective unit when logically applied, as in the case of ‘‘Central Airport,’’ has a very definite selling value and cannot be recommended too highly. Spot these on every available ‘shot’ along every street and every highway leading into town. Don’t overlook a vacant building, shed, fence, post, tree or obstruction. Your local printer in most instances can print these cardboard arrows, although many advertising and show printing houses carry same in stock. The most feasible size to employ is those measuring 4 x 22 inches overall. Be sure to order same in both styles, one with arrow pointing right and other left. : Use a minimum of copy as suggest | ed here. To Strand and oe ence oe CENTRAL AIRPORT Teaser Campaign Copy is furnished here suitable for snipe posters, window and tack cards, throwaways or even newspaper ads, that is bound to awaken tremendous curiosity and start no end of speculation and comment. Use the suggested copy before your regular ads break. Where this idea is used for window cards, the mounting of still CA No. 42 on same will add to its effectiveness. This still | shows a typical ‘Air Circus’ in oper ation with concession tents, ete. side-shows, (Suggested Copy) THRILLS! THRILLS! THRILLS! Attend The Mighty AIR CIRCUS at CENTRAL AIRPORT (Play Dates Here) Main City Ticket Office STRAND THEATRE Page Nine