Central Park (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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Ad Campaign That Sells ALL-AC Tonight you’re going » THRILL when you see a maniac feeding men to the wild beasts of the zoo! | when John Law locks uj i / $e, A & \ lovers for a daring crime A ge didn’t commit! _ eee SCREAM as the escaped lion charges the guests at the swanky Casino YouCan’t » Believe Thrills, suprises, speed, excitement coming so fast you never know what'll happen next! A lion prowling pavements, crashing petting parties! A beauty queen held for ransom! Crooks holding up the swanky Casino night club! New York’s finest battling it out with the yeggs! Now see all the things you hear about ‘Central Park’’! with JOAN BLONDELL WALLACE FORD GUY KIBBEE Ninth of First National New-Season Successes! From the story by Earl LY; Baldwin and Ward Morehouse when you watch crooks i armored car turning the chine guns on the cops! ‘with Joan BLONDELL WALLACE FORD GUY KIBBEE Another All-Action First National hit—ar FATS er tS aT EE STRAND | Cut No. 24 Cut 4oc Mat toc Cut No. 19 Cut 60c Mat r5c 212 LINES 327 LINES There’s a lion loose esrcreretana ¥ Thrills, suprises, speed, excitement coming so fast you never know what’ll happen next! A lion prowling pavements, crashing petting parties! A beauty C queen held for ransom! Crooks holding up the swanky Casino night club! New York’s finest Nw battling it out with the yeggs! Now see all the things you hear about ‘Central Park’’! with ‘ Be JOAN BLON DELL It’s a fact! See him crash pettir WALLACE FORD ties...stampede society’s gala GUY KIBBEE | steal a taxi ride ride through ¢ eT auc tus si is mak Park! Just one of the thousand Baldwin and Ward Morehouse : ; 5 < you’re going to see in this fae ST RAND er National All-Action ial Swe THEATRE») ‘I : eee | | AND POLICY HERE aS Mss j O A Ru 2 WALLACE FORD e GUY KI Cut No. 17 Cut 4oc Mat roc Cut No. 26 Cut 60c Mat 15c 142 LINES 282 LINES Page Eight