Chain Lightning (Warner Bros.) (1950)

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THE STORY (not for publication) Flying ace! Humphrey Bogart) discharged from the Army, meets up a Parker,) a girl he knew overseas, and airerdft designer( Richard Whorf, Jat a party given by plane manufacturer Raymond Massey.)Whorf is trying to perfect the “pod”, a bailing-cut device fer the jet plane. He induces Massey to hire Bogart as a test pilot. Bogart persuades Massey to let him try an over-the-pole from Nome to Washington jet flight — without the safety device — to get publicity and possibly a government order for planes. The flight is successful but, upon landing, he learns that Whorf has been killed in a crash while testing the device. Eleanor accuses Bogart of responsibility for Whorf’s death, telling him he ought to fly the jet with the pod to prove Whorf did not die in vain. Bogart refuses to risk his life but, shortly afterward in the plane’s last test flight, she learns that Bogart is flying the plane with the pod. Massey orders Bogart to land, warning him of the danger, but Bogart presses the switch and the pod starts its historymaking descent to the testing grounds — a@ success. Eleanor meets Bogart on the field as he comes down. 4) — IP ¢ Prene, ROARING JOLT OF A JET COMES THE FASTEST BOLT OF BOGART DIRECTED BY STUART HEISLER —~ HUMPHREY GARI ~" RAYMOND MASSEY RICHARD WHORF PARKER SCREEN PLAY BY LIAM O’BRIEN AND VINCENT EVANS SUGGESTED BY A STORY BY J. REDMOND PRIOR Ad Mat 306 — 3 cols. x 13% inches (552 lines ) (This ad also in two-column size. See page 6)