Confidential Agent (Warner Bros.) (1945)

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CAST Denard CHARA PO YrER Rise Cratlen EAS BAG ALIS \lis. Melandes) Katina Paxinot Clomtreras Peter. Lorre Victor brancen Captain Currie George Coulouris hdse Wanda Hendrix Neu Forbes Joly Wao burton Miro Muckeryt Dian Seymou Detective Geddes Gcorge ZUCCO Miles Mandei sriestock lareitas Ghaiiient Art Koster lord Benditeh Pbolmes Herbert lord Fethne Lawrence Grant PRODUCTION Produced by Robert Buckner. TLenman Shtundin. Novel by Drvccted by From oa Graham Grecnue. Photographed by James Wong Howe, ASC. Art Dirce: tet-—-heohRmer. het, Ceorge Amy. Dialogue Director, Jack Daniels. Assistant Director, Art Lucker, Sound by Oliver S. Garretson. Set Decorations by William Wardrobe by Leah Rhodes. Makeup ATUSt, Kuehl. Pere Westmore. Musie by Franz Wasiman: Orchestral ArrangeLeonid Raab; Musical Director, Leo F, ments by Forbstein. Silt CRO Vat 105 [5 Charles Boye: who ‘is co-starred with exciting Lauren Bacall in Warners’ newest drama of love and adventure, “Confidential the Strand Agent, currently at Also featured in the film Katina Victor Francen are Academy Award winner Paxinou, Peter Lorre and Cs wrQe Coulou t$ SYNOPSIS (Not kor Publication) In 1937 Denard (Charles Bover), ex musician, now agent for Spain's Party, Cullen (Lauren Bacall) and Licata (Victor Francen), Republican Rose hascist agent, mect on the Channel steamer to England. Denard accepts a lilt to London from Rose, En route they stop at 4a roadhouse managed by Captam Currie (George Coulourts). Fol lowed and beaten up by Licata’s chauffeur, Denard manages to ar rive at last in) London at a small hotel kept by Mrs. Melandez (Ka tina Paxinou) where he finds a loyal friend in little Else (Wanda Hendrix), Cockney stmt. AA roomer at the hotel is Mr. Muck crypt (Dan Seymour), Elindie mystic. Denard (Peter Lorre), another Republican agent, later exposed as a traitor. contacts Contreras On his way to mect Rose, Den ard is again attacked by Licata’s agents, but escapes injury. Ele tells Rose his musston tvolves buying coal from Lord Benditch (Holmes Herbert), Rose's tather. Kise reports to Denard that Mrs. Melandes and Contreras are fis enemies. “Phen, while he is away, Murs. Kise. Melandez and Contreras kill Denard sees Lord Bendtteh but cannot consummate a purchase be have been cause his credentials stolen by Licata’s agents. Denard is accused of the murder of lsc and becomes a fugitive, swearme Mrs. Melandez tor the girl's murder. vengeance to Contreras and Denard follows Contreras and threatens him at revolver pom. Contreras collapses and dies, vic tim of a heart attack. Back at the hotel, Mr. Muckerji informs Mrs. Melandez that he has information and witnesses to prove that she and Contreras killed Else. Mrs. Mclan dez drinks poison, defeats Denard who arrives in time to watch het lie. Next, mines, about to reopen to supply Denard goes to the coal Licita's Fascists with. “coal. He pleads with the muners not to go through with this scheme. Vo riot ensues and with Rose's help Den ard escapes. She arranges for him to leave the country by cniisting the aid of Neil Forbes (John War burton), her ardent admiurer. Forbes, driving Denard to the iraanp steamer which will take linn back to Bareclona, tnforms Denard that Licata’s coal contract was ¢€an celled mines and ats attendant publicity. because of the riot at the Denard has not farted after all. The kascists will not get the coal. A Tastmimute attempt to capture boards — the Denard —bélore hie steamer is foiled. Onee on board, he stares dreamualy tate the dark wa ter, Imaeines he hears Rose's vaice, tins an astonishment and joy to him discover she has followed aboard, Phev embrace tenderly. on sere ek a a Sull OS 1-86 Charles Boyer and Peter Lorre in a tense scene. from Warners’ new hit melo drama, ‘Confidential Agent,” now playing at the Strand. Co-slarred in thi drama is lovely Lauren Bacall. Warners’ ‘Confidential Agent Opening Tonight Al Strand (O pening Day Reader) \ stibet ls bole vac vf melodrama ana mnsprucd ro terse Digiieee Vaune Baws,. 9“ Ganida dential Agent opens tonteht at the Strand Charles tacall in — tlre top Pheatre with Beyer and Lauren starring roles and oa featured cast that Kear ass oe Victor and George Coulow ts. mchudes Péter ore Fieancen \dapted (Srisas GG ahaa Greene’s well-known novel ol the same name, “Confidential incredible \eent” traces the adventures of a freedom-loyIng artist who undertakes to perform an Haposstbls Clift It gnassion on bebralf cot tba Spanish Republican Parton ! J 1 ahr eern er etore the rest ob tlie world hac become cHabreed = in the tite and death sipuge tl avainst fascisin, \part trom tis pure CHECL EATON value, thre filing also affords ao tiniely and invaltiable backward obsnee mito the pokationist attaterct of the contributed world ef gay which heavily teth later world holocattst. Directed by Eh lin, “Confident iel tana Shas Veet WAS produced by Robert Dirceies Outi rbuted kpans \WWarxtnan the filuas obigtarad pnciste Sull OS 1-8-4 The chances are good that Lauren Bacall is the topic of discussion between George Coulouris and Charles Boyer in the above scene from Warners new drama, "Confidential Agent." The film, which arrives Friday at the Strand, also features Academy Award winner Katina Paxinou, Peter Lorre and Victor Francen,