Convention City (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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Stunt of the Week SIX-DAY NEWSPAPER CONTEST SELLS STARS AND COMEDY IN PICTURES The long list of stars, plus the hilarious comedy situations in “Convention City’’ lend themselves to a six-day newspaper tie-up which will serve as a big publicity buildup for your showing of the picture. Your local newspaper will find this a valuable feature, because it sustains readers’ interest from day to day; it does not require much newspaper space; and does not involve a great deal of clerical work to decide winners. Readers are asked to give a nick-name for each of the stars whose cartoon pictures appear in the cooperating newspaper. Those submitting the ten or fifteen best sets of nick-names receive the prizes you decide to award at the end of the contest. The publicity story prepared for this contest has been written on the basis that prizes will be awarded at the end of the contest, after all six cartoons of the stars have been printed. However, if you so desire, daily prizes may be (First Day Publicity Story) Free Movie Tickets In News’ Nickname Contest Twenty-Five Pair To Be Awarded In Intriguing Six-Day Contest Starting Today HAT does Joan Blondell’s husband eall her in the privacy of their home? What nickname does Dick Powell get from his intimate friends? ... What pet name would you give Mary Astor if she were your sweetheart or your wife? It’s your move. Just give a nickname for the movie stars whose cartoons will be printed in the Daily News, starting today. We'll start with the cartoon of Joan Blondell made from life by Sam Berman, famous earicaturist. You’ve seen Joan Blondell in dozens of pictures, and perhaps in person too. No doubt you already have some pet nick-name for her, how-|{ ever in order to become more inti|} mately acquainted with Miss Blon-/|§ dell here are a few facts about her | intimate life. best set of nick-names for the six stars in “Convention City.” These guest tickets will be good to see “Convention City” which opens She is superstitious and likes to dance. Never attends gala Hollywood openings, but prefers to mingle with the crowds. Her favorite attire is white duck trousers and keeps fit by skipping rope. Her choice food is Chop Suey and soda pop. The studio and stage hands call her “Blondell”—a sign that she is regular. Miss Blondell has been starred in many screen hits, the most recent of them showing her as a fast golddigging chorus girl. JOAN BLONDELL Remember her! Qut to get even with the traveling awarded for the best dozen nicknames submitted for the star whose cartoon appears each day. After you have planted this feature with your local newspaper, play it up as big as possible. The more people you can interest in this contest, the more ticket buyers you will get for your showing of “Convention City.”” Boost the contest thru every medium you have at your command. Make a big lobby exhibit of blow-up of your cartoons; display large lobby signs plugging the contest; tie-in your copy with your advance lobby adverising. Carry announcements on your heralds and programs, in your newspaper advertising, and on your screen. Be sure to credit the cooperating newspaper for its part in publicizing the contest. Induce the newspaper to run display announcements spotted thru the paper, carry banners on their delivery trucks, and distribute special tack-cards on newsstands. This contest, properly handled will work as a big booster for your showing of “Convention City.” (Second Day Publicity Story) Widespread Interest Shown In Star Nickname Contest Everybody Talking About Novel Contest Featuring Stars In “Convention City” Strand Hit AY, is Toledo excited, and are we thrilled? We thought folks would be interested in our little contest but we never imagined the spontaneous and extended response the old town has given us. And that’s the way we like it, lots of fun for everybody and everybody joining in. That pert little gal you see above today is Mary Astor, the doctor’s wife, so, boys, get out your apples ... and everybody get out your pens for another try in the Daily News nickname contest. The comedy caricature is what Sam Berman, famous cartoonist, | ®!Ways cracks them on the big end. thinks of our little intriguing star, Mary Astor has starred in many recent hits including “The Little Giant,” “A Successful Calamity,” “Red Dust,” “The World Changes,” and now she turns her undoubted histrionic ability to the subtleties of a comedy portrayal in Warner Bros.’ latest smash “Convention City.” We know this is a hard one, but go ahead—pick your name for Mary Astor. But REMEMBER! DON’T send it to the Contest Editor until you have selected nick names for the rest of the stars in “Convention City,’ whose cartoon pictures will appear in this newspaper on subsequent days. At the end of the contest the Strand theatre will award twenty five pairs of guest tickets to the twenty five people who send in the best set of nicknames for the six stars in “Convention City.” These MARY ASTOR in “Gold Diggers of 1933,” ‘“Footlight Parade” and “Havana Widows’? Well, get a load of her eapers in her newest hit, “Convention City.” What a gal—so lovable! Now, pick your nick-name for Joan Blondell. But do NOT send it to the Contest Editor until you have selected nick-names for the other five stars in “Convention City” whose cartoon-pictures will appear in this newspaper on subsequent days. At the end of the contest the Strand Theatre will award twentyfive pairs of guest tickets to the twenty-five people who send in the salesmen! date) ati tec Seis theatre. “Convention City” is a hilarious comedy based on business conventions which most men use an excuse for whooping up things. Joan Blondell has the leading role of a gold digger who dotes on delegates to conventions. Others in the all star cast include Adolphe Menjou, Mary Astor, Guy Kibbee, Frank McHugh, Patricia Ellis, Ruth Donnelly, Hugh Herbert, Hobart Cavanaugh and Gordon Westcott. Archie Mayo directed from the screen play by Peter Milne. The sweetie of many a suite! what do you think of her? Come on, everybody’s in it—give her a nickname, because, when you see her happy-go-lucky anties in “Convention City,” you’ll know she’s one of the gang. If you feel you don’t know enough about her, here are a few intimate facts about her personal life. She is well known for her distaste for vivisection, and her kindness to animals. And being very fond of apples she terms that crack about keeping the doctor away a lot of applesauce. Her soft boiled eggs must be done to a T and she guest tickets will be good to see “Convention City’ which opens ( dite} "St Seas theatre. The story by Peter Milne is a sparkling comedy showing how the tired business man behaves when he leaves his friend wife behind to go on a business trip. Joan Blondell heads the all-star cast as the chorus girl chiseler who dotes on playful conventioners. Others in the splendid cast include Adolphe Menjou, Dick Powell, Mary Astor, Guy Kibbee, Frank McHugh, Patricia Ellis, Ruth Donnelly, Hugh Herbert, Grant Mitchell and Gordon Westcott. THE SIX MATS INCLUDED IN THIS STUNT ARE AVAILABLE AS A UNIT Order Mat No. 4 Price 30c Page Four ——— a