Convention City (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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Exploitation Ideas Sell Cast And Comedy With Novel Front BN BM 5 =6 ONE CONTINUOUS Re QQ WA SR a OA PSO This illustration shows the general design for your front display. from the illustrations on the 24-sheet and can be easily copied in cartoon style by your artist. subject matter may be cut-out and mounted from the 6-sheet, 3-sheet and 1-sheet. The over-head banner is a reduction The other Be sure to play-up the ten big star names and display a big assortment of stills with the punchy dialogue lines, listed on another page in this merchandising plan. Additional selling lines may be picked up from the advertising copy. CHANCE FOR BIG TICKET SALES The tire cover available on “Convention City” is a _ swell-looking four-color job done in a special weather-proof colorgravure process on patent leather finish stock. The background is in light grey green and white. All lettering is in back, with “Convention City” in light grey red, with ample room provided at the bottom for theatre name and play-dates. Copy and design are shown in the accompanying illustration. Prices are as follows: Singly, 85c; in quantities of 10 and up at 70e. If imprinting is desired, add $2.50 to This handsome tire cover carries your message wherever motor vehiles travel, thereby reaching untold numbers of prospective patrons which other advertising mediums your order in quantities of 10 and up to 100. Over 100, imprinting is free, Covers are sent C.O.D. unless check accompanies order. Order directly from: CLUFF FABRIC PRODUCTS, may have missed. 655 WEST 55th STREET, N. Y. C. Street Signs Get Interest THIS WAY TO ‘CONVENTION CITY z spotted at frequent intervals along the road. The residential as well as the business sections of town should have these arrows. Trolley cars, cabs, and all other types of Use these arrow direction signs in the most important sections of the city. If there is a national highway passing through you town signs make sure that these are Special Photo-Enlargements transportation vehicles should carry them. Don’t miss a spot with these attractive pointers, but be sure they all point in the general direction of the theatre. Photos are one sheet size, 28 x 42, and will fit in the stock frame. They are available in three colors, buff, peach, and green, on backed with easels if desired. heavy durable stock. May be mounted and Immediate C.O.D. shipment is guaranteed. Order directly . G. from NASIB STUDIOS, 160 West 46th Street, N. Y. Page Ten Because of the nature of ‘‘Conventon City,’’ it is advised to go after employees of large organizations and induce them to attend en masse. The picture is one that will give them a tremendous kick as it is based upon incidents familiar to al] of them. Aim especially at the Sales Departments of manufacturing concerns, selling them on the idea of holding a special convention at your theatre. As an added inducement, you might give them the use of your theatre for a morning business session before your regular opening time. Hold special nights for each organization with the individual organizations parading to the theatre. In addition to a direct business stimulant, this stunt should break in the news and society sections of local newspapers. It is also a great institutional advertisement, selling your theatre to the heads and the employees of the cooperating concerns. In making out these itineraries, contestants are asked to write some brief comment on each point of interest, just as you would briefly describe same to a visiting convention delegate. It is on the completeness of the itinerary and the merit of these comments that all entries will be judged, Convention Sight-Seeing Contest For School Kids A program of entertainment is usually scheduled for convention visitors to any city, and a sightseeing tour of the town, at which time the natives proudly exhibit the local points of interest, parks, cherished historic shrines ete. is almost always included. Sometimes buses are provided for the convention guests and on other occasions volunteers supply their private cars for this entertainment feature. It is on this angle that this unique contest is based. The very nature of same is bound to appeal to school authorities, who are anxious that their pupils appreciate and know their own city from the standpoint of historic background, famous landmarks and progressive ad vantages. To conduct this contest, a newspaper should be induced to cooper ate. The argument to advance to school heads and newspaper is clearly evidenced in the initial contest story and contains the basic idea which should be sold to these cooperating factors. The entire contest proposition is outlined in the following announcement printed in your local newspaper. —_—_—_—_—_—_@—___—_Prizes in Convention City Sight-Seeing Tour Contest Cash and Strand Tickets for Best Itineraries For Entertainment of Convention City Vititors In cooperation with the Strand Theatre, the Daily News is offering twenty five prize awards of cash and guest tickets for the best ‘‘Convention City Sight-seeing Itineraries’’ submitted by local children of school age. ‘‘Convention City’’ the timely sereen comedy coming to the Strand Theatre starting Jan. 28th, demonstrates conclusively that convention visitors must be entertained royally, if they are to carry away a lasting and favorable impresson of the town in which they have gathered. What could possibly impress convention visitors to Akron more than a carefully planned sightseeing tour of our city, where we have so much to be proud of? We are sure every boy and girl in Akron feels the same way about it. But—if you were assigned to the task of showing a group of convention visitors about, from what point would you start, what route would you take, and what points of local interest would you proudly exhibit to these strangers in your midst? Here are the contest conditions. Each contestant must write out a sight-seeing route to be made by bus or automobile to start at (a designated point). The points of interest to be pointed out or visited enroute must be given in rotation and the trip to wind up with a visit to the Strand Theatre to see ‘‘Convention City.’’ Use Burgee for Front a FUN FOR EVERYBODY Put up on fine quality duck in brilliant Equipped with eyelets ready two colors. for stringing on marquee or in lobby. 20 x 30 inches. Priced reasonably at 40 cents each. Available only from M. Magee & Son, Inc., 140 Ful ton Street: N. ¥. C. BIG LAFF 10 ‘at STARS Practical Idea For Great (2 a) Y BW This street ballyhoo will get a lot of attention. Promote the use of a large bus and insert cutouts of the stars in the windows. (To carry out this idea, follow the design on the 24-sheet). Amplifiers on top of the bus can broadcast music and short announcements about the picture. Attractive girls on the bus can throw heralds and give-aways to people along the route the bus travels,