Crooner (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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CURRENT PUBLICITY STORIES REVIEW “Crooner,” A Riot Of Fun, Puts Warblers On Spot Almost every profession you can think other, been put “ on the pan” by the movies. Last night, for the first time, the crooner sat naked, of has, at one time or stripped of all glamour, in the satirical Hollywood spotlight, while a delighted audience attending the premiere of “Crooner” at the ..... Fas a gate ees Theatre laughed and eried to their hearts’ content. First National with this offering, once again deserves high praise for the consistency with which the producer has been offering fine screen en tertainment. DAVID MANNERS Certainly, Cut No. 6 James Cut 15¢ Mat 5c Rian _who columns Broadway nightlife events for the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, “spilled the beans” when he penned “Crooner.” It is merciless to the nth degree and takes you behind the scenes of night clubs and radio stations. “Crooner” presents a splendid new team of players, David Manners and Ann Dvorak, Hollywood 1932 sensation. It is true both are well known on the screen for their individual work. They also played together as juvenile lead and ingenue in “Stranger In Town,” but this is the tima they have been co-fea _.» wakes as his theme the exaggerated ego of professional entertainers, with special emphasis on erooners. It is said to be a com posite story of the lives and loves of several of the foremost radio and night club performers. The story deals with the conceit of a youth who has accidentally been sky-rocketed to fame as a crooner in a night club. It’s tough on the crooner, but the theme afforded much delight and amusement to the audience. The plot centers around a college youth, whose success has gone to his head, and his sweetheart who tries in vain to make him keep his feet on the ground. From a rather likeable youth he turns into a snob who acquires society aspirations, and ‘high-hats” the world and his sweetheart. He has a rude awakening, however, when his egotism causes him to lose popular favor, and with it his job. A lively underlying romance, with both the crooner and his publicity promoter being in love with the same girl, affords genuine tugs at the heart-strings. Manners enacts his role splendidly and sings very acceptably. Miss Dvorak adds additional histrionic laurels, as the level-headed girl from the old college town, -who does everything in her power to help her sweetheart to succeed. Although Ken Murray, well known radio and vaudeville entertainer, is new to the screen, his work shows his thorough stage training, and he enacts the role of the hard boiled publicity promoter with exceptional ability. Claire Dodd, a Broadway favorite, is excellent as the seductive society vamp. Guy Kibbee instills a load of fun into the piece by his antics as a happy-go-lucky night club drunk. Others in the cast who do notable work include Allen Vincent, Edward Nugent, Sheila Terry, William Janney, Betty Gillette, J. Carroll Naish, Teddy Joyce, William Ricciardi and William Halligan. The picture has been capably directed by Lloyd Bacon. Page Four —] Opening Day Story “Crooner,” Opens Today i ee Theatre Gay parties and thrilling action in city night clubs will be seen today in “Crooner,” which begins a ...... Stee Asta een teas engagement at the Te aee nc cee eae cure Theatre. David Manners and Ann Dvorak, who made such an excellent team as the Town,” will again be seen as the lovers in “Stranger in leading players in this picture. Manners, who plays the title role, is said to give an excellent performance as the crooner who leaps to fame over night and becomes so impressed with his accidental success that he imagines he is a genius. Miss Dvorak gives a fascinating performance as his college sweetheart. Ken Murray, famous as a radio entertainer, proves to be just as entertaining on the screen, as a high pressure publicity manager, while Claire Dodd, a Broadway favorite, sets the heart aflutter as a society vamp. Guy Kibbee contributes barrels of fun as a jovial drunk in a night club. The theme is said to be a composite story of the lives of famous crooners and takes a satirical jab at the vanities of professional entertainers. It is gay and jazzy, a revelation of the wild hysteria of night club life, although it carries a serious vein of delightful romance. It abounds with humorous sequences and exciting action, interspersed with sparkling dialogue from the pen of the well known author and columnist, Rian James. There is an unusually strong cast, which besides the leads, includes such well known players as Allen Terry, William Janney, Betty Gillette, J. Carroll Naish, Teddy Joyce, William Ricciardi and William Halligan. It was directed by Lloyd Bacon, who handled “Fireman, Save My Child,” “Miss Pinkerton” and other successful First National productions. La day of run “Brains More Valuable Than Beauty In Films” Brains count for far more than beauty in a girl’s struggle for success in motion pictures, according to Ann Dvorak, accorded by Hollywood the title of the “Find of 1932,” who takes the leading role in First National’s “Crooner,’ a comedy drama which is now being featured Ot the ae ee Theatre. “Tf a girl has beauty, so much the better. But if you have to choose, it is the brains that get you to the top. A girl with beauty alone may never get anywhere. The streets are full of them. But if a girl has fairly good features, backed by brains and persistence, she can go far. There are some accidents, but most of the successes in Hollywood . come from intelligence and hard work, plus determination to suceeed. Pull may get you your first role, but after that, you’ve got to have the ability to continue. Fans never recognize pull.” In “Crooner,” Miss Dvorak enacts the role of the sweetheart of a boy who becomes famous overnight as a crooner, and then gets so up-stage he “high hats” her. The crooner is played by David Manners, whose unrivaled vanity elicits many laughs at his expense. a Other members of the cast include Ken Murray, Claire Dodd, Guy Kibbee, Allen Vincent, Edward Nugent, Sheila Terry, William Janney, Betty Gillette, J. Carroll Naish, William Ricciardi and William Halligan. The story is a glamorous portrayal of night club life with scintillating satire from the pen of Rian James. It was directed by Lloyd Bacon. wee ne & pe day of run Ann Dvorak Tells Why Most Men Hate Crooners Why all men hate crooning and ecrooners, while women go _ into eestacies over them? This is a question causing an inordinate amount of discussion over this form of entertainment at the night clubs. Ann Dvorak, Hollywood’s latest sensation who plays the leading feminine role in “Crooner,” a First National picture, which is now showTOS Po Oat te eee Theatre, asserts that she believes the underlying reason is jealousy. “No man will admit this, naturally,” she said. “He may not even know this is his real feeling, but it stands to reason that when he takes a young lady out to dinner, he wants her to pay some attention to himself and not give it all to a public entertainer. Furthermore a crooner’s songs are invariably directed at reaching the romantically inclined lady friend.” In the picture the crooner is so affected by the flattery of women that he imagines he is a genius endowed with a divine gift. His conceit becomes so impossible that he is unbearable even to his friends, in the picture, but immensely to the amusement and entertainment of the movie audience. The theme carries a glowing romance set in the glittering atmosphere of big city night clubs, with David Manners playing the title role. Others in the cast include Ken Murray, Guy Kibbee, Claire Dodd, ‘lNlen Vincent. Edward Nugent, Suélia Terry)... .a.M van... Betty Gillette, J. Carroll Naish, Teddy Joyee, William Ricciardi and William Halligan. The story was written by Rian James and Lloyd Bacon directed. “Drd day of run David Manners Applies For Citizenship Papers David Manners, who plays the title role in “Crooner,” a First National production which is the eurrent attraction at the ......... Theatre, recently got mixed up with the immigration authorities, and is now straightening out the tangle in Washington. Manners was born in Halifax, N.S., of English descent, but came to this country when he was four years old. Recently, he applied for citizenship papers and it was found that his parents had neglected to register him. This caused an investigation, after which he was informed he could file his papers as soon as the legal red tape had been unraveled. The young actor, who comes from the old English family, of which Lady Diana Manners is a member, and is one of the most polished players on the screen, does his best sereen work in “Crooner.” He is cofeatured with Ann Dvorak, a pretty brunette who-is recognized by Holly wood as the screen sensation of the year. The story is a fascinating comedy romance set in the glittering atmosphere of the big city night clubs, and big time conceited entertainers. It is also filled with thrilling episodes and humorous sequences that border on the hysterical. Among other prominent players in the cast are Ken Murray, Guy Kibbee, Claire Dodd, Allen Vincent, Sheila Terry and Betty Gillette. It was directed by Lloyd Bacon. An day of run Radio Entertainer Makes Film Debut In “Crooner” Ken Murray, long one of the favorite radio and stage entertainers, won a role in “Crooner,” a First National picture which is now. showime at the. nie we Theatre, because Director Lloyd Bacon liked his voice over the air. When the casting department was selecting players for the picture, there was no one available at the time of just the right type to take the part of the hard boiled publicity man, which is the most important role in the production with the exception of the leads played by David. Manners and Ann Dvorak, Hollywood’s latest sensation. Mr. Bacon suggested that Mr. Murray be ealled. He had never seen him, but he was his favorite radio entertainer. Murray was given the once over and Lloyd Bacon diThe fact that he landed such an important role in “Crooner,” for his sereen debut, speaks eloquently of the impression Ken Murray made upon the director. rected his sereen test. “Crooner” is a sparkling romance which deals with the exaggerated ego of a professional entertainer, laid against a vivid background of the gay night clubs of a big city. It was ‘written by the well known author, Rian James. Other prominent members of the east include Guy Kibbee, Claire Dodd, Allen Vincent, Edward Nugent, Sheila Terry, William Janney and Betty Gillette. day of run Dvorak Manners Again Co-Featured In “‘Crooner”’ Pth David Manners and Ann Dvorak, who are co-featured in “Crooner,” a First National picture now playING ab thee. ee eee, Theatre, are playing opposite each other for the second time. The two were cast together for the juvenile and ingenue roles in “Stranger in Town,” and made such a hit as the young lovers that it was immediately decided to eco-feature them in “Crooner.” In this picture they again play the part of sweethearts, and although the course of love runs anything but smooth, it is delightful romance spiced by the battle of rival suitors for the girl’s favor. ‘Mr. Manners plays the title role of a young college boy who makes an accidental hit as a crooner on Broadway when a drunk hands him a megaphone to sing through. The fancy of the public is struck by the novelty, but the youth begins to believe himself a genius and “high hats” every one, including his sweetheart, played by Ann Dvorak. David Manners is said to give an excellent performance as the crooner. According to advance reports from Hollywood, his egotistical performances ‘both on the stage and in private life provoke many a laugh. Miss Dvorak is charming as the college girl sweetheart, who loves her man but is sickened by his unbearable vanity. Ken Murray gives a strong characterization of the man about town who breaks and makes stars, as a publicity promoter, and Claire Dodd is delicious as a seductive society vamp. Guy Kibbee adds much to the rich humor of the piece by his antics as the jovial drunk who rockets the crooner to fame by handing him a megaphone. Besides unusual love interest and delightful humor, the story presents the glamorous side of night club life. It was written by Rian James, author of “Love Is A Racket? and numerous other screen productions. Lloyd Bacon directed.