Dark Hazard (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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Stunt of the \Neek NOVEL NEWSPAPER CONTEST GETS SIX DAY PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN Here is a corking six day contest for newspapers that gives an entirely new twist to the movie star identification idea. Pubished here are a set of six Robinson half-tone heads, on a set of miniature line-drawn bodies. These are scrambled in a way that the heads and bodies do not belong to each other, until they are properly matched to depict Edward G. Robinson in the characters he played in “Little Caesar,” ‘Smart Money,” “Two Seconds,” ‘Hatchet Man,” ‘Tiger Shark’? and ‘Silver Dollar,’”? each a distinctive and well remembered role. By ‘scrambling’ the daily installments as illustrated it makes the stunt far more intriguing and is of greater value to the newspaper, as it obliges the reader to collect all six editions in order to successfully compete. In operating this contest, one head and one body should be published each day, together with prepared contest story. Contestants are asked to write a short description of each character portrayed by Edward G. Robinson plus accuracy and (First Day Publicity Story) Cash and Strand Tickets For Edw. G. Robinson Fans Contest To Match Head and Body of Famous Star In Well Remembered Roles Starts Today ERE you have two separate illustrative units which figure in the Robinson Movie Role Contest. One is a photographic likeness of this famous and versatile star in one of his outstanding screen characterizations. The other is an artist’s drawing of the body of Edward G. Robinson in earicature, but definitely revealing the distinctive attire associated with him in a certain other screen hit. A series of six Robinson heads and six bodies will be pictured in this contest, the first of which are published today. Clip it and save until you have collected the entire set. Then match the porper Robinson heads to the bodies corresponding with the sereen roles they depict. memories’ will be put to a real test before this contest is finished. So let !everybody get busy and see just how good your memory is. Contestants are required to properly identify each picture from which the Robinson character is taken and to write a brief description of the type of role this famous film star portrays in these screen productions. For this purpose a blank is printed daily during contest, to be attached or pasted upon the sheet on which you assemble the six sets of Robinson heads and bodies. Neatness and the clarity of your descriptions of the various Robinson roles will figure importantly in judging entries. This is going to prove a fascinating pastime so don’t miss a single issue of the Daily News during contest period. Contestants to be eligible must send in the entire series of matched heads and bodies together with identifications and brief description of each Robinson role. The following prizes will be awarded the winners. SG: EYIZ6s oe ee $10.00 cash ONG ETIZO ses cnntre $ 5.00 cash STO METIZO st oh eee ee $ 2.00 cash 20 Awards of 2 Guest tickets each to see Edward G. Robinson in ‘‘ Dark Hazard’’ which comes to the Strand starting Mon. Jan. 8th. Clip today’s contest pictures and watch for the next pair of sectional Robinson pictures in tomorrow’s News, Thousands of our readers who are devout Edward G. Robinson fans and pride themselves on their ‘movie SO Here’s your first chance. Save these for the right head and body. NOTE TO EXHIBITORS—tThe contest pictures when neatness in assembling the drawings and should be the deciding factors in judging winners. This protects both theatre and newspaper in the matter of awarding prizes, as correct assembling of bodies and heads by hundreds of contestants can be reasonably anticipated. The matter of prizes must of course be determined in each individual situation. The awards mentioned in contest stories furnished here are typical of the average and can be altered to suit. Three small cash prizes and from ten to clas guest tickets to see “Dark Hazard” will usually suffice. In second day contest story reference is made to obtaining reprints of the first day’s contest installment at the theatre box office By all means have a number of reprints made of this first day installment. They can be run off cheaply and assure you of many additional contestants. Imprint your theatre name and playdates on the back relative to “Dark Hazard.”’ (Second Day Publicity Story) Edward G. Robinson Contest To Match Heads and Bodies There Is Still Time To Start In This Novel Contest To Win Cash and Guest Tickets To See “Dark Hazard”’’ at Strand ROM comments everywhere in town, the interest aroused in the Edward G. Robinson Movie Role Assembling Contest is tremendous. Even this morning hundreds appeared at the News office to obtain yesterday’s issue, so that they might secure the first pair of contest pictures So that everybody can enter and to insure those who failed to get a copy of the News yesterday, we have made arrangements for additional contestants to secure reprints of the today on the pictures that figure in the contest will be available only in the columns of the Daily News. Today’s illustration shows a facial likeness of Edward G. Robinson in one of his greatest hits. The artist’s caricature of Robinson’s body is the attire that distinguished his role in still another hit film. As stated yesterday, contestants are required to collect the entire series of six sets of contest pictures and then to match the heads with the proper bodies. Remember, to qualify for the prizes, all contestants must identify the Robinson productions by name, along with each matched pair of pictures and give a brief description of the character portrayed by Edward G. Robinson. For this purpose a blank is printed daily in the News during contest period. Neatness and the clarity of your descriptions of the various Robinson roles will figure importantly in judging entries. We urge our readers to clip the contest pictures and blank from today’s News and do the same each day between now and ..:..........cecee ‘ the closing day of contest. As stated before, you can get yesterday’s Robinson pictures at the Strand box-office, The following prizes will be awarded: Vist. Prizes sccncase $10.00 cash Dd SP rizes ia. $ 5.00 eash STOMP TizZ0. cee $ 2.00 cash 20 Awards of 2 Guest Tickets each to see Edward G. Robinson in ‘‘ Dark Hazard’’ at the Strand starting Jan. 8th. ae ‘‘Dark Hazard,’’ Edward G. Robew inson’s latest starring vehicle is \S bound to increase this popular screen . : star’s fan following. In theme and Try your skill. Match this head | oharacterization it is vastly different and body with their mates. from any production in which Robinson has heretofore been seen. Included in the cast are such sterling players as Genevieve Tobin, Glenda properly matched, depict Robinson in the following productions :—“Little Caesar”; ““Two Seconds”; “Smart Money”; “Tiger Shark’’; “Silver Dollar’? and “Hatchet Man.”’ two Robinson contest pictures by asking for same at the box-office of the Strand Theatre, This privilege of thus obtaining the first contest pictures will not be repeated during contest period. From Farrell, Robert Barrat, Gordon Westcott, Hobart Cavanaugh, George Meeker and a host of others. Watch for tomorrow’s News with the third set of Robinson Contest pictures. Page Fifteen