Dark Hazard (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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Exploitation Ideas Complete Details of N. Y. Exploitation Stunt Comm Coats ral Ga The following stunt is complete and detailed for a clever stunt e Babe's of 19 which has been set for the New York showing of “Dark Hazard,” one which you can adopt locally. Secure the loan of a black greyhound from a breeder or pet shop and can follow through in the same manner a ‘ 7 eal Novel £4 eres A und ‘g Sport., SPtie is “Dark Hazar gy as herein outlined. Announcements will be made in the newspapers, that one of the stars of “Dark Hazard” will appear at the opening of the picture at the Strand Theatre. “Dark Hazard,” the dog will be brought in from California especially for the opening. (Actually the dog is going to be placed on an incoming train a few miles outside of Grand Central Station.) The dog’s retinue will consist of two gorgeous girls and two colored grooms. The New York newspapers will be let in on the stunt so that they may fully cooperate and write their stories from a human interest or | Reception At Station | Arrangements have been made so that when the train arrives at the station, newspaper photographers, reporters and many canine notables will be present. They will greet the dog exactly as a famous movie star. After the reception at the station the dog and his company will Here is a sports page publicity break be taken to one of the leading hotels where he will be registered under that gives “Dark Hazard” a great plug. the name of Mr. D. Hazard. It appeared in all the Hearst papers on September 8, 1933. Follow through along the same lines and have your sports editor | | i j “Dark Hazard” from Dfee a le Phodece write a piece about gett the sports angle. Invite him to see the : : : picture and he is certain to find plenty In the evening, the dog will be driven in grand style to the premiere of material to interest all sportsmen. of the picture. The dog’s outfit will be a very lavish one, consisting of an imitation diamond studded collar and harness and a special dog blanket, upon which is embroided the name “Dark Hazard.” GET PRESS BREAK The dog will be placed in the lobby of the theatre on a special WITH GIFT DOG platform and surrounded by his numerous attendants. A good plan, with which to break Department Store Tie-Up into the press, with advance or cur~ rent publicity on your showing of Supplementing this idea the Strand Theatre’s exploiteers have | ««p >; Hazara,’’ is to present some arranged for a tie-up with Gimbel Brothers Department Store. The store | unfortunate kiddy, possibly in an ori, Divilliant -sleades for is holding a special dog show to include many of the city’s prize winning | phanage, with a pet dog. This dog dogs as well as a complete display of dog equipment. The store plans | neeq not necessarily be a greyhound, ‘ to use newspaper advertising to announce this special dog show, featur-| put it should be named ‘Dark | GueeSize 20 x 30 inches, ing “Dark Hazard’s” appearance at the store, including mention of the | Hazard.’ printed on heavy, durable picture playing at the Strand Theatre. humorous angle. sandwich * ee exper & 3 . en wis a vy oot muted ticket, e ae 7 suspension under your mar Be on hand with a photographer to| canvas. Economically to take pictures of the presentation, priced at 50c¢ each. | Radio Interview | and plant the story and the pictures in your local paper. It is a great Order direct from: A tie-up has also been arranged with one of the leading Dog Food | human interest Aah and besides ereMORRIS LIBERMAN concerns, the executives of which are paying for fifteen minutes of | ates a lot of good will. It should apradio time on WABCO (Columbia Broadeasting Station), to devote the | peal to your local paper from the| 729 Broadway New York City entire broadcast to an “interview” with “Dark Hazard,’ lauding the | human interest point of view and is many qualities of the dog; also very definitely plugging this engagement | a natural tie in with the picture it€ at the Strand Theatre. -self. Here is a very decorative doorknob hanger adapted from one of the smash ads on ‘‘ Dark Hazard.’’ It is printed with a colored ink on a richly colored stock by ECONOMY NOVELTY CO., of 239 West 39th STREET, NEW YORK CITY. The hanger measures 7 by 11 inches at the outside and all EVERY WOMAN IN TOWN, WILL prices include imprinting. BeBE CRAZY ABOUT THIS MAN! But not one of them crazy enough to marry him! [j= po ; & oe hy k oe ee ey Es cS PLETE AV | A yh sides its use as a doorknob hang| aN er, this flashy novelty can be used as an automobile hanger, and as decoration accessory in your lobby. It would be wise to plant them in advance of the showing by having some youngsters distribute them at auto parking places and on autos. on SS Genevieve OBIN & re) N parked along the street. FARRELL Be s od y A A R D’ Prices are: ee D R ; 10,000 — $5.25 per 1000 ee with 7 ; ‘GENEVIEVE TOBIN rs =, 5,000 a RSD per 1000 3,000 — 5.75 per 1000 coap ean ie 1000 This sketch for your theatre front display clearly shows the general art design. Refer to the advertising ’ eke | section for selling copy and be sure to play up the author and star of “Little Caesar” angle. Effective 500 — 4.50 cutouts may be made from the poster paper. The head of Robinson on the 24-sheet is especially adaptable for top of marquee display. Page Twenty-one