Devotion (Warner Bros.) (1946)

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WY 7 x. lll jl . AWARDED FOR _ DEVOTION TO THE HIGH IDEALS OF GOOD CITIZENSHIP Here's a suggested award which can be obtained and engraved locally. A plaque, medallion or certificate may also be used. re Page Four An Exciting 1-Day Newspaper Contest — This one offers guest tickets for most interesting letters naming "the girl | prefer as the object of my Devotion— and why!" It's cued to the film's three femme stars—Ida Lupino, Olivia de Havilland and Nancy Coleman, and their entrancing screen portrayals. Aimed for participation by both men and women, it's a ‘‘dilly'' for your daily! IN YOUR LOBBY, TOO! Where preferred, set this up as a lobby contest, using blow-ups of the stills plus the copy as shown. Hand out reprints of the contest mat and provide facilities for filling out answers in your lobby. Name Woman's Page Editor as judge. Follow up with a newspaper story analyzing results on preferences by both men and women. (Stills available—order ''D Contest Stills'"—set of 3—25c—from Campaign Plan Editor, 321 W. 44th St., New York, N. Y,} Order ““D Contest Mat 303B”° -—4hic=—trom Warner Bros. Campaign Plan Editor. 321 West 44th St... N. Y. 18. N.Y. “AWARD OF DEVOTION’ TO HONOR YOUR TOWN’S “GOOD-NEIGHBOR-OF-THE-YEAR” The great and the near great have hogged the headlines for years. But in every community there are many average Americans whose unselfish and unstinting devotion to being just plain good neighbors has gone totally unsung. They are the men and women who have served on Selective Service and Ration Boards; who have sparked the vital wartime War Bond and Blood Plasma Drives; who have devoted time and effort and money to important local charity causes. Peg an important local publicity promotion to this Devotion to Good Neighborli ness theme this step-by-step way: 1. Your cooperating newspaper invites organizations and individuals to nominate your town’s “Good Neighbor of the Year” for an “Award of Devotion” (see suggested award illustrated at left). Start this at least 3 weeks in advance of playdate. 2. Committee consisting of newspaper editor, mayor, industrialist, labor leader and social service authority is appointed to select winner and sponsor the award. 3. Award is made at a testimonial dinner at your leading hotel, with radio and newspaper coverage. Guests are invited to a special midnight preview of “Devotion” following dinner. WIN FREE MOVIE TICKETS! NAME THE GIRL YOU'D PREFER AS THE OBJECT OF YOUR DevoTIon Is she like IDA LUPINO? Beautiful, strong-willed, sacrificing, tenderly loving, brilliantly creative...a girl like Emily, as portrayed by Miss Lupino in Warner Bros.’ “Devotion”, ‘Ts she like OLIVIA de HAVILLAND? A flashing personality, unconventional, fiery-tempered, quick to love, eager and exciting ... a girl like Charlotte, as portrayed by Olivia de Havilland in “Devotion”. Is she like NANCY COLEMAN? Youthful, trusting, sensuously beautiful, deeply affectionate, loyal and loving ... a girl like Ann, as portrayed by Nancy Coleman in “Devotion”, a Warner Bros. picture. ANYBODY CAN WIN FREE TICKETS TO SEE WARNERS’ “DEVOTION”, co-starring IDA LUPINO, PAUL HENREID, OLIVIA de HAVILLAND and SYDNEY GREENSTREET, with NANCY COLEMAN HERE’S ALL YOU HAVE TO DO: Write a letter of 100 words or less in answer to. Quiz #1 for the men and Quiz #2 for the girls. MEN! Which of these three types of women would you prefer as the object of your Devotion — and why? QUIZ *1 Winning letters will be judged for interest and Originality regardless of choice. Write your name and address at right, then clip and attach this announcement to your contest letter: Watch this newspaper for list of winners! a GIRLS! Who do you think Ul ? would most likely win a man’s devotion — Emily, Charlotte or Ann — and why?