Dinky (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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K KK Kk ek. KK EK KID CLUBS SELL YOUR TICKETS FOR PRIZES You could start a selling drive for theatre tickets by ‘enlisting kid clubs in town to sell ducats for you. Club which sells greatest number receives baseball suits, football outfits, sweatshirts—anything you can promote from cooperating sport shops. KIDS REVIEW FILM VIA RADIO ON OPENING NITE If your station has ever broadcast audience comments on a picture, they might like to try it again—but this time having the kids do the spieling. Rather novel, don’t you think? FATHER’S DAY BALLIES If you’re showing “Dinky” on or about Father’s Day, June 9, you’ve got a swell chance for loads of tie-ups like Father and Son Sales, Ads, etc. PRIZES FOR GOOD DEEDS Offer athletic equipment — bats, balls, gloves — to youngsters submitting accounts of best day’s deeds. (Boy Scout organizations alone ought to insure the success of this one.) KIDS COLLECT OLD TIRES Fuzzy Knight, who hails from West Virginia, pulled this one on “Devil Dogs.” He offered a pass to each kid bringing an old tire to theatre. Local tire shop bought tires, which more than paid for passes. Fuzzy reports stunt as being one of his most successful. You could use the stunt in the same way, or vary it by offering a prize to the boys club that brings in greatest number of tires. “DINKY”? ON MAILING LIST Why not address postcards to juvenile patrons substi tuting ‘Dinky’ for given names thisaway : Dinky Jones, Dinky O’Neill. Copy might read: Dear Dinkys : Just want to remind you that we're expecting you at the ecoocvcceoe lheatre, Saturday afternoon. All the fellars will be there and are expecting to see you. S‘long pal. JOE. POST KID’S HANGOUTS We know it’s not necessary to remind you to post signs at athletic fields, playgrounds and schools. Jackie Cooper is a big name to the kids—you know! COLORING CONTEST Ever tried one? All you need do is give the young Rembrandts a line drawing of Cooper and tell ’em to color it. Can be done through newspaper, program or throwaways. CHALK TITLE ON STREET A new way to get your title around town! Arm couple of kids with plenty of chalk and turn them loose on sidewalks, poles and fences. Let “em write “Dinky loves Mary,” “Dinky for Football Captain,” ete. Couple of passes ought to do _ the trick. Page. Six EXPLOITATION RE KR Kk he we KE CE KE eK KE EK Two Chances for Tie-up Displays BOYS AND GIRLS NEWSPAPER BY DIRECT WIRE FROM WESTERN UNION RB WHITE ds NLEVER PRRoIOENT asnesnee vee noone mer bre [Pntne Soest tr i nw A gc th oo 1 receipt qo ee THEATRE TOWN JACKIE OOOPER IN DINKY GIVES HIS MOST LOVABLE ROLE IN ONE OF THE GRANDEST FILMS OF THE SEASON STOP THE BOYS AND GIXLS NEWSPAPER IS PROUD TO SELECT IT AS THE OUTSTANDING PICTURE OF THE MONTH GEORGE J HECHT, PUBLISHER BOYS AND GIRLS’ NEWSPAPER Special issue of this popular juvenile newspaper weekly gives the front cover and a load of space inside to this show. It'll be on the stands the week of May 13th. We’ve arranged to tie it up to your show this way: Wire reproduced will be sent to you upon request if you want to blow it up for a frame. Yeah—but it’s wired collect! Address: GEORGE G. HECHT THE BOYS AND GIRLS NEWSPAPER 9 EAST 40th STREET, NEW YORK CITY PHONING WRONG NUMBERS Do you think it’s time to use the telephone gag again? number and says: Hello, is Dinky there? (Without allowing for interruption, child continues.) Just wanted to remind him to meet us at the Strand Theatre, Saturday afternoon. Rest of dialogue can take care of itself. SCHOOL HEROES ON STAGE Reversing the procedure of having famous celebs speak from stage on opening night, why not invite a couple of famous kids to say a few words. Folks might like to hear from the football captain, head of the student governing board, ete. PARTY FOR ORPHANS An invite to local orphanage to send kids down to a special showing — on the house — would be a swell break for the kids, as well as yourself. Great for good-will and will probably result in newspaper plugging picture. JACKIE COOPERGRAMS Instead of calling them Bright Sayings — Jackie Coopergrams might make a good title for a newspaper contest. Idea is for parents to submit pet remarks of their little darlings—with ducats as prizes. ce a” wrong number Here’s new slant. Boy calls SAT. MATINEE PARTY You'll probably want to stage a Saturday Matinee party on this film. With promoted ice cream, candy, cookies, paper hats, confetti, decorations ’n everything. Better start planning this one in a hurry and don’t forget to contact parents as well as the kids. ““‘DINKY’ DRAW-MOR BOARD” Drawing board bearing this name is sold by department and chain stores. Dealers have window card which, together with big display space given to Cooper and title on the board itself, will make a good window flash. A sixteen page booklet, titled, ““How I Make Pictures,” by Jackie Cooper, can be secured in limited quantities from your exchange, or by writing to the address below. Counter cards prepared by the manufacturer which carry stills of Cooper together with a large title flash will get you store space in spots where windows are too tough. And ads in American Boy’s Magazine are giving the tieup another play. For dealer addresses and added material write to the manufacturer. He’s promised pronto service to all. MR. BARTON POHL THE NEW DRAW-MOR MEG. CO. 1335 W. LAKE STREET CHICAGO, ILL. RADIO MAESTRO MENTIONS Fuzzy Knight, Quigley Award Winner, took our suggestion on getting radio bands to plug non-musicals ..and now works it on every film. Idea can be worked on this one by having the maestros play “Little Man You’ve Had a Busy Day,” dedicating it to “Dinky.” FILM PLUG ETHERED BY RADIO STORY TELLER Has local radio station children’s program conducted by an Uncle Don or a Happy Herman? Try getting maestro of the hour to suggest that his listeners see “Dinky.” You could also arrange for him to read off ten daily, picked from school rosters — the lucky lads and gals to call at box-office for free admission to see the picture. PUZZLING NEWS READERS This feature has been successful since we first introduced it. Most papers use it as a one-day puzzle contest, giving theatre an additional break when announcing winners. Don’t forget it comes in regular 37% width. Order mat No. 16—20c. (SOLUTION) Jackie was born and swiftly rose A stone’s throw from the studios! When still a baby he was seen With some acelaim upon the screen ! Then into wider fame he sprang As the Good-Bad-Kiddie in “Our Gang’! A regular ball-playing guy With heaps of things he wants to try— His hobby is to learn to fly And he will do it bye-and-bye! Then, in ‘“Sooky”’ and in “Skippy’— A hit from Maine to Mississippi! lis ‘‘Bowery” and “Peck’s Bad Bo ” And “Treasure Island” were a joy! “The Champ” the rest— But “Dinky” best! ee AS BORN $ ae au * saones Pa Ne FROM THE G7:4)wha 5 S-aei A\C HE was ACCA UgFZON sx Screen! : N= work AIR Sis AS aiue iw @ur Gane! A REGU-50-AR, ©. -P-50-AYING GUY = We@ aH HE-APS Shy ae in eee: od . be vel $8 Pe ‘soo’ G1 ‘er ake FREM eo 2 HIG “ZS-ERY” AND “ PECKS ad. $ SEREA-SURE D-LAND" WERE A Si jo0J e” Uuineo 6 Py nod Dur DINKY” J weo-soso eve ski A-eSab | you liked, and all you will love the Spot Announcements After Kiddy Hours A good way of letting kids know about the film is to spot announcements after nationally broadcast children’s programs, like “Skippy” and “Little Orphan Annie.” Announce ment to go: (Small boy’s voice calling) HEY ... DINKY... (Announcer breaks in with) ea Dinky—That should be good news to all you boys and girls, ’cause Dinky’s comin’ to town. You little men and women who laughed and cried through “Skippy” with Jackie Cooper, can start saving your pennies right now, because Jackie’s coming back to town, in Warner Bros.’ “Dinky,” the ‘Flirtation Walk’ of Young America. It’ll be at the doe So don’t miss it. Theatre, starting Friday, and every real boy and girl in town will be