Dinky (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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x *k& © oe ek Kk KOK OOO: OK Kr Re New Style Set By Mary Astor In Formal Gown “There are two things that I always keep in mind when buying a formal dress,” said Mary Astor, who is now appearing as Jackie Cooper’s mother at the...........cceeee Theatre in the Warner Bros. production, “Dinky.” “The first is how the dress will look when it is in action and the second is how the dress will look when it is in repose. “The first question is easily answered by putting on a dress parade before an adequate mirror. A pirouette or two puts the dress through its eventual paces and that test over, half the battle is won. “Then I always make sure that the dress looks well when I am seated and is comfortable. That is why I usually choose the bouffant type of formal clothes. “This frock is my first for the season and so I chose the gay combination of a flame red starched georgette, wool embroidered in an all over design of tiny white flowers. The skirt is very full with gores set at the waistline in back. “A ‘V’ decolletege is low in back and in front and is relieved in front with a butterfly bow clipped at the center with a carved ivory ornament. Tiny puffed sleeves fit the mood of the dress perfectly. “With this frock I felt a new hairdress was in order so, parting it on the right side as usual, I had my hairdresser make a short braid on the left side and clipped it just above the ear with a jeweled ornament.” Movie Children Have Gay Romp On Playgrounds The day the Warner Bros. picture, “Dinky,” went into production, was literally a field day for the children. The opening scenes of the picture, which comes to the...............000 "ERE AENE ® OIG secctheciviveivssassctesicsseee , were taken on the grounds of a Hollywood Orphans’ Home and incorporated much of the institution’s playground. Since the background action required utilization of much of the playground equipment, the boys lost no time in choosing sides for a game of baseball. Those who weren’t selected found solace in a brand new football. The girls chose sides for a basketball game, while the smaller children took possession of the swings, see-saws and slides. Jackie Cooper, the star, Betty Jean Haney, Sidney Miller and George Ernest who are playing some of the important roles in “Dinky,” were heartbroken because they could not indulge in any of the games. The quartette was kept busy in film work, but there were many furtive glances at the more fortunate throng. “Dinky” is a stirring drama of “everybody’s children,” based on a story by John Fante, Frank Fenton and Samuel Gilson Brown. Others in the cast include Mary Astor, Roger Pryor, Henry Armetta, Henry O’Neill and Jimmy Butler. D. Ross Lederman and Howard Bretherton directed the picture. Cast of “Dinky” All Went Military — The visit the Warner. Bros. com at ‘the.2eh este k ee eee E was not without effect. Jackie Cooper, the star of the picture, and other members of the cast and staff became quite military in’ their exchange of greetings.» A snappy right hand ‘salute took the place of “Good Morning” »or “Hello,” Meet Corporal Jackie The screen’s biggest little man wins his chevrons just as he'll win your hearts when you see him in Warner Bros.’ great story of military school life, “Dinky,” in which Jackie Cooper and a whole company of child and adult film stars will open at the Speed Ue Theatre on......... Mat No. 4-—20c Most Famous Child Stars of Screen Are In “Dinky” Jackie Cooper Heads A Remarkable Cast of Noted Youthful Players Bros. starring vehicle, “Dinky,’’ which comes to the........ [oe youngsters supporting Jackie Cooper in his latest Warner HCRtIe ON. ee es eek » form a group that sounds like a “Who’s Who” of the child stars of Hollywood. When the picture was being cast it was decided to yive the little star.the very best supporting cast and no expense was spared in reaching out and getting the very best in child talent. Betty Jean Haney, who _ is Jackie’s “leading lady,” is regarded as one of the most promising youngsters in motion pictures. She had just finished an important part in “Mary Jane’s Pa” for Warner Bros. and stepped right into “Dinky.” Edith Fellows, who has been referred to as a “vest vocket” edition of Lily Pons, because of her exceptionally fine voice, was given the part of a little orphan. George Ernest, who has won more hearts on the screen than any other youngster of his years with roles in “Little Men” and the “Mystery of Edwin Drood,” plays one of Jackie’s orphan pals. Another orphanage friend of Jackie in the story is Sydney Miller, who appeared in “The Band Plays On” and “Hi, Nellie!’ The long, straggly black hair of Frank Gernardi has stamped him as the offspring of one of Italy’s sons and as such he is another of the little star’s orphan pals. Diamonds are Scorned By Mary Astor You can’t quicken Mary Astor’s pulse one beat by offering her diamonds. They leave her completely cold. But mention emeralds and her eyes begin to sparkle. And sapphires make her positively breathless. A ring, the chief adornment of which is a cabochon-cut sapphire, is worn in her latest Warner Bros. production, “Dinky,” now showing at Chesed eee cages seks Theatre, with Jackie Cooper in the stellar role. Miss Astor is no believer in large quantities of jewelry, and wears very little of it on any occasion. A few of her favorite sapphires, set according to her own \ taste, are her preference. “Dinky” is a story of military ‘school life and has been called the «“Flirtation Walk” of Young Amer ica. It was directed by D. Ross Lederman and Howard Bretherton. In the military academy scene Jackie’s closest friend is played by Jimmy Butler, whose performance in “Romance of Manhattan” with Francis Lederer and Ginger Rogers, is being talked of all over the country. Richard Quine as “Jackie” in “Dinky” is the snob who tries to curb Master Cooper’s friendship for the unfortunate orphans in a neighboring institution. Dick is a capable young thespian who recently did parts in “Little Men” and “Wednesday’s Child.” The grown-ups in the cast include Mary Astor, Roger Pryor, Henry Armetta, Henry O’Neill, Clay Clement, Florence Fair and Joseph Crehan. The story is by John Fante, Frank Fenton and Samuel Gilson Brown, which D. Ross Lederman and Howard Bretherton directed from the screen play by Harry Sauber. Armetta is Champion Spaghetti Eater Henry Armetta, who plays the role of a junkman in the Warner Bros. picture, “Dinky,” which COMESMEOTHEN ios. F2.0hit sia cetetens Theatre OTe silat toets-o stecsatesters , had to give a poor impersonation of an Italian eating his favorite dish, spaghetti, in the film. The part required for him to try for a half hour to roll spaghetti on his fork with the aid of a spoon, but never quite to accomplish the feat. Armetta, in reality, is one of the most expert spaghetti eaters on this side of the Atlantic. After the scene was “shot,” Armetta, a native of Italy, finished his spaghetti with the dispatch of a connoisseur, to the amazement and admiration of his fellow players. FEATURES x a a ok cs Mary Astor Now Wants To Sing Role In Film Musical Leading Feminine Player in ‘Dinky’? Has Excellent Trained Voice ARY ASTOR has revealed a secret desire to sing in a musical motion picture. The talented featured player who is at present playing a leading role in the new Warner Bros. picture, “Dinky,” which cémes: tosthe a. mae’? Theatre on..... ....+, has the necessary qualifications for a role of this type for she has a voice that is both sweet and trained. Up to the time she made her screen debut she was studying voice under the supervision of one of New York’s’ best known teachers. This teacher thought so well of the possibilities of her voice that he arranged an audition with the famous impresario of the Metropolitan Opera Company, Guilio Gatti-Casazza. The noted opera manager told Miss Astor that he believed that she could make an excellent career for herself by singing if she cared to give up everything else and devote herself entirely to the training that operatic singing requires. She was perfectly willing to make this sacrifice but her parents persuaded her temporarily to forsake the idea to accept a screen test. This test was so successful that it resulted in the contract that has kept her before the motion picture cameras from that time on. She has never lost the early desire, however, and has managed to keep up with her music as much as her screen work would permit. Just now she is hoping that some time in the near future she will be called upon to play a singing role in one of the Warner’ Bros. musicals. One phase of operatic training that she has retained, conscientiously, is keeping herself fit at all times. She exercises every morning for twenty minutes and whenever time permits she goes horseback riding. This is the sport which she likes most. . Miss Astor has the role of Jackie Cooper’s mother in “Dinky,” a heart throbbing drama, with plenty of comedy relief. Jackie Cooper is the star, while others in the cast include, besides Miss Astor, Roger Pryor, Henry Armetta, Betty Jean Haney, Henry O’Neill and Jimmy Butler. D. Ross Lederman and Howard Bretherton directed the picture from the screen play by Harry Sauber, based on the story by John Fante, Frank Fenton and Samuel Gilson Brown. His Real Love Mary Astor portrays Jackie Cooper’s mother, for whom he is glad to sacrifice everything he holds dear in Young America’s “‘Flirtation Walk”. It’s “Dinky,” now playing at the......... Theatre. Mat No. 8—10c Jackie Cooper’s _ New Ambition is To Fly Airplane Wiley Post is not the only American interested in Stratosphere flying, for Jackie Cooper, young star of the Warner Bros. picture, inky,” Bow at thendvins idee Theatre, is showing keen interest in the art of flying in the upper regions. This talented boy became interested in flying, first, during a visit to California of Colonel Charles Lindbergh a few years ago. Since that time he has made aeroplanes his hobby, and his interest has been further enhanced through his friend, Wallace Beery, a pilot of no mean ability. Jackie isn’t old enough yet to delve into aero-dynamics or to learn very much about power planes, but some day he is going to fly, he says. He has built many toy models of planes and is an expert craftsman. “Dinky” is a heart throbbing drama, with plenty of comedy relief. With Jackie in the cast are Mary Astor, Roger Pryor, Henry Armetta, Betty Jean Haney, Henry O’Neill and Jimmy Butler. D. Ross Lederman and Howard Bretherton directed the picture from the screen play by Harry Sauber, based on the story by John Fante, Frank Fenton and Samuel Gilson Brown. Jackie Cooper Wants To Go To West Point Jackie Cooper, who has the title role in “Dinky,” the Warner Bros. picture now showing at the.............. DEE ey Theatre, now wants to go to West Point. “Dinky” is a cadet at a military school. Jackie got so interested in military matters during the making of the picture that he asked his mother to send him to a military school to train for an appointment to West Point. Director Calls Jackie Cooper Real Trouper D. Ross Lederman, who directed Jackie Cooper in the title role of “Dinky,” the Warner Bros. picture which Comes t0 the.............ccsscecssssseees THOSURE: OMe scsccsscsensteercensessatiess » says that the little star is the cleverest actor he has ever handled. “Frequently,” said Lederman, “it is necessary to rehearse a scene many times with child actors. But it is not necessary with Jackie. He analyzes each scene himself and plans his own business and it rarely needs changing. He’s a_ real trouper.” Coach Pays Tribute To Jackie Cooper Bill Spaulding, coach of the U.C.L.A. football team honored Jackie Cooper, little star of the Warner Bros. picture, “Dinky,” WHICH COMES = FO ENE cs ccsavuitid sencetye testes AWAY er ECG) | eA ee: , by visiting him on the football field that is used for his famous teams’ home games. Jackie and a boys’ team were making football scenes on the Westwood gridiron. Page Nine