Doctor X (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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4. aDEAL FOR ADVANCE LOBBY HIS glorious reprint from Film Daily, was used by the New York Strand in the form of a 40.260 blow-up as an advance lobby display. oss the top of the display the Strand carried the words, “COMING TOR We suggest you handle it the Jame way. THE Wednesday, July 6, 1932 ALONG = RIALTO j : ve WITH oe ~ cle Lh pee =. .PHILM DALY =< é 3 4” \\ \\ 7 : “ah LT LOS ANGELES = NEW YORK ? 2 ae | eee ee eee ® © © DONT KNOW whether you have noticed its but Warner Brothers are just about setting the pace........ and have been for some time back...... .-On pictures with an ¢ ultra-modern touch........ that get away from the tiresome ’ sophisticated angle........ depending solely on dynamic and =f sensational drama........ they are Modern* signed to jolt folks out of their depression-complex........ and .| make their visit to the theater an Experience........ not just a Blac to kill a couple of hours for the lack of something better = to do. ...:3 : OSS ei a clea ; ee % s * e THOUGHT they were setting a pretty fast pace h pix as “The Crowd Roars,” “Two Seconds,” and ake All”........when it came to passing out a new type of Thrills. :....done in the strictly modern manner but in “Doctor X”. .. their First National Special see noe they have outdone themselves. -...... JE, Sst wry = * : * * ® © @ HERE IS a production that is absolutely in a class by itself........nothing like it has ever been seen on the screen ae, and it is not a “freak”..... a perfectly legitimate drama > Eee murder mystery...... with an altogether new treatment......a distinctive atmosphere all its own... __ done withf out the usual hokim on which-mast murder mysteries are built 4 up for the thrills and suspense on‘the screen... ; '..that’s what 4 , makes it so outstanding........the thrills are the kind that : make you sit forward in your seat........ clench your fists with your nails digging in your palms... ..... they follow logically in the plot development........ .¢ ‘g with dizzy regularity and speed...... mounting, mounting.; _ breath-taking. J . hitting a crescendo atthe end in a trej endously dramatic sfene “ae with a marvelous thrill-setting. \. that has seldom equalled......certainly never | : se OS + na on see ee wwe Sis tad ee fhe reputation of ......as8 the erimes Cimie so he asks for 48 hours grace...... to apprehend the murderer...... and save the good name of his establishment ....... N * * % %* / ®@ @ @ THEN HE stages the series of murders ..... who said color was dead?..... ‘you ain’t seen nothing yet .... p \. = iSCelor till you lamp this one... ...and it will knock you z ; for a loop of rainbows...... such cunning, theatric use of color has never been seen before...... the color effects with the whirring dynamos.......chemical reactions... . leaping electric currents...... and combined with marvellous lighting . the. \ .....1s just a Positive Treat... ... and what a cast!...... Lionel Atwill, Fay Wray, Lee Tracy.:.:. it hits the high spots in «, every department... ... =m can sue us if we steered you wrong SMASH NEW YORK FRONT PUTS OVER “DOCTOR X” To get the bigness of the picture all-around colored strips several feet across to New Yorkers, the New York high. The lowest strip was black and Strand Theatre carried the most illustrated by the reclining figure of elaborate displays of its existence for a girl in negligee. The center strip the showing of “Doctor X.” The was yellow and showed the backs of front, marquee and electric signboard the four doctors, handcuffed to chairs were turned into a smashing display to which electric wires were attached. that shook even blase Broadwayites The top strip was emerald green and fout of their usual calm. We are carried a large black-shrouded menpassing along descriptions of the disacing figure extending above the top plays for your benefit. You will unof the strip and the marquee. It foldoubtedly be able to apply one or lowed the same color scheme as the more of the ideas for your own show~ banner illustration. ; ing of “Doctor X.” In addition, a mechanical display The biggest banner ever used on was constructed on the marquee. It Broadway was hung on the theatre— was 36 feet long, consisting of a turnthree-fourths of a New York city table in three synchronized sections. block long and five stories high. A There was a tableau showing the vicfifty-foot illustration of the four doctims of the “Moon Killer,” arranged tors in the picture and the shrouded on the turn-table, which caused the figure of the hovering menace occuthree sections of the tableau to repied the center of the banner with the volve slowly in synchronization. When only copy across the banner being they had turned half way around the “DOCTOR X.” The color scheme of reverse side spelled out “DOCTOR the illustration included black, greens, X” in massive letters which were visblues, dark reds and purples, which ible to all passersby. established the atmosphere of the picAdapt these impressive ideas to ture. The illustration was based on “Doctor X” when it plays your thestill number DX 87. atre so you can give the public some ' The marquee was built up in three idea of the picture’s greatness. eee ee “M.P. Herald Expert Hails Great Box Office Possibilities of “DOCTOR & Sate at = Trade reviewers who have had the good fortune to have seen a preview of 2 : a Doctor X,” have been quick to sense th te tremendous box office pow er pos im this super-production. —_ —— ae all means read ouery org of the following article, reprinted from the Motion 2 tcture Herald. It contains advice of the most valuable nature a (Reprinted from Motion Picture Herald) “Write your own ticket on this one, of showmanship and you have a pictur should parallel ‘Frankenstein’ and Sell it with the right kind e whose box office grosses ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.’ Made six or eight months ago, ‘Doctor X’ would be the picture that upset the entire industry. That’s your best cue to its power and box office possibilities, * because of the expert work of Lee Tracy, as the never-say-quit reporter. It’s almost a comedy. It will alternately chill your patrons until their nerves are tense and tumble them into the aisles with “Tt comes under the ‘thriller’ heading, all right, but mainly of smash selling angles. Prt your patrons a marvelous ‘laugh thriller’ and you o em in. | / ught to pack (eas me ** “Audience appeal’ is great, for the reasons outlined above. The picture can be played in any theatre, anywhere, anytime—and the exhibitor who doesn’t clean up with it will have no one to blame but himself. ——— “Make your selling appeal as vivid as you possibly ean. Bring out the idea that they will laugh till they ery and that they will be thrilled as they never have been before. Emphasize the Technicolor. Don’t go in for that foolish line of having nurses in attendance __ don’t advise anyone to stay a and way if he‘has a s s 2 weak heart. If you See HES Ee 4 > aed os BAe 4 eee slat entoensee S Le _ , aE) Zt € 8 Ley a. Tae 6 5-3 = Catehlines Capture the Imagination If You Think You're Thrill-proof, See "Doctor X." Four Weird Doctors Using a Beautiful Girl to Trap a Savage Killer. It's the Fourth Dimension of Thrills! It's So Sensational You Won't Believe Your Eyes! See Man's Strangest Passion Pitilessly Bared. The Greatest Thriller of Them All! Filmed in Gorgeous Color! He Used His Baaghrers Beauty for BAIT. Never Has the Screen Dared to Reveal So Strange a Story. It's the Miracle Film of 1932. So Big It Took 22 Important Players to Bring It to the Screen. Can You Take 1}? Better Miepare Yourself Before You See It! She Bared Her Beauty on the Altar of Doom to Trap a Fiend. Twelve pleeood Directors Called It a Sensation. It's the Mightiest Miracle in the Age of Miracles. You'll Have to See It to Believe It. Page Five