Don't Bet on Blondes (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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? about it Lloyd's “Brains” Seapets = sf Theatre OM. sesssosseceeereesssneeeens have an ~ married. é oo he Colonel ‘goes to Cade: Owen _and takes out the policy. ‘Odds Owen: (Wetres William) operates a big time gambling outfit asa betting broker. His right hand man, “Numbers,” (William Gargan), carries in his head the stat stics on ede ae Odds, wanting to make sure the d gin the best way to Er the gi Aimee As. ee will Aes all’ other admirers. : A ; Maril es — eee T. te et Clay Clement); Pee loves Odd he realizes renee = ae surance Beautiful Marilyn Se. _ (Claire Dodd), is the star of ae great Broadway success and the sole support of her father, Colonel — Jefferson Davis Youngblood (Guy “Kibbeo), a indly, worthless old — -chiseler. Te is ‘supposed to be= writing a book on the Civil War, | but lois most of ae time drink-— Cc ~ Odds, who has fallen in love with her, hires a hundred taxicabs, | and effects the most complete : tieup_ in the history of New York. midst. of the jam. < ea: man { policy of $50,0¢ ; : s marriage, he oe still smile. . “O ads” “NM senBere” ee liam s eee Baaeit Philbert O. Slemp an ees oe Cavanaugh Pa Re eee a : TESS I ae a te Sgt PO ix Dina Ce ee ee Pier Story and Rie ae Play oe snes shel en and Boyce DeGaw Dialogue Director , Sees te Mi here ee _. Arthur Greville Collins Photography by ee ae Rees — Pe Pe TRS gee A ee “Ghaes Richards BT Dt ei Migisteat Director ns cn eas ee eg Leo F. “DON'T BET ON BLONDES” SS! with = ice ee Weseae William Guy Kibbee 15% ee 2 Claire Dedd William Gargan 40% pee _ Vince Barnett 40% : ~ Hobart Cavanaugh 40% : Directed by Robert Florey coe — 20% A Warner Bros. Productions Corporation a 8%. os Picture aye ee Famous Dance Team Claire Dodd Started In Comedy Film An Movie Chorus a do and Litas the: famous ane Doda, 1 Waeece Sere But it was a screen play and n a stage chorus. screen to the stage, ‘then back ner Bros: he Sa ie i ‘William, Guy Kibbee and Claire as laying | in “Don’t — on a Dodd, which comes ae me rary a he comes to PIO rete wiciecnagies. Page Two 2 e ae é See ssa = aot gee ee ¥ : $ ~ es Prd 3 e» om t marry, decides that — out about —s _ chance. = When the wedding day ee i traffic — Everett Markham i is right in the é _ Odds reaches the church, as” the Owen ee Warren wil m teetessseseos-Badras Hartley 10% player, got her start in the chorus. | Contrary to the — usual order, she went from the again to the screen. She is now — : led a theatrical troupe. Nae ee He: returned | to oe Z = “The Case of the ( _ which comes. to ee pass tunity for profit. : nee Corps of the A. ‘istic had and itter a oad tour and a season — surance man, L William, finds himself interested in | Warren Willi : tie. ‘had See: ins oe Sere been signed that he 3 in stock, Broadway ee him a ‘His more recent pictu res ri pears is “Dor bak ee on. ees epene penton r wir ning ser, en f isbands, lovely ( L, = t be Ok aa Te : : Comedy Treat Of Season Warren William, Guy The story concerns a ig-shot gambler, who decides (har the in surance business is more ees able and allows the same opporHe’ therefore | starts. an insurance company Ww. offers to insure anybody against ; anything. — The father of a beautiful actress, an old Southern Colonel, who fears — that if his daughter marries, he will lose his sole. support, has her in: st marriage. Guy Kib_ sured agai bee plays t e Old Col onel wil usual amusing th roughness. | Complications arise when the inplayed by Warren the daughter, Recta Dy: Claire ‘Dodd. Jak Several hilarious. episodes make Se the counter-plot a riot of Py comedy. Among them are the incident of the prospective father who yous to insure his wife against twins with bi Le ree way A bac ne he To! oe Song, Le sy is th film’ s most dan gerous menace r to 0 wiv ire Dodd becom dienes — so “Don t Bet on Blo : The ich : oe verve that won his audience. | “ae pe was So outstanding that Hollywond uw eh him for oe wancnale’ as ne blonde you ay Kibbes. Claire Dodd ae _Seore Hit at ee pees ase ful ene eee Sika was. tdaact ry a ia Ee day | audience as. te inet treat of the year. es = The big cast is headed by Warren William “€ Claire Dodd, who for the first time is se on in a ue Syme te etic role. A lovelier heroine would be hard to find. eoen ae are a ae rio of “stooges.” Other impo) lently played b Clement, Errol Flynn, FE Cavanaugh, Mary Treen, Jack Norton, Herman Bing, Eddie Shubert, Maude Eburne and George Meeker. Warren William, who is associated in the public mind with detective roles and drawing © parts, shows a real flair for comedy in “Don’t Bet on Blondes,’ and plays | the part of the reformed | gambler with a_ blitheness and Clay a best as the | old @ ageal: pul Olaire ‘Dodd displays falentess . a Does n = decided to. hea sulomnas: N be ing able to sell much, he became a edd 3 a burgh, ce Barnet on ‘the. Fourth of ‘uly in 1903 and was educated at — or ant ‘roles are excel— room r Oe epee 1 ieg her on the screen, he wanted her for the Broadway ee “Smiles.” Later she ‘signed a con-— tract with Warner Bros. Since her Hollywood d fas scored many hits’ int type of roles. Her most recent Pp tures include “The Case of th Curious Bride,” and “Babbitt. oe ‘She is now appearing in “Don’t Bet on pea ee showing at | the .. sesneehecsseseonsonennerests .. Theatre. w illiam Gargan_ William Gargan was born July a Ee S tory. and k private detective. oe eae ee He admits he’ was no huge su obs. itll ie aoe a chance: to play in David Belasco’s “Aloma of the South Seas,” in which = Bad) pictu rr on Bioudes: = oes CONE ec: here ODL veseeseesssees seones seeees eee wie F ~ Duquesne ‘University and Carnegie — . His father was the famous | nedian, Luke Barnett. $ e Dley d a short time as a stock and later ap-— Broadway in the Earl = ol cet Vanities. He then turned ‘to Hollywood. is current production is “Don’t Bet on sae now showing at — ARS ae Sie cnn age Theatre. : aie Willian _ And Guy Kibbee t Strand a Theatre today. S “Don't Bet on ported © to be one of the ‘most amusing as well as dramatic come-_ dies of the season, id presents an entirely new angle. in screen enter tainment. The story is ‘paaed on the ex ploits of a ‘big time gambler who reforms and enters the insurance business, where he underwrites every risk brought to him. Warren William, starred > many society dramas and detective’ pictures, portrays | the. insurance man. It is ae firs light comedy suy Kibbee enacts a watthicne« scamp supported by his — daughter, Claire Dodd, against whose marriage he takes out a $50, 000 policy. > : thea See Claire” fall in love with each other and ‘Claire discovers at Wil iam has a $50,000 invest in er to protect. : supporting — Be eng * are ean Mary Treen, nce harters, Hawken Bing, Clement, Errol Flynn, Maude rne, Walter Byron, Jack Nor-_ Eb ton, and Eddie Shubert. Robert Florey directed. , the. new. Warner Bros. Ley eee = “Don’t Bet on Blondes,” at the Blondes” is re| od rs