Dr. Monica (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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Yes, Sir! That’s My Baby! Scene below of Kay Francis and one of Hollywood’s babes will bring a glow in every mother’s heart. Get ’em to lug out their pictures, and show why their kids are the smartest, most beautiful the world has ever known. Here’s the story for your editor : (Publicity Story) Most Beautiful Babies to be Selected in Prize Contest! Lovely Kay Francis, star of “Dr. Monica” at the Strand, seen with ane «+ Mindi No0."44—200 Here’s a beautiful little baby being smiled upon by the beautiful Kay Francis, whose latest dramatic hit, “Dr. Monica” is coming to the Strand Theatre next 0.0... cies You'll agree, we believe, that it’s a touching little scene—a scene with which you as a mother are surely familiar. But perhaps you’ve often felt that you’d like others to share in the pleasure given you by your own baby—and here’s your chance to give them the chance. The management of the Strand Theatre has opened a contest to determine the two most beautiful babies in Sandusky. One prize will be given for the most beautiful boy and one for the most beautiful girl. And all babies three years old or under are eligible. Entering the contest is simple —and lots of fun. You merely get out the snapshot or photograph album, select your favorite picture, and send it in to the Baby Contest Editor in care of this paper. All pictures must be in no later than 2.2 ae And to insure the picture’s safe return, be sure to enclose a_ self-addressed stamped envelope suitable for that purpose. The two winning pictures will be published in this paper next Ses ee And in addition ............ (list of other prizes). Meanwhile, you'll want to go to the Strand Theatre and see Hollywood’s idea of a beautiful baby in “Dr. Monica.” Kay Francis is in the title role, supported by a east of notables including Jean Muir, Verree Teasdale and Warren William. YOUR STUDIO STYLES TIE-UP You have a fashion star in Kay Francis, made-toorder for a style tie-up. Studio Styles are featuring four summer gowns in connection with “Doctor Mon ica,” all created by Orry-Kelly, Warner’s fashion cre ator. Over one hundred stores in the United States and Canada have been furnished with material on these dresses. WHAT YOU’LL GET: Newspaper advertising mats. 28 x 42 Star photos. 11 x 14 photos. Cooperation in special stunts. Three of the gowns are worn by Miss Francis, one by Jean Muir. If you want to see what they look like, order stills KF 397, 401, 406, JM 238. For fur ther information concerning the tie-up write: STUDIO STYLES, INC. 525 Seventh Avenue, N. Y. C. Page Twenty-four Why They Like Her An interesting stunt with Winchell’s name to back it up. Should get lots of response from the men-folks. You’ll find the dope in the publicity story: (Publicity Story) Winchell Picks Kay Francis As Wife Heaven knows, most husbands will tell you that one wife is enough! But who ean say that men do not often privately speculate on the women they’d choose if monogamy were suddenly to be repealed and a man could have as many wives as Solomon—provided he wanted them and his pocketbook could stand the gaff! Walter Winchell quite openly remarked in a recent column that if he were allowed five wives, Kay Francis, who has the title role in “Dr. Monica” which comes tosthewes...=..eer..:72: Theatre next Peers would be one of them. And the reason he gave was that Kay Francis has poise. Naturally, Miss Francis has other pleasing qualities. She has charm, grace, beauty, a pleasant disposition and a hundred and one other such desirable traits. And because of this fact, the management of the .............:. Theatre is offering free tickets to the opening night of “Dr. Monica” for the five letters of not more than a hundred words which tell most interestingly just what it is about Miss Francis that the writer enjoys the most. Perhaps you like her eyes. Perhaps you like her smile. Or perhaps you like the way she walks. Bat pheteyradh ds oe plier “hed hundred words or less and mail it to the Kay Francis Contest Editor, in care of this paper. All leters must be in not later thane. ee Then slip over to the ................ Theatre and see Kay in Warner Bros.’ latest dramatic hit, “Dr. Monica.” She is supported by a cast of notables which includes Jean Muir, Verree Teasdale and Bg 8 ee (name day) is the opening date. Success Stories The woman in business, the successful woman, are always interesting to newspaper readers. Here are two angles which you can follow for breaks on this subject: First, Kay Francis plays the role of a successful woman doctor in the film. Tie on to that. Second, Jean Muir’s rise to stardom in the course of a few months is a get-rich-quick tale as rapid as Hollywood has known. Have you some gals in town who have done the same—or would like to? They’d be interested. These Women... Is a woman doctor handicapped by the fact that she is a woman? That’s one of the problems confronting Kay Francis in this show. And that’s the problem for you to take to your paper. Feature stories by women physicians, interviews, editorials, all may be outgrowths of this discussion. Family Album-ers Use this either as a serious photo contest, or inject a little humor into your campaign by taking a slightly different slant on it. Publicity story below covers the first angle in detail. Humorous side comes from pleased expressions on parents’ faces. Stress fact that you want pictures with that ‘‘parent look’? about them. You should get any number of doting parents gloating over their prides and joys. (Publicity Story) Clap Hands! Here Comes A Contest For Parents! Mat No. 45—20c The above picture is taken from a scene in Warner Bros.’ latest dramatic hit, “Dr. Monica” and coming to the .............05. Theatre NOX tek garetts sare In it we see Kay Francis, who plays the part of a woman doctor, admiring the baby of two very happy parents. It is a touching scene— one which evokes the most tender emotions. Perhaps you too have — sith stand a good chance of winning the distinction of having it pub with sufficient postage for their safe return. All pictures must be in not later than next .........0.0000... lished sin" .;.; S2sene (newspaper). The winning portrait will ap In conjunction with the manpear in this paper next ....00000........ agement of the 0.0.00... TheaIn addition, (list other prizes thO;the® si tion acter (newshere). paper) is conducting a contest to find the most interesting family portrait of father, mother and child. “Dr. Monica” stars Kay Francis. She is supported by a cast of notables which includes Jean ' pictures to the Contest Editor of Muir, Verree Teasdale and Warren William. It opens next Fetes oe Ee QbAthe. eee: Theatre. PRACTICAL SET-PIECE Contestants should submit their OEKS pecker ek rae Ree (newspaper) Six-sheet cutout mounted on board with angular trim, goes for effective, inexpensive lobby. Room for copy indicated. Stills will make interesting border.