Each Dawn I Die (Warner Bros.) (1939)

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Two ads that talk right out loud — one has plenty of white space; the other hits you with black. Spot each on different days or in dif ferent papers same day. IT'S A BATTLE OF KILLERS! THE MAN WHO MEETS . HIS MASTER. . MEETS HIS MAKER! The screen’s toughest killers face to face, at last! Hot-headed Cagney > vs. cold-blooded Raft! This world isn’t big enough for _ both of them, so one’s going out... feet first! EACH DAWN IDIE Presented by WARNER BROS. JANE BRYAN GEORGE BANCROFT Directed by WILLIAM KEIGHLEY @ Screen Play by Norman Reilly Raine and Warren. Duf Mat 305 — 9% inches x 3 cols. (390 lines) — 45c GANGLAND COULDN'T STOP HIM WITH , THREATS...CAN RAFT DO IT WITH BULLETS? ~ CAN CAGNEY’S FISTS STRIKE FEAR IN A MAN WHO'S NEVER MET HIS MASTER? JANE BRYAN+ GEORGE BANCROFT WY Directed by WILLIAM KEIGHLEY ~* Presented by WARNER BROS. Screen Play by Norman Reilly Raine and Warren Duff e From the Novel by Jerome Odlum e A First National Picture Mat 303 — 5 inches x 3 cols. (210 lines) — 45c [9]