Each Dawn I Die (Warner Bros.) (1939)

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This official Picture-OfThe-Month seal available in one and two inch sizes on a single mat. Order Mat 101-B — 15c from Campaign Plan Editor, 321 W. 44th, St., N.Y.C. NEW SHOW SEASON — For those showmen who want a real strong attraction to start their New Show. Season, “Each Dawn I Die” (the PictureOf-The-Month) is just what the doctor ordered. Selling Slants For The Picture-Of-The-Month! TIE IN with local newspaper to run Photo-Of-The-Month contest. All pictures taken within month previous to opening are eligible. Winners receive guest tickets to your show. As variation, photos are exhibited in lobby and patrons vote for winners. CONTACT TRAVEL AGENCIES with Trip-Of-The-Month idea, confectioners for Soda-Of-The-Month, bars for Drink-Of-The-Month, etc. And underline all displays with plug for show. BLOW UP the official Seal for lobby exhibit. Surround with stills from the picture together with blowups of written endorsements. SPONSOR CONTEST for the best written 150 word essay on the ‘EventOf-The-Month.’ Entries are judged on subject matter, and reason for selection. Paper cooperates. COOPERATIVE AD PAGE with leading merchants featuring bargains of the month. Tie up with Picture-OfThe-Month. Stills displayed in stores in exchange for Bargains-Of-The Month exhibit in lobby. MAIL PERSONAL LETTER to all patrons endorsing “Each Dawn I Die” as the Picture-Of-The-Month selection. Use official seal on letter. GET BLANKET COVERAGE with the official seal. Paste on all correspondence, heralds, and on back-number detective magazines for giveaways. Kids, too, will get you a wide distribution around town with them. HOLD BALL GAME-Of-The-Month, backed by theatre showing the Picture-Of-The-Month. Work up contest between theatre employees and local amateur ball club. BOOK PROMOTION “Each Dawn I Die,” the novel by Jerome Odlum upon which the picture is based, has been brought out by Grosset & Dunlap in a popular-priced edition. Special full color book jackets (as illustrated above) have been prepared with prominent plug for title and cast of the picture. The publisher is providing window and counter displays to all dealers. For information concerning local dealers, con 1. Contact all dealers, bookstores, department stores, or lending libraries, and arrange displays with their material, augmented by your stills and copy. 2. Get several books for table display in lobby. 3. Blow up the book jacket and embellish with stills for display in lobby or empty store windows. 4. Action paragraphs from the book may be blown up, with arrows or ribbons leading to stills from the picture covering the same scenes. 5. The books make good prizes for any of your contests. Copy for displays: The Scorching Novel That Startled A Million Readers — The Strange Story of Two Men from Opposite Worlds «tact Grosset & Dunlap. — Dramatically Brought to the Screen by Warner Bros.! DONALD REED, GROSSET & DUNLAP 1107 Broadway, New York City [24]