East of the River (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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EXPLOITATION PICTURE TITLE QUIZ e ITALIAN GROUP IDEAS e GARFIELD TIE-UP NEWSPAPER QUIZ PLUGS TITLE Plant this five-day title selling contest in your local paper and spot the answers in the classified section. 1. What newspaper editor made the remark, “Go West, young man, go West”? (Horace Greely) 2. Who was the British poet known for this quotation, “East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet”? (Rudyard Kipling) 3. What recent song about the Border had the word South in its title? (South Of The Border) 4. What was the complete title of this popular song, —Of The Sun,—-Of The Moon? (East Of The Sun, West Of The Moon) 5. What recent best seller by Kenneth Roberts was made into a picture? (Northwest Passage) 6. Who was the singing star of East Side Of Heaven? (Bing Crosby) 7. Who was the greatest of the explorers to sail West? (Columbus) 8. What modern explorer is now at the South Pole? (Admiral Byrd) 9. What famous song begins with the words, “East Side West Side”? (Sidewalks Of New York) 10. Which Warner Bros. picture coming to the Strand Theatre stars John Garfield and Brenda Marshall? (EAST OF THE RIVER) WwW SPOT THIS ARROW AROUND TOWN (9 — EAST. AWE Spot this arrow around town on lamp posts, vacant stores and fences pointing the direction to your theatre. vW ONE-SHOT CONTEST SELLS STARS Plant this star quiz in your local paper or on the reverse side of your theatre herald. Award Annie Oakleys to those sending in the right answers. 1. What recent sereen role as Ginger Roger’s mother in the film version of a Broadway hit brought Marjorie Rambeau new laurels? (Primrose Path) 2. Who was the Sea Hawk’s girl friend? (Brenda Marshall) 3. Name another picture in which she appeared. (Man Who Talked Too Much, or Money And The Woman) 4. In what picture did John Garfield first appear? (Four Daughters) Name two others. (Flowing Gold, Blackwell’s Island, Castle On The Hudson, They Made Me A Criminal, Saturday’s Children) ul 6. What Broadway success by Clifford Odets brought John Garfield his screen contract? (Golden Boy) 7. Where was he born? (New York City) 8. Did he ever play the part of a Mexican? (Yes) S. In what picture? (Juarez) 10. In his latest starring film are also Brenda Marshall and Marjorie Rambeau. What is its name? (EAST OF THE RIVER) 10 Gartield Still for RCA Dealer Tie-Up Still J.G. Pub. Al9 shows John Garfield with one of the new R.C.A. Victor personal portable radios. It’s your cue for a tie-up with local RCA dealer. Ww BLOW UP AD FOR FLASHER DISPLAY Blow-up ad mat 208 for lobby display. Copy in exclamation points is cut out and mounted on transparent paper back ground. Flashers in back light display. WwW TOUGH GUY CANDID CAMERA CONTEST Candid camera quest for the toughest looking kid in your locality. Patrons send in shots of their candidates for the toughest looking moppet in town. Pix are posted in lobby. Prizes to winners. FILM TITLE CUES LOBBY CONTEST Use title as key and run a contest with patrons submitting lists of expressions and names along the same lines. For example: South Of The Border, West Of The Pecos, ete. Patrons who drop longest list in box spotted in lobby or some key spot around town win free tickets to your showing of the picture. wW CONTESTANTS TELL TALL TALES Tough tall story contest has a novel twist that corners interest and sells your picture. Entrees submit tough tall stories about themselves with the best tales winning free tickets to your showing. Choice of the lot will make good feature for your newspaper. vW MARRIED COUPLES SEND IN PIX Take a tip from ad mat 202 showing Brenda Marshall and William Lundigan in wedding scene, and invite recently wed localites to send in similar pix. Most attractive couple is awarded prize promoted from local merchant. Idea is good for woman’s page feature or inter esting lobby display. Sell Local Italian Groups With These Lead Stunts Contact Italian groups in town. Let them know that a leading character in the picture is a typical Italian mother. Have them elect the most typical mother of their race in the locality. Get newspaper mention. Cueing from the film’s important character of Mama Ravioli find some Italian woman in your locality who has distinguished herself as a lovable per sonality. Promote a human interest story about her in your local paper. Run a contest on your women’s page for the best ravioli recipe. Judges are well known hotel men and restaurant men of the locality, one of whom features winning recipe on his menu with picture plug. Winner rates a couple of free tickets for the picture. Tie in with the restaurants in your locality and get them to feature ravioli on their menu, with an appropriate plug for your picture, during the run of the show at your theatre. A ravioli eating contest is bound to go over if handled right. Run it as straight contest, gags will take care of themselves. Play it up big. Get some local restaurant to sponsor it and let the newspapers know.