Easy to Love (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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PAUL (Former Stage Player Who Makes His Debut As A Handsome Leading Man On The Screen In “Easy To Love’) = HUANANUUAUNAVOUENOCHONUOOLOAEASOUAESOUAENAUUOAROORSENOONECOOOCUONDOULEOUUACSUSUOASEDULGCESUUEOHUONENODOONGCGEONOCUOOOASHUOLEDOGUNUNOGUOEODOECECOUNEDEREGODOUGEDOUAUROUGONCOOUCSRDOUENOOUCOODOOOORONOCOUONUCEINOGOOOIOD Te = BS ee ee TS ONUOUUEOUTOUOEUUUORUOEOUSETAAUOOEEOOTOOSOREEOUDOEOHOOUOREUCOEANCOOUOOUOEODCLUGEEUUGORELOGUSOGOOOROGUSOUUOEOOOOOEOUSOOORUOSOCHEOSOROGOSENOGOONGCOUOEOUERONGSEEUEOUSREOOUEUUOURUOOUOEROOOEUOUODOUOODROAOOSOCHIORRESIOBIL: = Tattling On The Stars KAYE OCUUEGRUOEOUEOOUAODAUUUOUUUOOOUOEEOEOUOECCUSUREOUROECODUOESSEOOENOGEODAUOEEU ENO ECObEOU EEN ANGGDORAOOSONUOOGUAUSEOESOOAOOTOOUDEOAOGOEROOAOAEASUOESSOOOUUENGEO OOOO ORNOO DORN ONOONOE FiesveevuveauanvesauseseeanueavesasevaneegueeaveeuseeaneeGeeauesgUnsoueaveeeoeeaeeaneeanevsaegueeaveeasnsGeeuseeoUeeoueuUnesUCOUUC8)E40H0E0UEA0UENOEOOUOGOEENOEOAUEOOUTONEOOUEOOUGOQEENDSOOOEOUUENUUEVOEEOOOOOUONGuEOUEOOUANIEONILGE Love,’’ now showing at the P AUL KAYE, who plays the juvenile lead in ‘‘EKasy To comes of a family accustomed to doing things. Theatre, His erandfather, for instance, trekked to Alaska with the goldrushers in 1896, and was among the fortunate ones who returned with gold. He’s still alive and enjoys recounting his gold-hunting experiences. An uncle of Paul’s was Mayor of Long Beach, Long Island. devotes much of his spare time to paintings in oils, and it has always been his second choice as a profession. Born in New York on Washington’s birthday, twenty one years ago, the young man who recently came to Hollywood with a Warner Bros. contract in his coat pocket, was educated in the publie schools of Manhattan, and followed this preliminary schooling with courses at New York and Indiana Universities. His 170 pounds and the odd inch over six feet made him a successful candidate for football honors, but he was not too busy carrying the pigskin for his Alma Mater to overlook the college dramatic club. Even during his undergraduate days he sought opportunities for experience with stock companies, and won attention by being willing to play any kind of a part for a chance behind the footlights. ‘Lady Luck’ Gave Him Break His first opportunity on Broadway came with “Lady Luck.” That brought him to the attention of both eritics and agents, and he kept on going. Hollywood is to Paul Kaye as much of an adventure as Alaska was to his grandfather, and he has the same determination to see it through to a triumphant finale. All of his energy and ambition is concentrated upon succeeding as a motion picture actor, and his disregard of hours and difficulties has already made Paul himself is an artist as well as an actor. They Find It Easy To Love He him a favorite of the Warner Bros. Studios. His pet aversions are people who leave the cap off toothpaste tubes, staying up late and being called endearing names by casual acquaintances. Walter Hampden and Katherine Cornell are the titans of the stage to Paul Kaye. His favorites of the screen are Helen Hayes, Garbo, Norma Shearer, John and Lionel Barrymore. Fredric March and Robert Montgomery. Coward tops them all as a playwright, in his estimation. Politics have no allure for him, and he has no special interests in literature. A_ palette and paint brushes attract him more than books during his spare moments. In “Easy to Love,’ Kaye has the role of Patricia Ellis’ sweetheart and the two, by pretending that they are going in for love without benefit of clergy, manage to untangle the marital difficulties of Patricia’s parents, played by Adolphe Menjou and Genevieve Tobin. Mary Astor is the other woman and Edward Everett Horton the other man in the love tangle. Others in the east are Guy Kibbee, Hugh Herbert, Hobart Cavanaugh, Robert Greig and Harold Waldridge. The picture is an uproarious comedy based on the play by Thompson Buchanan and adapted by David Boehm. William Keighley directed. Adolphe Menjou and Mary Astor, two of the stars of Warner Bros.’ comedy smash ‘“‘Easy to Love,” now playing at the Strand Theatre. This handsome couple seems just too, too happy for words. And, frankly, we can understand how they feel. Mat No. 11—10c. 4 Edward Everett Horton, ‘OMarai: Features. GENEVIEVE. TOBY TOOK A BATH IN REAL MILK FORA SCENE IN “EASY TO LOVE” NOTE, (WATER DOES NOT PHOTOGRAPH $O/MILK WAS USED ) NEW SCREEN FIND ADMITTED TO THE DIRECTOR THAT HE DIDNT KNOW HOW TO KISS. FREAK FACTS... . A8007 HIM FAVORITES avocpue MERLIOU IT REQUIRED A TWO-TON TRUCK TO MOVE MENJOUS PERSONAL WARDROBE TO THE WARNER LOT. (eas nomen, HAD TO LEARN HOW TO SMOKE CIGARS FOR : A SCENE IN ‘EASY TO LOVE” “EASY TO LOVE” IS NOW PLAYING AT THE STRAND THEATRE NEWSPAPERS have approved of these Freak Facts as a special feature. If your paper doesn’t take mats, a line cut can be Be sure to add your playdate line it and see why! made directly from this page. EVERYWHERE Read in the space indicated. Mat No. 18—10c. Adolphe Menjou Jilted By Mary Astor's Daughter She Liked Him Fine ’Til She Saw Him Made Up On The Set For Role In “Easy To Love”’ what kind of a eareer Mary Astor’s infant daughter | years too soon, of course, to even begin to imagine will choose when she grows up. Or whether she will choose any. One thing is certain, however. If she elects to follow in the footsteps of her beautiful and popular mother and become an actress, she will have to overcome her present dis like for theatrical makeup. Young Miss Thorpe (Mary Astor, in private hfe, is the certain terms. Her vocabulary, at the present writing, is more emphatic than extensive, but she makes it very clear, upon occasion, that she won’t have anybody around her who smears up his or her face with that awful looking stuff. Even her mother is not exempt from Miss Thorpe’s ruling on this matter. During the making of “Easy to Love,” the Warner Bros. picture now showing at the pat Wola a Theatre, in which Mary Astor has one of the principal roles along with Genevieve Tobin, Adolphe Menjou and Miss Astor brought her daughter to visit the studio on one of the days when she herself was not working. The young lady showed great interest in everything that was going on around her. It was great fun to watch the electrimoving the big lamps She took an immediate fancy to Genevieve Tobin’s West Highland terrier, Jill, who was / sitting beside her mistress’ chair on the set. She pulled Director William Keighley’s nose several times, as a mark of special favor, and Chief Cameraman Ernest Haller’s blue glass fascinated her so much that Ernie had wife of Dr. Franklyn Thorpe, eminent California gynecologist) manifests her antipathy for grease paint in no un to surrender it for about half an hour. Adolphe Menjou had a late call that day and presently walked on the set to say “Hello” to the company before going to his dressing room to make up. Love At First Sight Mr. Menjou was duly presented to Miss Thorpe, and the two took an instant liking to each other. It developed, in fact, into quite a furious flirtation before the assistant director finally reminded Menjou that he’d be late for his first scene if he didn’t tear himself away at once. Miss Thorpe cooed longingly after him as he disappeared, then busied herself cheerfully with other matters in her immediate vicinity. Some twenty minutes later, Menjou reappeared on the stage, made up and ready to step in front of the cameras. Quite naturally, he paused in front of Mary Astor’s chair, where little Miss Thorpe was sitting on her mother’s lap absorbed in trying to swallow the cameraman’s blue glass, and stooped down to speak to her. “Youwre going to get an awful shock in just about one second,” murmured Miss Astor. Menjou Patricia Ellis Sews On Old Fashioned Samplers When you see an old fashioned sampler hanging on the walls of some home you can usually figure that the family goes back to the American Revolution days or earlier. For these samplers were made by our great-great-grandmothers. ished by enough They have been cherfortunate their possession, framed and carefully preserved. But Ellis, Bros. featured player, who appears in “Easy To Love,” now showing at the persons to have them in Patricia Warner Theatre, has adopted the work of her ancestors and is making Her latest kittens, stitched with a needle on a plain background, with a verse underneath, telling who made it and when it was made. Pat says she hopes her’ grandchildren will cherish this one. her own samplers. one consists of two Adolph Menjou Has His Pet. Superstition Adolphe Menjou has one pet superstition. He will not get out of bed on the right side. In a scene for the Warner Bros. picture, “Easy To Love,” now showing: at the, da. ce Jere cere Theatre, the script called for him to get out of bed on the right side. No sort of persuasion could induce him to do it, however, so the script was changed to let him hop out on the left side. He explained to Director Wiiliam Keighley that when he was a student at Cornell University he broke his leg getting out of bed on the right hand side. Since then he has always gotten out on the left. At home he arranges his bed against the wall so that there is only a left exit. He has his beds arranged similarly at a hotel and in a Pullman car he insists on a ear with apartments on the right side so the bed exit will be at the left. looked puzzled—and just then the baby turned around, took one look at her beau of half an hour before and set up a _ terrified shriek. Everybody on the set turned around to look. Menjou, nonplussed and embarrassed for one of the few times in his life, looked bewildered and exclaimed: “What’s the matter. I haven’t done a thing to her!” Once again Menjou tried to make up to the child. But she shrank away from him and continued erying and sobbing, unt'] the actor finally gave up. When she finally succeeded in quieting the little one, Mary explained: “She’s always been like that. The first time I ever went near her with make-up on, she _ behaved even worse. Even ordinary lipstick and powder are barred as far as she’s concerned. Neither the Doctor nor I have ever been able to find any satisfactory explanation for it, but we both think she’ll outgrow it in a few years, if not sooner.” “T’m glad there’s nothing personal in her attitude,” laughed Menjou. “TI don’t profess to be The Great Lover or anything of that sort,. but that’s the first time in my life I’ve ever had a woman scream with fright when I tried to be nice to her!” Miss Astor plays opposite Menjou in “Easy to Love,” the hilarious comedy dealing with a series of marital mix-ups. It is based on Thompson Buchanan’s play and was adapted by David Boehm. William Keighley directed. SS aaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaammmaaaa Page Seventeen