Easy to Love (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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| CAROL Genevieve Telia): TH REE | CHARACTERS ~ Ga modern wife who decides | te P | i, CHARLOTTE: Haven’t w hat? | to get back her wandering hubby. | CHARLOTTE (Mary Astor) : ness of ‘making’ hubby. ERIC (Edw. Everett Horton) : her peels lover. “Regular station: announcements followed by— ANNOUNCER: Friends, > | happy to be able to offer docs your entertainment flashes from the gay | : light comedy hit, “Hasy. toLove,” | | the Warner Bros. picture. [comes to the yee Dee Bs Her ‘friend’ who is in the bac Carol’s friend who thinks he is | . "ERIC: Wiens are you taking : A ite dearnsks 2 : ‘CAROL: (pur ringly) Not afraid, SW are you? — ERIC: ((efiantly) Nevertld | So any where with you— =— ~ CAROL: Good. Pm taking you | Raced to a very secret little apartment, ¢ on Peerevore crete Adolphe Menem nte Avenue. Mary Astor, Guy Kibbee, story. NARRATOR: Thank you (name | of peas oF John and sac a well-to-do couple without | Herbert, Robert Gren, Paul re a iam a; | reresentatise) will hpivec you a brief summary to |. tes mek Carol | us? CAROL: No. (rings again) — ERIC: (as if his conscience is | Everett Horton, Patricia Ellis, ugh bothering him) Carol—I hope you re | ‘not about to do something you'll }regret. Perhaps I have been too. sidered? CAROL: Very carefully. Any-|} | body else in my position would do the same. Oh, here we are. cade swerves to ae CAROL: Quite so— (rings the| ‘°° dis carrying on a secret affair vin bell). ae ee Boar a f harlotte, a friend of the f: ‘amily — | : and that her mother is pretending | to be in love with Eric, in order | make her husband jealous. | has even gone to the extent of hir| }ing a detective, who reports that} sound of door opening) Oh, good | | John is to be found at Charlotté’s |, ERI D a et “they e |apartment. Summoning the aston| lotte! ished I her supposedly to for purely social reasons. C: Eri¢ are in her ear on their way as we hear them talking: (voices over hum of car) ERIC: (tenderly) Do you rie | Carol, until you phoned, | always rend if * this | | day would ever come — and now it has come. CAROL: (sweetly) ‘It had 18 cee . 1 it was inevitable. ERIC: (thinki f remarkable thin | way. Yes indeed. CAROL: (abruptly, 7 What time fis it? ERIC: “lByro: thirty, exac CAROL: Tell him to drive ERIC: (calling to deen ce uit. | | standing in the hall, dearest — No | Erie, Carol gets [Bees to go, wie | ng she means AW | We’re nothing but putty in the hands | of fate—ah yes — yes—love is a g—it must pbs its ; CAROL: Oh, we found out about “you, CHARLOTTE: Found _ found | | out — what? CAROL: Your dear little hide-| away, didn’t we, Erie? ERIC: Yes, yes indeed. ‘how are you’ — ERIC: Oh, OS — ah —er| —how are you, Charlotte? us CAROL: (sweetly) You’ re never | home any more, darling,. so, I. put two and two together —and here we are. CHARLOTTE: Yes, —. yes,. of | cour Se. CAROL: Why do you oa us | tle faster, . please—(sounds of. ot) chairs or ripapeas 2 Why don’t you . Ah, Carol — how ae agian fare! I never realized fee us in? CHARLOTTE: Why, oie eres | No, not till you called me ak fon! |place is so — messy — I — I just day, and commanded me to come to| you. And here I had been thinking got up. we CAROL: = (repr ovingly) Why, that you were cold and reserved.| yowre just lazy. Oh, oh, what a ff Yes, indeed, I certainly ‘was. |You’ve never really known | charming apartment. _ Isn’t it, Eric? CAROL: (with double meaning) Awfully charming — a bit Bo-| me, | hemian —Oh, and a fire! I always] | Eric. In fact, until THIS hap-|} say there’s nothing like a good. fire, honed, I’ve never aeeey eine ba my | self. ERIC: (in cestasy) | don’t I, Eric? Ba oe ERIC: Oh, yes ale yes, bfigs na 1 , you} quite often. pes | do look especially beautiful today | —so adorable. That dress — that |fy divan — and nobody to share it| CAROL: This Nasratile big, com | hat —like a. painting by —er— ah with you, Charlotte memcia I’ve simply | ees one of those artists — CAROL: And why, my you think I made myself ticularly attractive? _ ERIC: (overwhelmed) tell me it’s so — but — but hardly believe it. CAROL: (slyly) You ARE Hrie darling. derstanding, | got to euddle down on it. Come, lo'| Eric. Chilly out, Lees it really | aris. sisnit 1; rie? heey a |} ERIC: W hy yes — yes — very. 2: rs | chilly. CAROL: This certainly is DI VINE, Charlotte — this little nest of yours. It’s the sort of place-| | where one might stumble. on. almost | ( 4 r | Carol — ; ee | CAROL: | hig’ stub is still smokjing! .There, there, darling — don’t | | deny it, if you do! right! Amy Lowell did — Gertrude | _ Stein ui big not you! It’s the | reed in your in|}; “But tell me, darling, | ing? en going on?/,, eae ti swept you—ah-— off your| rfeet as it. were. Have you. con-| afternoon BSS my DARLING | Char| a (confused and 1 stuttering) Why — why Carol — hello — I — | certainly, of: course TI could do my painting. CAROL: (feigning surprised de| light) Oh, you paint, too? Darling, | , Ja |why DO you keep these things from just ton! ieee tee way ae ‘acts? | Where ARE your paintings? | Most men would be utterly brazen | — ; — but not Erie! J ccampalel me? t interest. any raise, if vou know wl hat tt meant E! No! You haven't Oh, CHARLOT really, have you? CAROL: Hav en’t: taken to_ smok-| ie a ing big black cigars? CHARLOTTE: It — sia — I glory i ERIC: “why, yes = yes Andeod | tes WORY, cute ct CAROL: TI can see yowre an old oe ne 2 time with servants! ie LOVE eit CHARLOTTE: hand at it, Charlotte, but how long? CHARLOTTE: Oh > (cough) quite la while — (cough) So many of my | artist friends do, you know that (cough) IT thought V’d try it, Then | g; I — got to like them and (cough) CAROL: (sweetly catty) And you | never told us a word... ; Did she, Eric? Rigg ‘IT — I “don't think ae — \ hy, Pm "heptnuing to] 3 think : yow re ‘a dual personality, | Charlotte. Isn't sBat what they eall | lit, Eric? ERIC: Oh, y OS at yes — weak indeed! tages ; CHARLOTTE: _ Carol dear, ae did you know abou it my little studio a CAROL: A euri us chain of cirge: | cumstances —*VI1 ell you about i sometime, Oh; Ch Youve led I simply MUST. a box. Yes. anes is the pwery, last | ace Ba on Veres CAROL: Erie, why don’t you| | greet Chaslotios Say. ‘hello’ or | aise) | never mind.: ru just smoke a plain | CAROL: a bad, darling, but | jeveryday cigarette. Have you one, | Erie? SERIO! Aye ot tee your pardon — eigarette' ten Yes indeed 2 CAROL: Thanks, Eric. Oh, I llove this room. Isn’t it fun, dear, ‘to have such a place to et away | from it all? CHARLOTTE: Yes, CHARLOTTE: Oh, I — T sent them awédy to be framed, — only this morning. poe CAROL: _ What sort of painting do you go_ in for? ERIC: ‘Gelpfully) Nudes, mye Ua ee (off). This ane is aw-| {sah cng mn mR i CAROL: No, dear, don’t! What ever you do — don’t shut the bedroom door. I simply must see it —| it must be adorable — if ive, any; thing like this room — : CHARLOTTE: (trying to vee com 4 » Be sure to get newspaper apne on \ cither es, ae or | 4 movie page announcing | Lue fact that your coming picture will 1 be etherized. poe See tee a on, this is just perfect! | Ray eee Ae ee whispers) "ERIC: (of) Yes? ; ~ Come in ‘and § see char-| Bait it eran. ecla woe er das — yes — yes |™ ' indeed — it certainly is. — are. : (laugh in See voi oe Oh, | The look, ook, Eric — look ty It’s quite all} TE : CHARLOTTE: | oer fe Nase }ev erything in lace _ she — 2 come out. Who is he? Anyone w pert dreadful eS | onel Gree It does give one| Sieh a ee: of — of — What ‘Shall Abe ‘CAROL: ee th ) Seclusion! % _ CHARLOTTE: : x es — es, that’ | mM. Ww hat marvelNs in’ you “your cl roset ie age _ CHARLOTTE: : As I was saying — “ghist ae heed 4 is $0 5 bitorestii! (louder. sO the| husband in the maha may Neer) Fo Don’t you think S80, te sOTT. er si people | are so conventional — 0 gh) Lue might misunderstand : ro very Toned ‘Churlote, Wice a let. (reassuringly) We can conCharlotte, Erie dear. my inst friend! arlotte, dear oy |have you. another cigs ‘me astray. is think fEry Ones TOO kei i: 8 Se eae CHARLOTTE: Why — let me | _ |see — no — no — I’ve just finished | e in ch: uote — by ae means | A Mek ce breathe word, Charlotte, will you? tr CHARLOTTE: About w hat? | CAROL: ger, Ab Erie and ful, Charlotte .—— Aa If. we ean Dt Sette oO ‘i ‘then Ww hom can we trust? Pee : CHARLOTTE: This is all so mys| Yes, yes —| t took it so) DREPLY IN LOVE! CHARLOTTE: Wee You and — Erie Tm flabbergasted! | canoe Erie is leasing an apartment in this building. CAR EEOET Et In THIS . build| Yes, de: ar — that’s how we spneg you. — CHARLOTTE: oa | handsome young fiancee, Paul! Yowll One n—never knows how | the other moe? eee Ile koe one? |her wandering John; yowll like his | ee told, Charlotte — ealeak. Gow | fall; “Easy To Love” is one of those |posed) Some other time — dear —|ering her voice my pcan eee Can the bed isn’t made up! CAROL: “Oh, I MUST see. the f bedroom, Charlotte — _ i CHARLOTTE: Please, dear —. | ANYBODY hear re CHARLOTTE: | why do you ask? ll be frank, (¢ hard to forget. Till _| next. at the Strand — good bye 4 j and GOOD LUCK. | dear. ( tome here. (pause, then she There’s a, min in ther 1 Fisn’t there? an: CHARLOTTE: Geared) Why —|fCarol ite I — ; 1 ERIC: =. an | imbecile) A mm. | \ whisper) we no, let's 8 nee Ly “here. = 3 Have him come out. eS OO. Oiee f pee te ake eam ste CAROL: Yow’re Se bagi nae | ( Mave: him | jling. Do, “Charlotte, know? | just an old friend of mine oT ae fe o meet | onel! oe Mase Bee it’s a — it’s a|mu very nice one — yes — ‘indeed ah AB CHARLOTTE: | two talking about? ERIC: (relieved) — As the ae i phrase puts it — you said a mouths —you did inJ | deed, yes, yes ing — Erie and I are} (sympa; eee off, of something | 4 There that noise| ae! ‘CAN — it be! Yes,| — as Tm telling YOM y ERIC AND is ‘ERIC: eae, I (CAROL: © Don’t forget, Charlotte | — you’re coming to us to dinner | "| this ‘ev rena weed aching: notes J ERIC: (off) Good bye. ] CAROL: (off, lovingly): Good bye, 1 ° | darling. | CHARLOTTE: Good ieee (Beer. | slams) eee oe ee NARRATOR: And this only sets | idtac) for one of the jolliest | tem that ever raged in a family teapot — a tempest which. blows -|up not only John, Carol, Eric, Char| lotte, and daughter Janet and her a | jlove the soft, eatty, tinkling, de| |mure trickery of Carol to reclaim | bewildered bravado and final down rare light comedies, easy to see and | ia er er ge ie Pal ati Serer THE EN ‘D, oe Page Nineteen