Employees' Entrance (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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She said—“T don’t even hate you! Like someone you pick ap on the streets eocDhat’s what I feel like!” not come to me tonight, nor tomorrow night... bat At last the screen dares picture the MOST PRESSING MORAL PROBLEM OF OUR TIMES! Trumpeting the cry of millions of out-of-work girls— “Give me a job—at any price!”’...Girls you couldn’t have touched with a 100-foot yacht—ready now to barter their kisses for a $10 pay check, from the Boss who can “make” or break more women than any sultan! Only a big picture could do justice to this tremendous theme .--And only a BIG cast could do justice to such a story. So First National gives you both— WARREN aa ao plekiog Star of “The Mouthpiece”) (Triumphant Star of “Life Begins”) together for the first time, plus scores of others! WORKING GIRLS! If this isn’t your story now, it may be some day! It’s important that you see it! Cut No. 40 Cut 60c Mat rs5c 453 LINES WARREN WILLIAM, and LORETTA Mon ea Ke EMPLOYEES ENTRANCE with ALICE WHITE e WALLACE FORD Cut No. 28 Cut gos Mat roc 56 LINES , The Boss said—You may She said—‘T don’t even not come to me tonicht, 3 hate you! Like someone nor tomorrow nigh:...but ; you pick up on the streets you'll com!” That’s what I feel like!” At ‘ast the screen dares picture the MOST PRESSING MORAL PROBLEM OF OUR TIMES! Trumpeting the cry of millions of out-of-work girls— “Give me a job—at any price!”’...Girls you couldn’t have touched with a 100-foot yacht—ready now to barter their kisses for a $10 pay check, from the Boss who can “make” or break more women than any sultan! Only a big picture could do justice to this tremendous theme .-eAnd only a BIG cast could do justice to such a story. So First National gives you both— WARREN WILLIAM (Hit-Making Star of “The Mouthpiece”) and LORETTA YOUNG (Triumphant Star of “Life Begins”) together for the first time, plus scores of others! ¢ WORKING GIRLS! If chis isn't your story now, it may be someday! It’s important char see it! Cut No. 41 Cut 4oc Mat roc 200 LINES Cut No. 35 Cut 20c Mat 5c 15 LINES eS Cut No. 34 Cut2o0c Mat 5c 15 LINES "EMPLOYEES ENTRANCE ARR WILLIAM Be) ite Cut No. 27 Cut 4goc Mat 10¢ 56 LINES Page Fifteen