Escape Me Never (Warner Bros.) (1947)

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BLOUSE PROMOTION Here’s the Peggy Martin Blouse fullpage ad featuring Ida Lupino and crediting "Escape Me Never” which appeared in recent issues of MADEMOIS BE le Laeeec CHARM and GLAMOUR magazines. Counter card reproductions of this ad (actual size 10” x 15!45”, in 2 colors) AND newspaper publicity mats (size: 2-col. x 5!/,” deep) are available, FREE, for local tie-ups. For counter cards and newspaper mats, write: Mr. J. R. Kupsick, Kupsick Advertising Agency, 122 E. 42nd St., New York City HULA TWO SONG HITS! This show has two big song numbers — “Love for Love” and “O Nene.” M. Witmark & Sons published them. “Love For Love” has been recorded by Claude Thornhill’s orchestra for Columbia, Andy Russell (Capitol), Hal McIntyre (MGM), Vaughn Monroe (Victor) and Anita Ellis (Mercury). Lots of others too. Remember’ your band leaders, disc jockeys, music stores and juke box proprietors for tiein plugs and title sheet displays. INU. LL | i oreo rere ee eee i i i i (|! \ nt HOLL HENRY BLANKE : COLORED 22 x 28's AGIG YOUNG Yemlotdy PETER GODFREY Aco ly HENRY BLANKE UB! wer Bros. present E-RROL FLYNN IDA LUPINO 0S SEK me Nee wee” Set of Eight 2 SOMPSTELY LOVED E PETER GODFREY, COLORED |! x 14's HOA FOR YOUR ORDER ALL DISPLAYS FROM NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE EXCHANGES HAA HAA = = = l | HU = = = — =]