Ever Since Eve (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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THE CAST Marge Winton................ Aap a Oe sestsssseeee MARION DAVIES Freddy Matthews................. sau ROBERT MONTGOMERY ‘Mabel’ DeCraven.........:....-...0-sess. aerate FRANK McHUGH a eee a eee ee ..PATSY KELLY I MY 5 Sang cvi a Sangnsesneeandeaey oe aes ... ALLEN JENKINS A Abbie Belldon................... sensdag ee sesesses LOUISE FAZENDA * icuri _ ... CAROL HUGHES a es REDERICK CLAR Employment Clerk............ PG tpt epee MARY TREEN President of the Purity League... ............... HARRY HAYDEN Barton ce ee. wits tealsscheny Sin God PIERRE WATKIN PN eee ees sian: okie JORN To MURRAY Henderson........cccccccccsesessereseees ver vs vs WILLIAM DAVIDSON a ; PRODUCTION STAFF RT ai Ie LARS TET IS WER .LLOYD BACON @ LAWRENCE RILEY f Tot c-1-14 i a F-) a ©) Bio keg oe puke Me eee EARL BALDWIN {LILLIE HAYWARD an eg Ee Ree eon SIEM ... ..MARGARET LEE and i GENE BAKER Phatograpty By. i. 1@) 0) 516) 0-7.) .4) | Se a oe On i Pine: Seto. Sew, Sis ata see WILLIAM HOLMES Art Director......... sith cocoate pee. AEST ROBERT HAAS ' Music and Lyries by.......c.0.0....-. Pie .M. K. JEROME and : : JACK SCHOLL Musical Direstor. 253i 2 a visseeeee LEO F, FORBSTEIN Cows. 09. gis 5, Sie savages BRAD Pie ro ORRY-KELLY t aa ~in a picture backed by a business building campaign of unparalleled scope; hitting strategic centers in the United States with well-timed publicity and art; big-space adver _ tising to re-enforce your own ads; on the air from coast-to-coast broadcast on a popular radio show (date to be announced); fictionization already accepted by 36 keycity newspapers— FREE to news papers in cities where Hearst sites like this.The live-wires will gofu | "hpi page 12 for full details.) “Double Talk’~ Vitaphone Rel papers are not published. (See