Fashions of 1934 (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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Exploitation ldeas | MORE USEFUL DISPLAY MATERIAL A complete and varied line of photo enlargements which form invaluable accessories. Use them in the lobby, on the front and for window displays. All articles available directly from PHOTOCOLOR STUDIOS, 220 West 42nd St., N. Y. C. PLEREL ORE DED ESB EPH PCR ORLOBER Oo ABS Peete Onn eueetanatiie FOR WINDOWS: Four handsome cut-out heads similar to one illustrated, designed for use as garment-hangers in women’s wear shops. Finished in natural colors, varnished and backed, they are ideal for planting in windows with theatre credit card. Dealer should share _ cost. Each $1.50. Set of 4, $5.00. PILAR LIB VELEN ALAS, LARD LORE EELS: DEEL BELLA LL EAR ERLE GEA LE LNA LR RIAL BG: BODeCoR KE oie Bere ompe es eT eee eee eee PL ORREA EL EEE ELL EGE ILE ELS LEDER ELI EMR SPAR L PA OPEL R ED DAES ONERPEDEOLES GE SH ROTODEEDED LE OLEED EH ERS Mile UDO HIS 28 088-0 OH OO HO-00-61R PERSONALITY PUZZLE This type of puzzle is used daily by the New York World-Telegram. It contains forty-six biographical questions on William Powell. est ee) eee eae ee , THE SCREEN'S FIAST LAUGH EXTRAVAGANZA WITH SONGS AND MUSIC | ae cine GORDEGUS MOBELS! SET-PIECE: This cut-out will attract attention in the lobby or on your front. Its brilliance will dominate any lobby. Finished in natural colors, the piece stands 68” high, 42” wide. Price, $8.75, net, F.O.B. New York. SPECIAL PHOTOS: Set of 16 x 20s offering well-rounded selection of star, spectacle and fashion scenes. Available on attractive, glossy, double-weight paper in rose and yellow glossy tints—printing in black, these enlargements are suitable for transparent effects or for regulation frames. Set of 6, priced at $2.50. Special 24-inch cut-out display heads are also available of Bette Davis, William Powell, Verree Teasdale and Frank McHugh. In natural colors and varnished for outdoor use. Grommetted for hanging. Specially priced at $1.65 each. FOR FRAMES: 28 x 42, black and white displays. Mounted on heavy card. Fit regulation one sheet frame, they are priced at $2.00 each. Four available. ACROSS Be COORD eas cacctex gps caueeeia sack beeper LEA 4, Fashionable trimming A 1. Whole name of male screen star.... 5. Anger. ........: ea ee WILIAM POWELL 7. One thousand 14, Siateenth Letter ..........cccccccceeccees 1 es Bae ENON. hes. oc essen ssh ene 15. Only things the star dreads...... 9. Broken piece FEARS 10. Noxious plant 16. Star says he wants to be in midst 11... Lermination < 2.....cijancmcdos OF Vife’a— Foi... sdkcdeiccesecets ARENA 12. Siath note of scale ................. DLA 10. > BPifteenth: Detter ois. s.. eecactsccveoe O LOSS Puy eget esi SA ERAS L 18. Independent Labor ........cc00c.00. IL 14, Star's birthplace . PITTSBURGH 20. What the star is among actors?.... 17. Where the star spent evenings as ACE TOMIDOU Fo rccta pein att OPERA HOUSE 21. One hundred. ...2oc.ccsecs-setscce O 19. Cave resort in Virginia... LURAY 22,Lo sprend: tO Ary ccveiceesseass-ee TED 21. Feline 23. The long borrowing-letter star 23Sinned wrote to his aunt, abbrev......... EP 25. Kind of part star once played..BIT 24. Star likes to go sailing in his 26. I'wo hundred o¢ ibs Fr scnijsatinsoseemivneivs TUB 27. Negation ................. 26; Star’s motto is ‘I—’ .......... Can 28. Not in stigeecetsssnsteteaccrseercteeenees 28... Western State .i...c<0csccsse stone. Onn -8%Enel are apparet i eee BOS 29. How the star always appears ... 84. What star studied when he meant TRIM to sin VOICE 30. His favorite title ............ ACTOR bie Ar eh En : : ST = CONG OG Ace eens Ras SEEPS 381. Star likes to hear a cat—?..PURR ‘ m F ; ; 7 : Z 2 $9. Po 6b 40: ON OF Oras. see INORB 32. What he did while he waited for 49. City in Japan oeccccccceeKYOTO WEB ROUT ge cea iscbiren setins {natace soo SAT 44-2 Pa hore ee eee ee ae DRILL 33. Nineteenth Letter ............0..0000. S 47. Yo speak in public ......:. ORATE 34, Lwenty-second Letter ................ Vv 49. Goethe character star would like 35. He likes to drink—with Arliss.... LOR pln ct oe ns aay oe FAUST TEA BB. SS eO0Iul Olen 5... 2:s.ceeeaetoege ase B DOME saeseasssssccd sate eats ea ies Se EY: 54. Hoyptian sun god RA Sika AE ROYOUGHI GLE iccsceschccsivevesvecssctaee ST Bo SAN Od cae aa neo ee Ee OLD 38, Old Tceland .....ececeeseeeeeeeeees Or 56. Lindy and his plane ........:... WE 40. David Harum ...........c0ccccc0eees. DH 5. Sowurteenthe = Letters see es vi enone N 41. Twenty-first Letter ........0cc00..0.. U 60°. SGiblees. Se eee BARN 42. What the star gets to any city 62. Men who operate a ship...CREW 5 (GE ren ree eae KEY G5 = Pbasbeted a. -002c co eee RAN 43. Poetic name for India ........ IND 66. Hawaiian fo0d «0... POI 45. Fifteenth UO hier hae O 67. High Turkish officer ........... AGA 46. His friends call him a—good 68. No particular one ............... ANY SALLI TARE Ss apheresis ROYAL Ti Twenty fifth ether o.oo cs cds i 48. Capital of Greek province of 72, Bist ..cccccccccccceccssessgeseeeeees BE SAME NAME 2.0......ccesseeeeeeees CORFU Ya Reed CTS 8 ee aE NS 50. To feel for guidance .......G@ROPE 74, Indian dy@ ........cccceieee AL SEs SUR WOTM 6. Spies cossste ERIAS 75. Symbol for tellurium ............. TE 52. Garb star dislikes to throw away . HATS 53. Color of the star’s hair...BROWN 58. Oolor of his eyes ...........c.2:. BLUE BO. TOWaras Beer ete x... Soca eS TO 60 Second Letter ssa. ies B 61. His favorite brew .......0........ ALE G2 VE COLON a: esr casvins dace! Ca ine SC Say 0 1 Te Oa eae ee nee oe LS (oY dea 777 PaaS eS ee eee ee ME Gd, SROPD AH) Sie. ates ee RAP 67. Southern constellation .......... ARA 69. In the direction Of i...0.....0..06..: TO 71. Nickname of youths’ organization Y Linc OULOTROAL. is csaisscdesti ve omar, 72 74. Representative ............0..... AGENT 1Gcc2Pawentieth Tietter — 05. cc ssiesecaceaess = i 77. Star’s favorite outdoor sport ....... TENNIS 78. Profession he once intended to CONGR. Sane eo LAWYER DOWN 1. Twenty-third Letter <.............. W = 2. Supposing that —.,..cck tia fevcccectk LF Mat No. 66 (Answer Incl.)—1l5c PUNCH DIALOGUE LINES FRANK McHUGH: “Lovely girl—she sticks to you when yowre in the money—and walks out on you when youw’re Slats (Still No. 10) DOROTHY BURGESS: “Of course; she’s a woman, and no woman could resist you!” (Still No. 1) WILLIAM POWELL: “You sold him the idea you were a Grand Duchess—now sell him the idea of this revue.” (Still No. 58) BETTE DAVIS: “Yes, I can see you just swept her off her feet by all your manly charm.” (Still No. 54) HUGH HERBERT: “But I don’t want to put on a show—I just want to sell ostrich plumes.” (Still No. 104) WILLIAM POWELL: “Now don’t you start—I got enough trouble explaining you to her.” (Still No. 6) FRANK McHUGH: “Am I interrupting a sale?’’ (Still No. 31) WILLIAM POWELL: “So... Jimmy’s a lovely person—the soul of honor ... and I’m the hell .. .” (Still No. 38) WILLIAM POWELL: “I promise, darling, after this one time, Pll quit this racket and we'll be married.” (Still No. 82) WILLIAM POWELL: “Is this a rehearsal, or are you making a scene?”’ (Still No. 103) Page Thirty-nine