Female (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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your Ist story New Chatterton Film, “Female, ’ Shows Star in Exceptional Role (Routine Story) Ruth Chatterton will play a new and unusual role in her latest screen vehicle, “Female,” which arrives at the .... Theatre on.... This glamorous star has had a long, unique and varied list of roles in her stage and screen career—ranging all the way from the touching, tearful “Madame X” to the _ ultra-sophisticated and indolent heroine of “The Rich Are Always With Us,” and from the picturesque but hard-boiled “Frisco Jenny” to the helpless rich woman of “The Crash.” But never before has she appeared in the guise in which “Female” will present her: an efficient big business executive at the office and a woman who has her own love code at night. Alison Drake, the heroine played by Miss Chatterton, knows her own power as head of the vast motor company she has inherited and goyerns. She is convinced that in her position of command she can treat men exactly “as men have always treated women.” She wishes to use them when it pleases her, both for business and for her own pleasure. In all this she is ruthless. It is only when she finally meets her match —a man who will not submit to her conditions—that she realizes how much she honestly wants to be “like other women.” Her powerful position has been glorious—but lonely. There can be no compromise so long as she herself refuses to submit to the inevitable. Miss Chatterton was selected as the perfect star to portray this young woman of strange conflicts and self-questionings. Alison’s poise and wit and self-confidence, in the early portion of the story, are well suited to the actress. It is a role peculiarly well adapted to a star who combines Miss Chatterton’s gifts both as comedienne and dramatic actress. The heroine of “Female” demands both elements. It is one of the most diverse roles which Miss Chatterton has played—hence, according to the star herself, one of the most satisfying. William Dieterle, directer of the picture, has spun this daring story with great charm and delicacy. Its comedy is thrown into relief by emotional scenes of depth and tensity. A distinguished cast appears with Miss Chatterton in “Female.” With George Brent as leading man, and such players as Ruth Donnelly, Lois Wilson, Ferdinand Gottschalk and Johnny Mack Brown in important roles, the star has splendid support. Others appearing in the picture are Jean Muir, Gavin Gordon, Sterling Holloway and Rafaelo Ottiano. The screen play is by Gene Markey and Kathryn Scola. your 2nd story Chatterton Portrays Siren on Hunt for Males in “Female” Ruth Chatterton the vamp, the siren. Ruth Chatterton, the huntress, who stalks the male as her prey. Ruth Chatterton playing the man’s game and doing to her victims what philandering men are wont to do to their girls. This is the strange role she is called on to play in “Female,” the First National picture which opens at the .... Theatre on.... By day, she is the ruthless executive of a great manufacturing concern. By night, her amorous temperament comes to the fore and she entices her handsome male subordinates to become her lovers. Each in turn she ruthlessly casts aside for the next, when they try to carry their amorous advances into their business life. It is a.new type of role for Miss Chatterton, but one which, according to advance reports, has resulted in the best picture she has ever made. George Brent plays the leading masculine role, while others in the cast include Lois Wilson, Ruth Donnelly, Ferdinand Gottschalk and Johnny Mack Brown. William Dieterle directed. = Piblicity—Ad TAG Ruth Is Star in “Female” In the new film coming to the Strand Friday, local fans will see Ruth Chatterton in a role entirely dif ferent from those in which she has recently appeared. Her part in the new First National film, “Female,” is that of a big business executive, with an unusual after business hours complex. Mat No. 23, Price 10c. your 3rd story Ruth Chatterton Has Distinguished Cast With Her in “Female” A distinguished cast recruited from the leading players of both stage and screen were selected to support Ruth Chatterton in the First National picture, “Female,” which comes to the sc s ROOTS OM’. s,s George Brent, her husband, who also played with her in “The Crash,” “Lilly Turner” and “The Rich Are Always With Us,” has the leading masculine role. Ruth Donnelly, former stage favorite, who made an outstanding hit in “Blessed Event” and “Hard to Handle,” has an important comedy role. Johnny Mack Brown and Phillip Reed, two recent recruits from the Broadway stage, play in roles of Miss Chatterton’s lovers, as also does Gavin Gordon. Others in the cast are noted both for their stage and screen work and include Lois Wilson, Ferdinand Gottschalk, Rafaelo Ottiano, Sterling Holloway, Kenneth Thomson, Huey White, Douglas Dumbrille, Walter Walker, Charles Wilson, Edward Cooper, Spencer Charters, Jean Muir and Juliet Ware. The screen play, by Gene Markey and Kathryn Scola, has Miss Chatterton acting the part of a young and beautiful woman, head of a gigantic organization during the day, who plays fast and loose with many men after office hours. Her entire mode of life is eventually changed, however, when she falls in love with a man who will not yield to her wiles. William Dieterle directed the picture. Wh. Faversham's Son in Chatterton Film Philip Faversham, son of the famous William Faversham, is seen in his biggest screen role to date in “Female,” the First National picture starring Ruth Chatterton, which eenes-10 the... . Theatre next........ Young Faversham, who made his screen debut in “Captured,” starring Leslie Howard, has been making rapid strides in his film career. Philip Faversham will also be seen in “The College Coach,” in which he appears as a football player, opposite Pat O’Brien, Ann Dvorak, Dick Powell and Lyle Talbot. ‘ your 4th story Business Scenes for “Female” WereFilmed in Vast Motor Plant The operations of a vast motor plant form an_ interesting background for many of the sequences in the First National picture, “Female,” starring Ruth Chatterton, which comes... . to the Theatre on.... Miss Chatterton has the role of a big business woman, placed by birth in a commanding industrial position, able, aggressive,magnetic and selfconfident, yet predominantly feminine and with an inherant desire for conquests in the field of love as well as in business. As the president of a vast motor plant authentic backgrounds were called for in many sequences. Workshops, assembling departments, engineering offices—all these figured in the script. Executive offices were constructed on the sound stage but other sequences must necessarily be photographed on the ground. The officials of a huge motor plant (Chrysler Motors) offered the use of their gigantic plant in Los Angeles for as many shots as might be needed. Miss Chatterton and other members of the cast spent several days at work in various sections of the plant. The scenes consequently are realistic and accurate, for they were taken in a place where automobiles were. actually in the course of production. The love sequences take place either at her own home or out of doors, for Miss Chatterton in her character role never mixes business with love, as the handsome young men in her employ whom she has entertained the night before, learn to their chagrin. George Brent has the leading masculine role while others in the cast include Lois Wilson, Ruth Donnelly, Ferdinand Gottschalk, Johnny Mack Brown and Phillip Reed. The picture was dramatized for the screen by Gene Markey and Kathryn Scola. William Dieterle directed. Chatterton Satisfied With Tilt of Her Nose Ruth Chatterton, who has the stellar role in the First National picture, “Female,” which opens at the... . Theatre on... ., considers the tilt of her nose a definite part of her personality. She will not permit it to be touched or altered with makeup in any manner, shape or form. your 9th story Ruth Chatterton and George Brent Again Teamed in “Female” It’s getting to be a habit with Ruth Chatterton to select her husband, George Brent, as her leading man in her pictures. In the past twe years she played in five productions and Brent was her leading man in all but one. Miss Chatterton’s first picture after joining Warner Bros.-First National was “The Rich Are Always With Us.” They were trying to find a leading man and many tests were made of Hollywood players. But after seeing one of George Brent both Miss Chatterton and the studio executives decided that the young Broadway actor was the man. Later when she played in “The Crash” he was again leading man. When it came to “Frisco Jenny,” however, there was no part that was suited to Brent’s type of work, so he did not appear with her. However, when she played “Lilly Turner” he again played opposite Miss Chatterton. Now in her latest picture, “Female,” which comes to the... . Theatre on... ., he has the leading masculine role, and incidentally is the only lover in the picture Miss Chatterton is unable to bend to her iron will. Her role is that of a big business executive who flirts outrageously after office hours with the handsome young men in her employ. She is as ruthless in love as she is in business until she finds the one who will not bend to her will, whereupon she discovers that he is the only man whom she can’t do _ without, which revolutionizes her entire mode of life. This unusual screen play by Gene Markey and Kathryn Scola was directed by William Dieterle. Others in the cast include Ruth Donnelly, Lois Wilson, Ferdinand Gottschalk and Johnny Mack Brown. Opposite Ruth Again George Brent is seen in “Female,” Ruth Chatterton starring film due at the Strand Friday. It is his fourth role with the popular star. Mat No. 24, Price 5c. Seven Rare Italian Prints Are Shown in "Female" A group of seven rare Italian prints of the last century—two of them steel engravings more than a hundred years old—adorn the walls of the heroine’s residence in “Female,” Ruth Chatterton’s latest starring vehicle for First National, which comes to the... . Theatre OBsanirar The star has the role of a young, American business woman, head of a great automobile manufacturing concern. As many of the important scenes of the story take place in the various rooms of her palatial mansion, the rare prints were used to help the general air of wealth conveyed by the grandeur of the sets. William Dieterle directed “Female.” George Brent, her husband, has the leading masculine role. Page Three