Female (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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e 7 see ee ee! ee q ee ee ee ee ee ee See eee eee | Sf Le an eee ee es en oy ae eke 4 Jim Thorne When Alison Drake steps into her father’s shoes as president of the Drake Motor Car Company, she decides to live her life like a man, ruthless in business and in love. Like Katherine the Great of Russia, she selects as her sweethearts any and all the handsome young men who attract her, mostly from her own office. Her system is to order them to come to her home, ostensibly to talk over business, but in reality to make love to them. Unlike Alison Drake, the young men are unable to divorce love from business. Each in turn, thinking he is the first and only one, falls madly in love with her, and each turns up at the office the next morning expecting | smiles and caresses, only to receive a cold shoulder. When they annoy her by openly showing their love, she transfers them to another town. Social affairs bore her. Nevertheless, she is compelled to entertain for business reasons. At one such party, she is so bored, she slips away and sallies forth in search of adventure. She picks up a man at a shooting gallery. At first he rebuffs her, but finally takes her to a dance as a lark. When she insists on going home with him, he tells her curtly he does not care for pick-ups. Next morning the two come face to face in the office. He thinks she is an employee, and she finds he is Jim Thorne, an engineer whom she had engaged on his reputation, without seeing him. Jim is dumbtounded to find she is the president. Alison talks business coolly, then orders him to come to her home that evening. She follows the same routine as with her other lovers, but he tells her he prefers feminine women and likes to do the hunting himself. Jim attends to business but will have nothing to do with his boss socially. Baffled, Alison stages a fake office picnic and arranges it so that only she and Jim are present. Discovering the hoax, he is about to leave, when she prevails upon him to help her make a fire. Before the evening is over, he succumbs. The next morning he appears at the office with a marriage license. She coolly rebuffs him, telling him her petting parties are in no way serious. Furious, he quits. When she learns that he is on his way East in a car, | she finds she is really in love with | him. Alison’s firm is in bad shape, and | she has an appointment to meet some bankers in the East to raise funds, which are absolutely imperative to keep the concern from bankruptcy. But she follows Jim and lets the business go. After a long chase, she finds him. Jim rebuffs her again, but when she breaks into tears and informs him she is letting the business go to smash because of him, he gathers, her in his arms. > peancnnasszansssmavangnacs=¥*--nenn—-oe~ onan pono Ame gg ~ Harriet Pettigrew Claybourne IPD stoke eee Johnny FRE Ee Bib Nat Ruth Donnelly Ran Tima Seales OMN 5 bin Lois Wilson POO ae, Maehit eee i650 os Phillip Reed gris eave Se At tee ee Rafaelo Ottiano LIES a ai ih OPE sear Sa Ee a PRE eS oe Gavin Gordon NOMTGE Menten aek sede Edward Cooper te Nal Se ae Pe VEEN Spencer Charters Fee El AR tia Ruth Chatterton Mack Brown First National Pictures, Inc, and The Vitaphone Corp. 25% presents RUTH CHATTERTON 100% | in : “FEMALE” 75% with George Brent 75% Johnny Mack Brown 60% Ruth Donnelly, Lois Wilson 60% Directed by Michael Curtiz 20% A First National and Vitaphone Picture 40% 5402 feet 60 minutes RUTH CHATTERTON James’ plays. eS ' Ip bo Nae was. Mat No. 37 Price 5c Us” and “The Crash.” GEORGE BRENT George Brent, featured player at the Warner Bros.-First National Studio, who will next be : seen in an important role “Female,” JOHN MACK BROWN John Mack Brown was born at Dothan, Alabama, and later atI tended the University of Alabama. y = There he became a football star, with Ruth and before-leaving college was a Zz Chatterton, was born. in national figure in the game. Coming to Ho ood soon after graduation, he was given a test by M-G-M, through the good offices of George Fawcett, veteran actor. His first big role was with Marion Davies in “The Fair Co-Ed.” Dublin, Ireland, and educated in the university there. His | first stage ex There followed important assignMat No. 31 Dune ae ments in “A Lady of Chance,” Price de eiharinides OF with Norma Shearer and “Coiti ee: = i caer one tim: aette.*-with Mat ACKTOTAS eee es TP De are Be ego Be : Re ee ET BROCE: SWhed. Six, Sais sree Later, he appeared with Greta screen role was’ with Ruth | Garbo in “A Woman of Affairs,” with Joan Crawford in “Montana Moon,” in the title role of “Billy the Kid,” in “The Great Meadow” and “The Secret Six.” At the time he was working in “Female” with Ruth Chatterton, he also was appearing in an important role in “Son of a Sailor,” opposite Joe E, Brown, at the same studios. Chatterton, to whom he is now married, in “The Rich Are Always With Us.” Other pictures in which he has had prominent roles are “The Crash,” “Baby Face,” “The Keyhole,” “They Call Tt’ Sin;? hey. Purchase <Price;” “Week-End Marriage,” “Miss Pinkerton,”’ “So Big,” “Lilly Turner” and “42nd Street.” LOIS WILSON Lois Wilson was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., and moved at an early age to Birmingham, Ala. She attended the public schools of Birmingham and later the Alabama | Director State Normal College. There she é won a motion picture company’s beauty contest and came to Hollywood. She appeared first for Universal and then for Paramount-Famous Players-Lasky. Among her outstanding films were “The Covered Wagon,’ “The Thundering Herd,” “Miss Lulu Bett,’ “The Gingham Girl,’’ “Broadway Photography Nights” and “What Every Woman Knows.” RUTH CHATTERTON — “Lilly Turner,” “Frisco Jenny,” “The Crash,” “The Rich Are Always with Us,” “Madame X,” “Sarah GAVIN GORDON—“Two Against the World,” “Hard to Handle,” “The Wax Museum,” “American Madness,” “Man Against Woman.” RAFAELO OTTIANO—‘Washington Masquerade,” “Grand Hotel,” “As You Desire Me.” ~, and Son.” GEORGE BRENT—“Lilly Turner,” “42nd Street,” “Baby Face,” “The Crash,” “The Keyhole,” | “They Call It Sin,” “Week End | STERLING HOLLOWAY—! Marriage.” RUTH DONNELLY — “Footlight Parade,” “Hard to Handle,” “Bureau of Missing Persons,” “Lilly Turner,” “Employees’ Entrance.” FERDINAND GOTTSCHALK — “Gold Diggers of 1933,” “The Keyhole,” “She Had to Say Yes,” “Grand Slam,” “Ex-Lady,” “Girl Missing.” “Blondie Johnson,” “Wild Boys of the Road,” “Elmer the Great.” KENNETH THOMSON — “The Little Giant,’ “Lawyer Man,” “Man Wanted,” “The Famous Ferguson Case,” “The Bellamy Trial,” “The Other Tomorrow.” DOUGLAS DUMBRILLE—“I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang,” “Baby Face,” “Elmer the Great,” “Working Man.” SOTEEH: Play coc. By ee OnE Tisalogue: Dire cherie cas eee oe a Pilea ator ee Ruth Chatterton, born in New York City, began her stage career at 14. At 17 she was a star and director of her own company of twenty. One of her greatest stage triumphs was in “Mary , Rose,” by Sir James Barrie, she, along with Ethel Barrymore and Maude Adams being the only American actresses ever to be starred in one of Sir At the time of her advent in pictures, she was one of the leading stars of the American stage. Her first film appearance was with Emil Jannings, the German actor, who picked her as his leading lady from a screen test, without knowing who she Always a consummate actress and richly endowed with stage experience, she easily adapted herself to the changed conditions of a screen role and was outstanding in her first effort in pictures. Since then she has gained even a greater popularity. than she enjoyed as a stage star. Some of her biggest screen successes are “Madame X,” “Sarah and Son,” “Lilly Turner,” “Frisco Jenny,” “The Rich Are Always With RUTH DONNELLY Ruth Donnelly was born in Trenton, N. J., a niece of Mayor Fred Donnelly of that city, who has the long distance record of holding down that chair for twenty-two years. She was trained for the stage from childhood and started her theatrical career in the chorus with Ina Claire in “The Quaker Girl.” She was with George M. Cohan for four years and played comedy leads with Broadway shows for many seasons before entering pictures. Miss Donnelly went to Hollywood a little more than a year ago appearing in m “roles in severa pictures. Her first distinctive hit came with her role in “Blessed Event,” after which she was signed by Warner Bros. Her recent pictures include “Goodbye Again,” “Private Detective 62,” “Lilly Turner,” “Hard to Handle,” ‘Employees’ Entrance,” “Ladies They Talk About,” “Bureau of Missing Persons” and “Footlight Parade.” HEseah Ie wet eee cee Ne Michael Curtiz ..Gene Markey and Kathryn Scola ip ses pM MST Stanley Logan REY PUM tole AEDS ERR Sid Hickox Dah: yee eA a Jack Killifer vias AEG DCU Sct Jack Okey CO PON US) Mearns ce Orry-Kelly Leo F. Forbstein WALTER WALKER — “Hard to Handle,” “Employees’ Entrance,” “You Said a Mouthful,” “Two Against the World.” SPENCER CHARTERS—“Twenty Thousand Years in Sing Sing,” “The Match King,” “I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang,” “Jewel Robbery.” LOIS WILSON — “The Crash,” “Stranger in Town,” “Secrets of Wu Sin,” “Devil Is Driving.” JOHN MACK BROWN — “The Great. Meadow,” “Billy the Kid,” “The Secret Six,” “Flames.” WILLIAM DIETERLE (director) —“‘Grand Slam,” “Lawyer Man,” “The Crash,” “Scarlet Dawn,” “Jewel Robbery,” “Man Wanted.” | “Sin Several |