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Fifty Million Frenchmen (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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! Paris Gown Contest Here is a most unusual contest guaranteed to bring big results both for your newspaper and your box: | office: The presents corking exploitation angles that will | sell “Fifty Million Frenchmen” to your public one hundred percent. same some | Below is given your announcement story which is self explanatory. The amount of cash prizes to be offered is of course to be determined according to your particular situation. DESIGN PARIS GOWNS STRAND THEATRE OFFERS CASH PRIZES FOR BEST DESIGNERS Contracts hold charming Claudia Dell in America precludes her annual trip abroad this year to which replenish her supply of Paris gowns. Furthermore Miss Dell, star of “Fifty Million Frenchmen,’ the magnificent photoplay in song and color coming to the Strand next | week, is of the opinion that right here in (local city) she can secure enough clever and original gown de signs which will truly typify the Paris idea of novel, daring and eyefilling attire for her professional and private use. Backing up this contention and with an anxiety to prepare her ’ wardrobe at the earliest possible date, Claudia Dell is sponsoring a Paris Gown Design Contest, open to all readers of the Times. nt in Gold. The 2nd prize $. 3rd Prize $!..... and 4th cash PLIZC! 29-2 Se. Twenty additional prizes of Two Free Tickets each to witness “Fifty Million Frenchmen” at the Strand will be awarded the next best Paris Gown Designs submitted. Conditions of the contest are as follows. 1—All ideas must be mailed to Paris Gown Contest Editor of the Times before (closing date of contest). 2—Designs should be submitted in pen and ink or colors. Pencil drawings will not be accepted. 3—The sketches must be accompanied by a description of the colors and materials used. 4—Judges in the contest will be the Contest Editor, Manager ...... See of The Strand and (NOTE. Name some well known local modiste). So come on, all of you who feel that they have some clever gown idea, (it can be designed for stage, street or evening wear) and send in your sketches as soon as possible. As space permits we will publish some of those we deem worthy until all entries are in. We will also place these designs as received upon exhibition in the lobby of the Strand Theatre. Play Up Natural Color The ultimate in realistic coloring dominates Paris so get behind this angle through every medium at your command. In all ad copy, on your marquee, on your screen and in your lobby, play up Technieolor. Tell your public that the most. gorgeously costumed photoplay of the age is glorified in all its dazzling, glittering hues through the introduction of the last word in lifelike color The splendor of the deepest shades, the most delicate tints and the metallic lustre of silver and gold is revealed with true realism in “Fifty Million Frenchmen” — Four From Herbert Fields’ Stage Success That Ran For Two Solid Seasons at $6.69 9 seat. Learn W hy Fifty Million FrenchGet That men Way! Cut Ne. 9 Cut goc Mat toc Fashion Show ————————— Crammed Full Of The Kind of Excitement Americans Spend Millions To See! If ever a picture lent itself un qualifiedly to a real fashion show hookup, “Fifty Million Frenchmen” is that picture. The title alone would justify such an exploitation feature. This opportunity should not be overlooked. department store should prove your Your leading best cooperating unit, as they usually are the ace advertisers both in newspapers and mailing lists and could get behind the proposition 100 percent. You also can tie up with a number of competitive gown shops, allowing each an equal num ber of gown exhibits and models. Under this plan, the fashion show must be held on your stage or at least in a spacious foyer, using of course your lobby for a bally exWith the department store, the same can be held hibit of gowns. in their salon, which takes care of situations where exhibitors have not sufficient stage event you get the benefit of wonderful window trims hooking up “Fifty Million Frenchmen” with the style room. In either show, featuring Paris creations or copies. Certain gowns should be designated as duplicates of those worn by Claudia Dell. If you use the competitive shop idea, be sure to put across a double truck with your newspapers. Use the spread lead—Paris Leads In Style and Photoplay Entertainment. “Fifty Million Frenchmen Can’t Be Wrong.” You ean also use or_ substitute “Bringing Paris To (Local City.”) Marquee Decorations To give your “Fifty Million Frenchmen” engagement the proper atmospheric setting, by all means decorate the marquee in the French colors, with French and American flags draped beneath the marquee, over the entrance and a replica of the seal of the French Republic centered between same. Here is another natural when it comes to local dealer cooperation. When you think of “Fifty Million Frenchmen” you think of travel and a voyage across the sea. This is the angle to present to your leading luggage shops. An exclusive window trip suggestive of a trip to Paris trunks, hat boxes and wardrobe trunks is the should ~ result. Steamer steamer rugs, hand baggage, logical merchandise to display. Secure or fake steamship labels “PARIS First Cabin” and attach to each unit. Copy for tieup card is given. here. Supplement the trim with plenty of material from photoplay, including poster cutouts, stills and window streamers. When You See “FIFTY MILLION FRENCHMEN” at. the STRAND this week you'll want to see PARIS this summer. The last word in luggage and vacation equipment greets you here. NOTE—This same sort of coopera tion can be secured with merchants who make up steamer baskets, dealers in all sorts of novelties and equipment for travel as well as stores handling clothing especially adapted and sold to vacationists and voyagers. tra or organist arrange a special Theatre Parties For French Organizations Secure the membership lists of all French societies,, orders and lodges in your locality. Get out a special announcement for mailing with French colors or flag printed upon same stating that such and such a night will be known as (name of society) night and that special entertainment in addition to “Fifty Million Frenchmen” will be provided. For this feature you can engage vocalists to put over French numbers, have your orches program of popular and _ classic French numbers, also some short subject that will prove of especial interest to your French populace. Decorate lobby, boxes and balcony rails in French colors for this occasion. In many instances you can secure the wholehearted support of the secretary of one of these French societies or some other influential officer in same, who will bring the matter up at their meeting or send out his own announcements regarding this special night. You can also arrange to sell a block of seats at a discount and allow the cooperating society to sell them to individual members or outsiders with a special ticket of their own at the regular or advanced price should they desire to use this means for raising funds for any purpose. In all panels have yvu. artist | create the typical French poster! effect with the chic French dancing girls predominating, the champagne bottles, the suggested outlines of the high-hatted Frenchman, ete. Give the lobby a gala appearance with vari-colored toy balloons and multicolored streamers as the main decorative feature, together with suspended dancing dolls in typically Parisian attire. If you have an island box-office, a miniature model of Eifel Tower will add to the general effect. This last unit can be constructed easily and cheaply out of wall board by your sign-artist, by following the general lines of the illustrations in this press sheet. If your lobby is spacious enough, one corner can be devoted to the reproduction of a bit of the typical Paris boulevard cafe with its stripped awning, small iron table and chairs with the wall background a fac-simile of the French-windowed eafe exterior with suitable sign reading “Mont Martre”’ “Beaux Arts” or similar name. TREAT THEM TO THE TRAILER It’s Frenchy! It’s Funny! range of stores which to arrange this cooperation that specialty and gift shops, art dealers, stores, chain five and ten stores and innumerable others. entire windows to importations Paris with suitable tieup material from the photoplay. It’s Overflowing with — Frills, Folderols and Feminiity — It’s Fetching — Screen It Early and Often POST CARDS TURN THE TRICK The personal interest shown by posteards is rewarded by increased attendance. Send out a raft of them to herald the coming of “Fifty Million Frenchmen.” Dear Friend: May we announce . next as the opening date for Warner Bros. “Fifty Million Frenchmen,” a comedy so gay, a romance so captivating—in rainbow colors that capture all the glory that is Paris—that we really want all our friends to enjoy it. We trust to see you during the. engagement. Very sincerely yours, Paris Novelties Your field here is practically un limited for bona-fide tieups with a and shops with ineludes department stores, chain and independent drug Arrange for be devoted to from and novelties The Capitol Of Joy at its Merriest, Maddest, Gayest! . A Warner ; Bros. and Vitaphone Technicolor Hit. “ s 50 MILL FRENCHMEN with OLSEN & JOHNSON The Maniacs of Mirth William Gaxton, John Halliday, Claudia Dell and Helen Broderick Cut No. 12 Cut 20c Mat 5c Gown Shop Tieup Your department store or smart shops offer tieup possibilities that should not be overlooked. Every city boasts several establishments that feature Paris importations and exclusive window displays of these models tied in with the photoplay “FKifty Million Frenchmen,” is bound to attract. Use an array of stills showing Miss Claudia Dell in various gowns, which are plentiful in the regular sets of stills. The tieup ecard can read— “FIFTY MILLION FRENCHMEN PLACED THEIR STAMP OF APPROVAL UPON THE EXCLUSIVE PARIS MODELS.” This same cooperative arrangement can be made with stores dealing in ‘copies’ of Paris frocks and gowns. One or two can be labeled “EXACT COPY OF ORIGINAL PARIS GOWN RECENTLY IMPORTED BY WARNER BROS. PICTURES FOR THE MAKING OF “FIFTY MILLION FRENCHMEN” AT THE STRAND THEATRE.” If you have a local store with an exceptionally alluring array of these gowns, you ¢an arrange for a corking attention arresting display of same in your lobby.