Fifty Million Frenchmen (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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Most Of i INANIMATETHINGS |Many Screen Extras ARE SCREEN TYPES | Reach Lot in Cars i illi h » | Players in “Fifty Million French “Fifty Million Pistare New| men,” Warner Bros. Comedy at Theatre Exhibits Now at : er Curious Collection of ForOrdered to Come to Stu eign Made Cars. in Their Own Autos. \ (Current Story) egies Se “All extras must have their own Hollywood’s types are known to| cars.” inelude all sorts and conditions of] The above is an excerpt of a promen, women and children and to cover| duction office bulletin at Warner Bros. all walks in life. But there are other} during the filming of the Vitaphone types, too, in the realm of the| Technicolor comedy special, “Fifty inanimate. Million Frenchmen,” now at the .... Furniture, objects of art, clothing,|.----------Theatre. settings, pie and small properties| Several hundred automobiles of all of great value are stored in the mo-| makes, both domestic and ee tion picture studios. These inanimate| were used in scenes of Alls sae things must be exactly the type when French farce. As the drivers of the a talking picture is made with a for-| cars had to look like native Parisians, eign background. The authentic oband others like tourists, and wear apjects are used, if they are available. propriate clothes and makeup, Director If not, exact duplicates, correct in Lloyd Bacon instructed his assistant the minutest detail, are made. to hire only extras who owned cars One of the most valuable “types” and could bring them to the studio. apae However, all extra players were : dio is pa = ee is given an additional pay check for the : renté heir automobiles in addi : : ait rental of t Se a ae ee tion to the regular pay check for their : : service. purchased from those in America who aes = : owned these foreign models. The colOne quick-witted extra, who did : a car . cast-off model lection includes cars from every major not <b iceeptesed, bought Sees es country with French and other contifor almost nothing and worked im the : : picture as the driver of his dilapidated nental designs predominant. Aievex: ; Olsen and Johnson, William Gax ton, John Halliday, Helen Broderick, Claudia Dell, Lester Crawford, Nat Carr, Vera Gordon and others complete the cast of “Fifty Million Frenchmen,” which was adapted from the Broadway stage hit by Joseph Jackson, Al Boasberg and This remarkable collection of foreign automobiles is seen in “mifty Million Frenchmen,” Warner Bros. Vitaphone technicolor comedy special of American innocents in Paris now at the Theatre. Not only do they provide correct atmosphere for the picture, but furnish the background for some of the funniest) pgqie Welch. sequences in this frisky farce. The story depicts the hilarious ac Olsen and Johnson, maniacs of| tivities of a group of American “in monkey business, are featured iM} yocents abroad,” with Paris as the “Fifty Million Frenchmen,” in which} hackorannd af tha eamod~ : : en on me wo mysterious dete ~ vue wilds of Gay Paree. William Gaxton, Helen Broderick and Lester Crawford of the original New York stage production, from which the Vitaphone story is adapted, enact their same roles in the picture. John Halliday, Claudia Dell, Nat Carr, Vera Gordon, Charles Judels and others complete the all-star east. Lloyd Bacon directed “Fifty Million Frenchmen.” "es CHARACTER ACTORS IN PARISIAN COMEDY (Advance Story) Vera Gordon and Natt Carr, prominent stage and screen players are featured with Olsen and Johnson in “Fifty Million Frenchmen,” the Warner Bros. and Vitaphone Technicolor comedy special which comes to the Theatre METROPOLITAN Says Oisen:— “Now I know what fifty million Frenchmen can’t be _ wrong about!”’ Says Johnson:— “Let's go!” FIFTY > MILLION | /FRENCHMEN, With most of the original Broadway cast. OLSEN & JOHNSON John Halliday, Claudia Dell, Helen Broderick, — And A Hundred HandPicked French Beauties. \ ‘ Cut No. 16 Cut goc Mat roc Y The Original Bro In It. Billy Gaxton Is adway Stars Are Pep Personified! Can’t be wrong! See the famous cafes; big doings at the Ritz bar; American sugar-daddies an d their French sweeties; Zellies, the races at Longchamps; Harry’s N. Y. Bar where drinking is a pleasure; hundreds of Gendarmes chasing two Americans through Paris; and an American playboy chasing a dazzling blonde everywhere! I’?s One Grand ei — _-y~ Uncon trolable Laughter! MA STBA 20th and MARKET An American Girl Turns Paris Topsy-Turvy! FIFTY MILLIO FRENCHME wee PS UM A Warner Bros. Vitaphone Picture With OLSEN and JOHNSON e Willten., Glevtioen Helen | Rrodericl f ; Beaders in London and Paris? 4 ns ee ep aN ee) a |, ST» li 9. Vs AP a Abas FAA AAAs John Halliday, Lester Crawford, Claudia Dell, Nat Carr, Vera Gordon. And A Hundred Hand-Picked French Beauties! Cut No. 14 Cut 60c Mat 15¢ Olsen and Johnson, Inc., Here in Gay Parisian Comedy Warner Bros. “Fifty Million Frenchmen’’ now at ______--__Theatre, Features World’s Funniest Clowns. (Current Story) The well-known “maniacs of monkey business” ar e no longer known as Olsen and Johnson, as far as their business affairs are concerned. They are Olsen and Johnson Incorporated. The popular screen comedians who are featured in the latest Warner Bros. and Vitaphone production, “Fifty Million Frenchmen,” the curront-atiraction at -the=< ia. Theatre, have officially incorporated themselves as a business organization. Their cards are engraved “Olsen and Johnson, Inc.,” though they are still Ole Olsen and Chie Johnson to their friends. These favorite princes of clowning enact American detectives in Paris in “Fifty Million Frenchmen,” which is adapted for the screen from the original stage play and filmed entirely in natural colors. William Gaxton, John Halliday, Helen Broderick, Claudia Dell, Lester Crawford, Nat Carr, Vera Gordon, Charles Judels and others c¢omplete the all-star cast. Lloyd Bacon directed. Joseph Jackson, Al Boasberg and Eddie Welch prepared the sereen play and dialogue. Boy Excels In Film As| Advance Fashions in “Infant Terrible” Gay French Film (Biography as of Jan. 15, 1931) Advance feminine fashions that 7 Pari ! f Another talented youngster, barely — are WS fer ae : : ; months to come are worn by mementering his teens, has tossed his cap bers of the cast of “Fifty Million into the cinematic ring to make his bid for screen fame. He is Norman Hrénchmen,” Warngr Bros. aug =e J1 ty Tr . . taphone Tecl lor comed ecial Phillips, Jr. who plays his first imgees sare 7 Soe now at the Theatre. portant film role in “Fifty Million Heel Lack who desioned the aa : origFrenchmen,” the Warner Bros. and . . . : ; . .|inal creations, made a special study Vitaphone Technicolor comedy special of fashion trends before originating now at the Theatre. the modes displayed in this frisky Norman, who is not quite twelve farce. By making a eareful survey years of age, enacts a tough kid tourof last season’s and this year’s styles, ing Europe with his parents in “Fifty| Luick has calculated the future Million Frenchmen,” in which Olsen | fashions. and Johnson, the screen’s craziest| Feminine members of the all-star clowns, have featured roles. east of “Fifty Million Frenchmen” who wear these advance creations inelude Claudia Dell, Helen Broderick, Nat Carr, Vera Gordon, Daisy Belmore and others. Many mannikins, typical of French resorts, also display additional styles. Olsen and Johnson, William Gaxton, John Halliday, Charles Judels, Lester Crawford, and others complete the list of players in “Fifty Million Frenchmen” which Joseph Warner Bros., who brought to fame Davie Lee and, more recently, Leon Janney, are responsible for Norman Phillips, Jr. getting a break in the talkies. William Gaxton, John Halliday, Helen Broderick, Claudia Dell, Lester Crawford, Vera Gordon, Nat Carr, Charles Judels and others complete the cast of “Fifty Million French men” which is adapted from the|Jackson adapted from the BroadNew York stage hit. Lloyd Bacon|way stage hit. directed. Lloyd Bacon directed. Three Full Pages Of EXPLOITATION Suggestions, Ideas, Stunts, Tie-ups. Enough to make “Fifty Million Frenchmen” Your Biggest Profit-Getter. See Pages 2-3-4 Page Nine